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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. I got the Word Slat and Open Book. Both are awesome. Here is Word Slat
  2. I had to try out the Open Book Script I just bought so here's my OLD Lesson 6 - (still trying to come up with a story for a new version).
  3. One result of the Carole's Birthday Shopping Spree: I got the Word Slats Script I wanted especially for this photo of Magic saying "CHEESE." I used a pastel shiny paper background and added two PSP Frames, one with translucent edges and one with texture. Added shadows and voilà!
  4. Impressive, Susan. I've never encountered an angel at the only farm in our family, out in Granby, Connecticut, USA. Those cars buried in the weeds look authentic, though. ?
  5. I suddenly recalled doing this series of classes before and found Lesson 6 from two years ago. This one will be hard for me to top... !
  6. Here is Lesson 5 - My husband and I owned and operated the Warwick Drive-In Theater from 1977 - 1997. Frank's daughter Beth and her husband took over ownership and are still operating it today. I do a little work from home on advertising and social media for the theater. It happened to be a panoramic photo I had handy so, though I don't usually "toot our horn" here we are! The title font is Elephant. The background is a gradient with a little grass texture. We are open every night from March through Halloween. We're located in New York's Mid-Hudson Valley, about 60 miles from New York City. Our visitors have been know to drive up from Long Island for the weekend as there are lots of things to do in our area, including the newest Legoland.
  7. Like Gerry, I chose birds for my Day 4-Scattered. Mine are from using the Merlin App on my mobile phone which records birdsong when I'm out in the yard and then will give me a nice photo to match. The cats are not from Merlin. ? I also used a Yin Template. The background is a Waterfall Gradient with some grass texture at the bottom. The title font is Broadway with an embossed white shadow. My indoor cats, Adam & Eve, are looking out the window and outdoors, Maybelline holds court with the bird flocks. She is quite feral and will not come near me when I leave some food out for her.
  8. Day 3 - My husband and I visited the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco while visiting our daughter's family for a high school graduation.
  9. Here's my Day 2 - My fishy ??
  10. kasany: Very interesting page. Tell me about the background. Is it a paper or a special treatment?
  11. Finally finished Lesson 1 - Our trip to Acapulco, Mexico in 2008. We went every January for a week for about 15 years.
  12. I don't know if my collectables qualify as "miniatures" but here's what I've collected recently. They are Funko Pop figurines showing Freddie Mercury from the band, Queen; figures from the TV show, Big Bang Theory; some Disney women; and temporarily, a Christmas manger scene in crystal. The cups on top were gifts from my daughter's trip to D.C. and my Facebook fandom family when my husband passed. The Red Dog is an original Beanie Baby. I also have collected Game of Thrones books and other Queen memorabilia.
  13. Thanks, Susan. Actually, it's one lino paper with a frame that has a wide translucent border to allow the background to show through. Here they are in the PSP Frames file...
  14. Hello, Henry. Nice to have another in my age group here. These classes are my lifesaver, tweaking my "little grey cells" daily and making life interesting. Looking forward to your stories!
  15. That Merlin is very similar in size and behavior as our American Kestrel, also known locally as the sparrow hawk. I did a layout with him back in the Masks Workshop. Beautiful little hunter.
  16. The wild cherry is finally blooming in front of my patio. Used the first lesson from March's titles workshop and filled with a picture tube flower 08 where the color seemed to echo the cherry.
  17. The wild cherry is finally blooming in front of my patio. Used the first lesson from last month's titles and filled with a picture tube flower 08 where the color seemed to echo the cherry.
  18. I thought of it as an element template as I collected a few when working on my Build-A-Kit. Thank you, Carole, this is just what I was missing! I also have a set of element templates from Janet Kemp. Here's her preview.
  19. I tend to pick clusters up here and there as I don't feel mine are very good. This one worked pretty well, using supplies from my Rustic Build-A-Kit, except for the greenery. The wavy ribbon is from a textured paper with a blinds texture on the edge.
  20. I tend to pick clusters up here and there as I don't feel mine are very good. This one worked pretty well, using supplies from my Rustic Build-A-Kit, except for the greenery. The wavy ribbon is from a textured paper with a blinds texture on the edge.
  21. That's ok, Carole. I enjoy playing with templates.
  22. I created a PSPIMAGE template from Carole's sketch. The wavy ribbon is still a bit rough. ? I'll post it in the Files on Facebook for whoever would like it.
  23. Donna and Susan: I took my pale pastel in 3600.jpg and posted it in our Facebook group files so you can colorize to your liking. Enjoy!
  24. I have a small set of pale pastel shiny papers in my files but with no identifying information as to where they came from. After seeing that Donna tried to colorize hers, so I thought I'd try on mine and have had some success. I did them all in 3600 but here's a preview. Voila!
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