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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. W = The Williams Pear is another name for the Bartlett Pear in the USA and Canada.
  2. Well, I took the quiz, and my score was 6/10. Oh, well, I'm working on it. 😉
  3. Man, I'm confused. Except for the post by Alicia Garbelman above ^^ the rest of the page is from last year (2023) ???
  4. Chippie considers him/herself quite photogenic!
  5. Suz, from here it looks like the background color varies and that exact spot is close to the color of the text. Possibly??
  6. Oh, wow, I didn't know this. I also hadn't noticed that my anti-alias would stop working spontaneously from time to time. I do take special care with the settings for the Pick Tool which seem to change without warning. I've also realized it may depend on if I just used a script as they do change settings without warning.
  7. Although I curse out the mess underfoot that the Canada Geese leave under my dead cherry tree, now that they've migrated, I miss them. This was last week and now they're all gone for the summer.
  8. Proofreader's Notes: "Lilies" (only 2 "Ls" in lilies); "pistil, the female reproductive part of a flower." (Only one "L" in pistil). Has your letter L developed a stutter? 😉😉 Beyond my ribbing you, I do love this layout. ❤️ I must try that with a swashy font!
  9. Jen, "wonky" is the word of the week here! 😉
  10. Alicia, I'm glad it finally worked. Your stories are rather amusing... 😉
  11. One of my favorite layouts using this arrangement is one I did for Jackie and Corey's honeymoon. I'm pretty sure I used masks. This was the right half of a double spread.
  12. Jnet, I agree a password manager is a good idea. I use LastPass and I only have to remember (or write down) one master password and the app secures everything. It generates unbreakable passwords up to 15 characters long. I used the free version for a while but I ended up upgrading to premium for further needs but the free version is certainly sufficient.
  13. Finally: Lesson #1 -
  14. Thank you, Corrie. If you ever visit the East Coast of the USA, be sure to take in the New Paltz area in Ulster County, NY, where the Dutch influence is strong, along with Manhattan where the Dutch thought they purchased the land. The native tribe didn't consider it a purchase but as tribute for their hospitality. To them, land use was communal and not something to be owned. If you ever really do get to my area, we must be sure to meet up! 😊
  15. So good to see you again, Jnet! Sorry about the very annoying password issue. Good luck with your move...I hate moving!
  16. Here's my entry in the Random Challenge for June. Debbie, Laurey and I took a trip to New Paltz, NY, in Ulster County, where my Dad's forefathers landed from the Netherlands and France. Terwilliger was the Dutch name and Bevier was the French Huguenot. We took a guided tour of the Huguenot Street encampment and saw my great-great grandmother's home and burial stone. The guide was very knowledgeable and personality+. I snagged the historical society's logo, used a cass-datestamp with an added house flourish courtesy of the Huguenot Street website. All the photos were taken by us. The text font is Bahnschrift. The background photo has an exclusion layer and a dark green behind it. I used the template #714 from Marisa Lerin.
  17. Wow, Jeni, those are awesome. They immediately make vectors more interesting to me. I think my fav is Autumn Shades.
  18. How beautiful, Suz! You are a wizard. There's a tiny error in the text. Where it says "Zeus brought Hercules to nurse.." you need a space between "Hercules" and "to." I'm not getting into lilies with 3 Ls! 😉❤️
  19. Really nice, Mary! Gosh, how you have evolved from a year ago! It must be all that work you do on the Labs. I think I see a small typo on the line that identifies the photographer. Does it say Photo or Phoro by G. Larive? I'm not sure because of the reduced size...
  20. I going to Jonah's first birthday party tomorrow, so I attached his card that I made in our workshop to his gift bag.
  21. Yes, and I like the way it touches and blends with the gold frame!
  22. Corrie: that looks so nice and relaxing to contemplate. I do like plants in containers. A question: I see the upper left NOTE says Wednesday May 12. This week is Wednesday June 12. Did that come with the kit? I do love that background paper...
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