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Ann Seeber

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Posts posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Cars have always resonated with me. As a teen, I was right there with the guys salivating over the hot cars tooling down Main St. Eventually, I worked enough to get my very own car and lucked out with a used 1967 Chevy Camaro in cream puff condition. I still miss that car!

    FIRST CAR-67 CAMARO_600.jpg

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  2. I had a couple of new bird sightings according to my Merlin app so I used the photos for a layout based on a template by Marisa Larin. It seems to use the "table" concept that Carole mentioned since I rotated the entire template 90 degrees. It was a treat to see this bright yellow warbler!

    yellow warbler and song sparrow_600.jpg

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  3. 6 hours ago, fiona cook said:

    Hi Rene, I think I know what could be achieved by that...to make the frame look a bit like a tyre? I like the idea (and thank you for your interest) but am out of my depth on how to do it. I have tried making a selection and then using the Inner Bevel command but nothing seems to register. Any suggestions?

    Is it possible it's a vector shape? That would keep the effect from working. Just convert to raster and it should work.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rene Marker said:

    You don't have to make a selection to use the inner bevel. As long as the frame is on its on layer, you just go to Affects/3D Affects/Inner Bevel.

    Is it possible it's a vector shape? That would keep the effect from working. Just convert to raster and it should work.

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  5. 30 minutes ago, Michele said:

    I'm considering a new laptop, too. 

    Ah, Michele, what can I say... when in doubt/throw it out! Oh my. Good luck. That may be your best option. Please keep us updated when possible. 🙃

    • Haha 1
  6. I know it doesn't address your problem, but I posted Week Eighteen in the May thread for P52. Your issue must be very annoying as I know you are meticulous with your presentations. Looking forward to seeing what might be causing this. Good luck! ❤️

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  7. 40 minutes ago, brook tim said:

    Hellow everybody!  I am Brooktim 

    Welcome, Brooktim. Hope to see you around the Campus. I'm from NY. Where are you from?

  8. 23 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Here is my  font challege page.  I was in a scallops frfame of mind when I was creating this page.  Earlier this week, we had sleet, and a lot of rain, the following day Mother nature's smallest and oldest  living organisms exploded into an aray of  colour out in the trees.  Ok, I had to down on my hands and knees to view the show, but none the less it was spectacular.


    and scallopy it is! I do think a shadow would improve the title font. It needs something... 

  9. 25 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:


    I assume you have tried all of the obvious, like uninstalling and reinstalling.  Are you able to use another version?  I would seriously recommend you contact geek squad,  the worst they can say to you is  that  they are unable to help, yet they just might be able to delve deep into the workings of your computer and fingers crossed possibly find a solution, it can't do any harm. 

    Sue, thank you but I was advising Michele. I do not have any computer or PSP problems at the moment *fingers crossed!

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Michele, that is so demoralizing (and frustrating).  Don't you wish you could just phone them and have them log in to your computer and just fix it.  I sure hope they look at  you as a long standing members(read: continual BUYER of their product) and snap-to-it when it comes to supporting you.  I wonder what country their tech support is in, could that have an explanation why the communication is so slow?

    If I had a problem I would go to Carole first.

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  11. Here's what I've been distracted by recently. I was a bit astounded to find a parrot at my bird feeders! All the supplies came from Marisa Lerin, mostly from her Template 530 and Bolivia Mini-Kit. The title font is Algerian, and the text font is Agency. I'd like to introduce you to the Quaker Parrot "Sweetie Pie".

    QUAKER PARROT 05-02-24_600.jpg

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  12. My Week Eighteen - the Chipping Sparrow. They are tiny little birds and I love their rufous caps. They are all over the ground under my feeders. The photo is from Merlin which ID'd it for me.


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  13. 1 hour ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Ann, Christina, I love both your pages. At the moment I am still in California and I just checked in to see what the new month brings. I am pretty much occupied here with all kind of things. Made a lot of flower photos, visited interesting places, enjoyed family time and helped with book interviews in the class of my youngest granddaughter! Coming weekend we will be going to Yosemite National Park and on Tuesday I will be flying home. So end of next week after my jet lag I am back in the Campus, albeit a bit sad after saying farewell to my dearests. See you all soon!

    I miss you, Corrie. Hope you're having a BLAST! 😉 Safe travels on your journey home.

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  14. 28 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Day 7 Diamond Extra

    Photos from 2022 when the world was being contained (or were we coming out of containment by then?) I started doing flower flat-lays and well, I contained them too.  I had to buy the flowers as I have never grown them before.  2023 was my breakout year for learning to grow flowers.  

    Font is Gill Sans Ultra bold (formerly from Microsoft) that I had to scoop off my laptop since Windows 10 didn't have it anymore.  I used the technique we learned in the Text Workshop (and there is a blog post on it too) where the outline can be used separately, which I added a bevel too.  

    Side note:  I think my brain has turned to mush.  My shadows, even at 80% have been looking soft and lighter and I thought, oh oh, something is wrong with my eyes.  Today I just noticed the shadow color wasn't black but a dark grey.  Geez, when did I change that and why?  

    Day 7 Diamond QP- Contained-600.jpg

    Those are so pretty, Suz! I wasn't a fan of this layout but you've "contained" it well! 😉

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  15. This photo by Irv Richardson was posted on the Substack: "Letters from an American" by the historian, Dr. Heather Cox Richardson. He is her brother. It was taken in Maine, where they are based. The title font is Segoe and treated to an inner bevel and shadow. 


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  16. 22 minutes ago, Mary Solaas said:

    And the non-scrap for lesson 6.  I changed the background with Adjust>Color and Adjust>HueSaturationLightness to contrast with the blues, whites, and greys of the pictures.


    I like the color contrast, Mary. I am having trouble trying to read your text in this reduced version. Could you post it separately? Thanks!

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  17. My Lesson 6 - font is Myanmar Text and Santa Claus. I turned the entire layout sideways and re-arranged a lot of the elements. I enjoy fiddling with stuff like that. The tall center row of hearts is a cass-heart brush tip used with the eraser tool and an added background layer of burnt orange.



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  18. Not a fan of this QP but I fiddled with the decor and the opacity to create a display of some black and white photos from my family's past. The title font is My Butterfly massaged a bit with the Sculpture Effect. 


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