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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/masks-workshop/lesson-1/ MASKS WORKSHOP - Day 1 I loved this workshop. I had wanted to learn how to do masks for so long and was grateful when the workshop came around again.
  2. https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/module-07/ BASIC SCRAPBOOKING - MODULE 7 Two more modules were added to theBasic Scrapbooking Course (for the Diamond members). This is my module 7.
  3. What profound words. I cant imagine running away and what that would feel like. The stress makes you want to run away, but being away from them, makes you want to run back. I couldnt imagine having loved ones with dementia or alzeheimers - I was told it's called "the long goodbye". heartbreaking.
  4. https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/module-03/ BASIC SCRAPBOOKING - Module 3 This was the course I took right after my first bootcamp. It is a really good course for any level of experience. It's really good for "what do I do next" after taking the bootcamp as a newbie.
  5. Love this. Had good laugh at the treat section. I must remember to wear sunglass when viewing daffodils!
  6. This is a result of the SCRIPTING course https://scrapbookcampus.com/paintshop-pro-scripting-course/ I am currently taking. This was in the beginning (lesson 2 of 25 lessons). Now I will be able to tweak the script to have the user choose their own color as we just learned how to make it interactive with the materials palette opening for the user to choose a color, pattern or gradient for each circle. So cool! We are now at lesson 7, I wonder what surprises await us.
  7. It's is a great milestone. Congratulations Carole. You've built a really incredible and special space for all of us. And you spoil us with so many freebies, classes, workshops and countless hours of being there for us when we need you. Thank you for...well..YOU! I plan to do as many activities as I can. I cant bring a #12 because none of my computers have a camera. I am looking forward to the treasure hunt. I always love that one.
  8. I have been through this with my mom. People said it changed me, that I was going through the motions of life and not living life. I drove over 850 Kms a week going to where she lived and back. I couldnt work because I was helping with her healthcare. When I was at my mom's I just wanted to go home, when I was leaving my mom's (either in an assisted living home or hospital) I just wanted to go back. At one point my mom was living in my home and we had lots of stairs and she was prone to falling, especially during the night. It became too stressful and dangerous, and the medical people thought I was suffering from exhaustion as I barely slept worrying she'd get up in the night and fall down the stairs ( I often woke to the sound of her crashing to the floor). We got her into assisted living (1 hr 20 min away and that's when 850 kms came to be-but less stressful for me). In the end I was glad I had the time with her. The burden can be very heavy and I had all the same thoughts as Corrie and the guilt that comes along with it. Her mind and her sense of humour was all there but her body was betraying her. I never really thought about "old age" until then. Aging is cruel.
  9. That is a cool effect Bonnie. It really does look like it's part of the background.
  10. I havent downloaded it yet. But I'm also going to need to know where to put it too.
  11. You show us all the different and often unexpected ways to use them in your layouts. And everyone comments on them, so your style is as unique as the punches themselves. A good combination wouldnt you say?
  12. I am going to too, soon as the rebuilt computer is up and and running. It's an interesting program.
  13. I'd send more snail mail if stamps were like this! I love stamps, they are little works of art I can afford. This is beautiful. This technique is so real looking and most everyone across the globe knows what a stamp is.
  14. What a cool program. I just checked it out.
  15. I had to look this one up. Did you read it?
  16. All I know about life in Brooklyn is from TV and movies. I wonder how "real" they were compared to your growing up.
  17. I was too. When we lived on a lake my mom would blow this conch (shell) and we'd hear it from 1/2 way down the lake and head home. Often it would be faster to get in the lake and swim back. In another town, we'd get on our bikes and be gone exploring most of the day. I wonder what made us head back home. the only place they did keep an eye on us was when we lived right across the street from a very wide fast moving river (drownings every year). We weren't supposed to go to the river bank (which was about 30 feet from the end of the front of our house) and well, that's just what we did and we got in some serious trouble if we got caught.
  18. You have the neats tools at your disposal.
  19. I am humbled by this whole group and the experiences I have here. Do you think Carole knows just how special this place is. I think back to how lucky I felt when I opened the Corel email and saw the bootcamp...just as I was about to give up on learning PSP. I never imagined all the other things I would be learning from everyone here, such interesting lives you all lead and such cool places you all go. I was out photographing today and I had a bee (fuzzy one, with beautiful colors) almost the whole time. I heard myself apologizing to it on occassion when i got it it's way. Thank you for the information about the hummingbirds. I was going to ask you how to entice them back to the yard. Love how you worded that last sentence, about Mother nature. You are quite right about next spring. I will be out there looking at the possibilities and I will start earlier too. And like you, when I'm in the photo "zone" I can be at it for hours. Summer is short so I'm trying to prioritize the flower photos now while they are out. Soon it will be winter and that will be time to go back into the photo studio and to learn the other stuff I want to be learning.
  20. I wont quit. I think I was having one of those days when everything is a challenge (read: nothing goes right) and I was tired. I watched the video and felt way better and today I feel more positive about it. Thank you for the boost. I do understand "try and except", it's in every day life. If I try something and it doesnt work, go to plan B. I got frustrated when i was trying to use the files I shouldnt have been using. And Mireille has loaded me up with some things to try and now I'm looking forward to getting back in. I find I need to have a good chunk of time when I'm doing scripting lessons and the last few days have only given me little bits of time here and there. I really appreciate your post to me here. I need to hear that, and I need to somtimes be strongly nudged. Your first sentence is what made it for me. I read it and thought, no, I am not going to quit. I'm glad you said it the way you did.
  21. Me too. and we loved Hope's show. We dont get it on any of the channels anymore but I do check in on FB sometimes.
  22. That's crazy. I know they used to teach us to stay away from bats on the ground (when I live on a lake in a small town in the interior of BC). Because of rabies I think. I do remember a young man had an "encounter" with a bat in Kamloops, BC in 2019 and contracted a rarie rabies something or other and died 3 weeks later. We were told to steer clear of them if we saw them on the ground. They are misunderstood. I used to watch Hope for Wildlife (wildlife rescue show in eastern canada) and the staff handling bats had to have rabies shots.
  23. Your papers are gorgeous. Especially that background.
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