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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. Thank you Corrie and Christina.


    Christina on the image resized to 600pix, it's like the frame is jagged. The frame is rectangular and the proportions are ok. It's a bit hard to explain what I mean, but with the un-resized version everything is ok. :-)

  2. -A picture of a butterfly I took early this week during a walk with my dog Poncho.

    -a mask made with the script maskmaker from Carole

    -Background layer filled with a gradient made with colors of the butterfly

    -duplicated and on this second layer , effects - artistic effects - enamel, and opacity of the layer at 30

    -2 freebie watercolor borders left and right

    -made a frame and also used the color of the butterfly

    -and the freebee watercolor alpha


    Lots of colors!


    for some reason something goes wrong with the frame when resizing to 600 pix.

  3. for this project I used several techniques but I can't say exactly which tutorials I used.

    It is cut out word (Poncho, name of my dog) in a photo and with the help of masks the photos are placed in the letters.

  4. Congratulations on the 10 year scrapbook campus Carole !

    I discovered paintshop pro in 2004. Then I followed all kinds of tutorials on the internet. I discovered the Campus in 2017, since October 2020 I have a Diamond membership and since then I have learned a lot about, and what one can do with Paintshop Pro.

    You are a super good teacher, the tutorials and video turorials and webinars are always very clearly explained.

    The fact that one can download the videos and/or the handout or notebook of the tutorial is super handy! and very nice that there is an extra download of a template, and/or font.

    Thank you !


    This creation is from February 2020 I made with this tutorial https://scrapbookcampus.com/2019/01/out-of-bound-technique/

  5. wow! you all have worked so much, so nice to see all those beautiful and different pages. It's Sunday evening 22:15

    I've been absent for 3 days, so I have a lot to catch up on.


    Val, thank you so much for your sweet comment

  6. Thank you Carole, I'm glad you like the theme.


    Sorry I don't write much about your beautiful pages, but it's not easy for me to write in English, and Google helps me every time, and that's not the same as when you really speak the language. I understand everything in English, but writing and expressing myself in English is not so easy.

    So sorry for that


    This is my page for Day 3

  7. Carole, in lmost everything I make with paintshop my dog is the center of attention, so I thought I could be more innovative, and opt for something different.

    After the cover here is the second page

    Later in the challenge I hope to update the cover.


    to everyone,

    It's so nice to see all those beautiful layouts and different ideas, I'm looking forward to see your next page

  8. Hello everyone, what a beautiful magazine pages are already here.

    For me this is the first time to create such pages, here is the first. The city of Leuven (Belgium) where I live is a city rich in street art. The photo I used for the cover can be seen Not far from my house.

  9. Thank you Annie, I registered for the webinar on shadows, but it's late here in Belgium when it goes on and so wasn't live, today I saw the replay, and I'm glad there's another part 2 coming.

    Thanks for the tip from the tutorial for laser cut doilies, I'll look it up


    Thank you Cristina.

  10. Crochet is one of my hobbies.

    Besides going out into nature with my dog and photographing flora and fauna, I crochet or knit. Also puzzling (1000 piece jigsaw puzzles), and of course working with paintshop Pro. Between these hobbies I also read books.


    With this page I show some shawls I made.

    As always I struggle with the shadows.

  11. Hi Carole and everyone,


    I live in Belgium, luckily the part of Belgium where we live has been spared from the floods. So I'm ok here, as well as my family and my husband's family.

    I hope the same for other members here.


    Thank you Carole for your concern.



    Marie Claire

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