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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. ...because if you dont get up to view the nightsky, you wish you had the next morning. That is me if It's night with any moon showing, or interesting weather happenings. I imagine you have a much wider expanse to see, being in a urban area, trees and houses obscure the moon from me at times. And I work at night so I'm often hoping we get done early so i can catch a glimpse of a sunset or moon rise.
  2. What fun pictures. And what an experience. I love your gradient. You make such beautiful ones.
  3. I hope you are feeling better. Dizzy spells are debilitating. These are lovely and all so different.
  4. I too will have to pass it by. I had good intentions but life has it's own design. At least we have all the prompts and can work in our own time. I actually thought we were only making one page and building on it each day with a final reveal at the end. Oops, that's shows that I am even more out of touch with what was really going on. ?
  5. What a special experience to have held a hummingbird in your hands.
  6. OMG! Stunning. I love dew drops on anything. I wouldn't have thought it would be on a butterfly. I love the colors of this butterfly. Because I attempted to grow flowers this year I had butterflies in the yard. They sure made me smile. It's amazing how I will stop dead just to watch the butterflies flutter around, and feel like, at that moment in time, how lucky i am to see this.
  7. If you feel like you are late, I think I missed the gate completely. I didnt know when I signed up that my hubby would (several weeks later) book a week off, which I totally forgot about. So I have not been very active with anything PSP-y. We had planned to go to this tourist attraction (Fort Edmonton Park) that has about 5-6 sections covering various period of pre-colonization to the 1920's. It rained for two days; downpours actually. And today I work, so I will have to go to my back up theme to try and pull off. I not opptomistic. You have a good start and what a trip it looks like. I'm looking forward to being an arm-chair traveller following you on your trip
  8. Thank You Natalie. I did a lot of nip and tucking-in of the elements. Not resized as per the rules but just out of sight. technically since I dont cut off outside my canvas, it's still there, invisible, but ready to come back. Also some duplicating. I hope that was allowed, I believe are allowed to add elements which is what I did with some of the thin strips, duplicate butt it up to the original ones. I usually play it safe with blues and browns and this time because of the flower I went with bold Magenta (and some of it's relatives: Magenta-blue, aka purple and Magenta-red; aka I dont know what that would be called, to me, color or Hue, is called what they are made of), it's a very powerful and strong color.
  9. Annuals, and thank you for the explanation. I'm constantly asking my co-worker which is which. Because to me annuals should means they come up annually. But I guess perennial means forever so that wins.
  10. Life happens, we will be here when you are back in the game. Take care.
  11. That background photo is stunning. Congratulations on 50 years. And I'd never have guessed at your nickname. My dad called me "Charlie", I have no idea where that came from, but I'm sure I ever heard him call me by my name. It's now a warm memory for me. He didnt have nicknames for my other siblings, not sure why.
  12. I love this, it's a great idea and I love forward to the adventure of Mr. Red, he has more adventures that I do! Back in the paper arts period of my life, we'd make "flat" versions of ourselves (a full length photo of the person - on maybe 5x7 or 8x10 size, cut out and mounted on a stick) then you'd send them and a diary off to one of the participants who would take the "flat" you on an adventure, and photograph and write about it in the book. I didnt do ones like that but did other ones where I made a diary of the event the person missed and then sent them the diary with the flat version of themselves. It was hard to find photos of them without them knowing. but quite fun to do.
  13. oh yes, papers, especially grungy, watercolor type, textured, peeling paint, blended (paints- such as Justinas at the Migo Studio makes for photo backdrops - but a digital version, I have the bootcamp course and had just sold all my paint so not wanting to invest in paint again - except for my color course) etc.
  14. Between you and Sue Thomas we are going to be learning a lot! By the way, you have the gift of words. You write very well. On a side note, the sunflowers are starting to bloom...even if one is a 9' mutant, I will love it just the same as the little 3' one.
  15. Wow Everyone! Amazing work. Well, I havent even started yet. It might be one post at the end, waaaaay at the end. It's being an unexpected busy week. But I am inspired by what I see in the forum.
  16. Love this RV Park. and weirdly I live on Sycamore Avenue (in Canada)
  17. I checked my account and under the purchases where all my purchases with the download link and keys(it looks like the email I got). Same result as before, a pop up saying: Keys are expired, contact support at corel. that's where I went wrong. I should have used the keys not where I found them, but with the link Carole gave us. It all worked well with my "expired" keys. both PSP 2022 and 2023 (both Ultimate) are now loaded on the new rebuild. It will be some time before I get to setting it all up, but it's loaded and registered. And I bookmarked that page so I know where to go in the future.
  18. I have learned to stay still when they are around me as opposed to my usual freak out with flailing arms. I've learned a lot from you, which I thank you. The natural world is very interesting and is probably the best therapy I can get. Well, retail therapy IS a close second ?. ...and insects, well it's a worthwhile work-in-progress.
  19. I enjoyed our rounds in this post of the forum. and I've learned things too. Art that leads to conversation, very cool.
  20. Very true. I've been stung when stepping on a nest twice in my life. I have a healthy (or maybe UNhealthy) fear of stinging bee/wasps. It's like the starlings in the lower mainland, they are invasive. You are a champion of the bug world and slowly I am being converted. To the point that I made a bug hotel and and ant spa, well a place for the ants that the birds use to dirt bath in or have the ant spa treatment. If I did come across a 1.5 foot tall Praying Mantis I'd be the one praying for my life.
  21. 18" LONG! YIKES! or....put a collar on it and call it "Spot". the big take away for me; A 1.5 foot tall CARNIVORE! this is stuff of nightmares.
  22. See... they really are evil bugs. They are masters of disguise, I lived most of my life on the West coast and never saw one.....for that, I'm eternally grateful. thanks for taking the time to do some research, now I know just which areas to avoid. I can imagine if I was walking along and saw a "stick" move I'd jump out of my skin.
  23. thank you. Yes I do. I will look at that. I should poke around there and get more familiar with it.
  24. Actually Julie, I am the least technical person I know...and know at least 3 people! I bet you'd do way better than you think. I was thinking after the first and second lesson I might not get this and was not feeling confident with the 3rd. But when I sat down and follow both the written and video tutorials it was actually better than the first two. Not sure if it's because I am getting used to the odd words/language or not, it just seemed less daunting. I just read the lesson for lesson 4 and it seems very doable. And now I'm feel much more hopeful and learning to not think to far ahead. If I dont understand something right now, it might covered in the coming lessons (as was the case with the results of one of the tests we did as homework, soon as a started reading the lesson the explanation was right there). I think this really could be a doable course for anyone.
  25. Too late. (I'm just kidding).
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