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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Must be computer gremlins at work.
  2. Carole, the link for Day 1 is taking me to the Travel Tale Workshop.
  3. I've commented on this (it's beautiful), now I want to thank you for posting all the pages. I can now shoot for the photo types (landscape, portrait etc).
  4. I hear ya. Mine too. I was hoping to shoot some cameras but not sure if I'll have time. I might go ahead, they wont be the best photos though. But being a Diamond member perhaps it show up in the workshop section and I can always redo it down the road.
  5. The English language is perplexing. Now, that's a word (perplexing), I really dont know what it means, but I used it anyway *GASP*. People are always telling me, when I use a "big" word...."you better go look that up". I think I should stick to one syllable words...except syllable is more than one. YIKES!
  6. Good advice, I'm a first timer in this workshop.
  7. I didnt know spare could be elegant. I have an "elegant" room in my house for company. hahahha, nothing I have is "elegant". I use the word "Spare" when it describes something extra and I use the word "Sparse" when there is not much of something. Like money is "sparse" these days, does anyone have "spare" money to send to me. Basically the two words look similar but to me they are opposites.
  8. I went through this (not as bad as Carole) when I made a product for the rubber stamp community. I had a commerical order from a stamp maker and she used solvent to clean the product I made which caused cracking of the product. When she informed me i asked her to give me a couple hours as I was going to go the the raw material supplier to see why this was happening, which turned out be the solvent (they were 45 min drive away). By the time I went there, had the meeting and got back home she has smeared me and my product all over the craft forums (I never saw it as I didnt follow them but was informed by a friend who did). So I sent out a return for refund letter to every client, and only this one client took the refund. Luckily, most sent me nice emails that they were happy with the product and were keeping it. I stopped production and that very client asked me: "So, can I make an order?". It was a relief to get rid of that, as it was labour intensive and took me away from my main source or income (silversmithing and glass art). Social media wasnt as big as it is now, what Carole went through was horrible. Especially the one who took credit for someone else's work. Strong nerves and the ability to keep calm. I think if I had looked at the forums where my client was bashing me, I would have acted in a bad way. I wanted to remain as professional as possible. Not always easy as it's a very personal attack.
  9. This is a beautiful fall layout Julie. I love the punch, I bought them but havent even loaded them yet. They make a striking element. this layout is really well balanced.
  10. What a horrible experience. That is one reason I rarely did commissions when i sold jewelry/glass. We used to say, nothing is unique, because somewhere in the world someone is doing the exact same thing you are.
  11. https://scrapbookcampus.com/Bonus/MarkusFaces.zip hope this works
  12. Stick him on a banana. I dont have a color printer and not likely to get to the office supply store to get copies in the next few days.
  13. Isnt copying how we learn. Right from childhood, we see someone doing something so we copy it until we learn how to do it. Then once we are proficient at it, we put our own spin on it therefore creating our own style. Animals do this too. I've watched one Magpie try to get into one of the bird feeders. It kept at it until it could fly and land in it. Then several other ones started doing it too. After that, they taught the pigeons how to do it (I had stern words with them for that).
  14. I'm in. I've never done this one before and hoped it would come around again.
  15. tonight my cat was running from window to window....I think Markus was outside, I'll have a look for him tomorrow.... the party was fun, I absolutely love the Treasure Hunt. It was fun to check in at the forum every couple hours. And I always love the bingo game. The Multiple choice game was really interesting. So many things I didnt know. Would love to see the questions and answers again. It was fun to guess at them and sometimes guess right.
  16. So the funny part is. It's a bit too dark for me. I had some pretty bad monitors and nothing I could do with the settings would make them better and my screen calibrator is so old it wont update anymore and I dropped it. So i was darkening (guessing) because I knew they werent good, and now i'm looking at the layouts from that time and thinking, OMG, they are so dark and oversaturated. I'd love to say I used color toning (I have watched tutorials on it - mainly Ben Willmore who is a photoshop guru) but I've never actual done color toning in a photo. I just bought ON1 Photo Raw and they do have tutorials, thankfully, so I hope to learn how to do it. That program is wildly different than PSP, it's more like PS/lightroom, which I've also never used so it's very foreign. I'm doing an outdoor project (for the house) so I'm not able to get into any learning right now (except the scripting course). At least winter is coming and most of the outside chores will go away until next year.
  17. It's an interesting technique and no two papers are same. And surprisingly easy to make. although I still need to follow the tutorial as I have not committed it to memory yet.
  18. It's really exceptional denim. It looks real.
  19. Love this! This is really nice denim too. Are the rivets a picture tube?
  20. That is so delicate and pretty.
  21. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/masks-workshop/lesson-6/ MASKS WORKSHOP - Lesson 6 This is a composite moon I took, one exposed for the moon and one exposed for the cloud below it. the background paper is lino pattern found in "Tutorials" https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/linoleum-pattern/ . this is a very interesting tutorial to get very unique papers. All the layouts prior to June 2023 are really dark, I had really bad monitors that couldnt be adjusted any further than they were. I didnt realize how light they were (I was darkening everything to compensate) until I saw some of the these layouts I'm posting this weekend.
  22. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/masks-workshop/lesson-1/ MASKS WORKSHOP 2023 - Lesson 1 Extra (for Diamond members)
  23. I hope it's smooth sailing through your surgery and recovery. The worst part is waiting for the day to come. Once you make the decision to do it you want to do it now and get it overwith.
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