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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. yes, I use the ctrl key with the fill tool to get the dropper. It used to work. I checked the "use all layers box" (it was already checked but I unchecked it and checked it again) and it would only use the active layer, it even says it's the active layer on the dropper, but the "check all layers" box was checked. I'm using 2022. I'm going to be moving to 2023 when the new computer build is done. 2023 is quite laggy, even with 64 GB ram (new ram, not old), but the video card is old. I just use the actual dropper tool and it works, so it's not really a big deal. I'm going to try the classic Materials palette too. Mine acts weird when I use the dropper and the dialogue box is open. It wont put the color into the Current box. it just keeps reverting to black...if I used the Text tool previously. It's something I'm doing that I probably didnt do before and dont realize I'm doing it.
  2. I am getting grey too and same, no more dying it. although I only dyed it for a few years (at home) and just got bored of doing it. Yes, the person looking back at me in the mirror isnt the one I see in my head. Where did all the lines come from? Therefore I painted all the mirrors black. hahaha, just kidding, you need mirrors to make sure there isnt a piece of lettuce stuck in your teeth when you leave the house. ?
  3. If it's not a word, it should be. I make up words all the time, it's awesome.
  4. Me too. I have some that have white background in the picture, which of course only "looks" white to the eye. So if I add a background of any other color it looks dull and gray (which is probably what it really is despite what my eye thinks). So far I'm just leaving it white and in the end will decide if I'll add a colored background or put a frame around any photos with too much white at the edges before adding the non-white background.
  5. Even visited by Transformers and secret base for Sector 7. Just sayin'. all kidding aside, I love these pictures. I've been to a tiny dam in British Columbia and thought it was awesome, can't imagine what The Hoover Dam would be like.
  6. Beautiful Royanne. And you've got your Oilers hoodie on. Are you in Edmo (my name for Edmonton)? I'm in St. Albert.
  7. That Sunflower is STUNNING! I grew them for the first time. They are mutant sunflower though. Supposed to be 6-6.5 feet tall. they are almost 10' now. The open book works great in this format. It would be cool to have a "Magazine" script, thinner and both sizes...hint..hint..hint Carole. ?
  8. I was thinking about that too...adopting an older cat. Or maybe volunteering or fostering.
  9. It's amazing what pets do for us. Dogs are special. You are their world. And they are so pure of heart. I worry too about life without animals. If my cat girls make it to old age I will be close to 70. I cant image life without animals. yet I worry about the same thing. I have to say you look way younger than 69.
  10. Day 3 I'm late, it's actually almost an hour into day 4....and I have to get up a 5am. Not real happy with the shot. Even thought they are all Kodak Brownies they dont play well together in a shot. Tried lots of different thing and finally just stuck them on the very old (probabably) 70's photo cutting board. Perhaps it will look better when the background is in place. I am not sure I'll still with those colors in the title, but they are the Kodak colors.
  11. I have a problem where I used to be able to do with the flood fill tool, control something and it would give you the eyedropper for sampling and it's not working anymore. I have to go pick up the actual eyedropper. when I use control it shows the dropper but wont sample. I wonder if we both have a setting messed up.
  12. Love what you did with the title! What an amazing building. It would day several days to really explore it all I bet.
  13. you are so lucky. Such diverse subject you get to encounter. I did not know they moulted (if that a word - I do make up words now and then). My cat has fur the same color on her sides. She has tufted ears, and black ringed tail. We call her our "Bobcoon" cat (cross between bobcat and racoon). She is the only wild thing we encounter...lately she has being hunting all the falling leaves (they are outside, she is inside - seems to work for her).
  14. Beautiful. I love the mustedlid family. Your title is out of this world. Love all the little touches you do. Like the words "The secretive", and larger "B". How do you manage to find so many creative ideas. (Full disclosure: I really just want to get my face all up in that soft fur..it probably isnt soft at all, and they are probably cranky animals if you mess with them. I bet they have teeth and a jaw to match the power of their claws.)
  15. Wow! Just Wow! After the workshop, I do hope you keep posting layouts with your photos in the "What are you working on now" forum.
  16. Day 2 I turned the template upside down again. This was the photo I most liked in what I shot. I had wanted to do a straight on shoot with the full reflection but the camera would be quite small in the end. In the reflection you will the film advance lever that folds out to advance the film. I am not going to change the blue layer or the background (and the text color) until the end to see where I want to go with that. I just realized I forgot to add it has a 'Bulb' setting as well - oops. Marie-Claire, WOW, what a great angle of Poncho and beautiful composition. He looks so regal.
  17. Wow, that is intricate. So, the lino is carved, then printed, then carved and printed and so on. You really need to know what you are doing and where you are at in the process. My brain would implode trying to organize the steps in my head. It's more involved than the very basic linocuts I did 30+ yrs ago. I switched to eraser carving (not really erasers but large sheets of eraser like material) pretty quickly; the stuff carved like butter. I was never as much an artist as your daughter is though. I like the look of linocut art.
  18. What a cool building Corrie, I love looking into the refleciton (is that a reflection I see, or is it painted?). Are we all supposed to finish the colors, or is that to come still in the workshop.
  19. I love looking at this. Is that a watercolor background too. It's so nice. On the borders: did you lock the transparency?
  20. Beautiful art. that's an exceptionally detailed linocut, especially the mushroom. I dont know what a reduction linocut is but the result is stunning.
  21. Ann, Thank you. That means a lot to me.
  22. Day 1 I rotated the template so the camera would look inward. I couldnt bring myself to put the title sideways. After all, my masterpiece will be in bookstores near you soon, and in the rack, after the first row you just see the top title of the magazine. ?. I used a retro font for the word "camera" and in red, a power color in photography. Since it's my first time through this workshop I will wait to see where we go with this cover. There is magazine covers I see in the forum I wish i could buy in the store! Great work everyone.
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