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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I hope this counts...more like pre-flowers than "flowers". I posted this one because my grid squares are not square (look at the far right column) and I'm hoping the Masterclass will teach me how to make everything square and even. These were the first sunflowers I've ever grown (2023). They were supposed to be 6' tall, perfect fit where I put them (against the garage wall). They ended up being mutants and grew to over 10 feet tall, having to bend around the eves troughs to reach for the sky. Some got too top heavy that they leaned over and that's when I got this shot. My lighting designer/expert was Mother Nature.
  2. Try her website. I just signed up too. I love her stuff https://www.curiopantry.com/
  3. oops forgot the V V= Violet
  4. Thank you so much Corrie. I really enjoyed this one. I'm going to play more with the papers in that kit. I also thought I could have added a brick wall texture. So many possibilities. This P52 challenge is better than I expected. Because it's on a small canvas with less elements, I can try more things in a shorter time.
  5. One more thing...I just learned I could Group all my Vectors ...I saw it in a tutorial on the Campus and tried it. Makes life so much easier. I used a number groups, sometimes for short period while I did something to the whole group, then ungrouped. I linked a lot and also color coded. Just what we have talked about in prev post (another forum post though, I think).
  6. P52 Week 13 Fun with blend modes! I used: Vintage Paper Textures - Apothecary -86766159 (Creative Fabrica...I think) and chose 3 papers with a blend mode on two of them. I am enclosing the results as that show the blend mode. All at 100% opacity. I made the 12x12 after the 600x900. For the 600x900 version I pasted the papers in and then squished them down, since I welcomed any distortion in this case. I have shown the two 600x900 and the 3600x3600 side by side so you can see how the distortion affects the smaller image. The font is Arissa Typeface (CF again). I took all the strokes/outlines from the vectors and turned them gray, rasterized and then gaussian blur. the fill in each of the Vectors done in black, rasterized then used a mask (Layers>new mask layer) on the rasterized version of both text layers and the frame layer, to add grungy scratches in the black. (side note: I channeled Sue T, remembering she once wrote that she likes to use a mask instead of the eraser tool - I FINALLY figured out how to do it!). Therefore, I need the make sure the outlines were on a separate layer (grouped actually) so they wouldn't be effected and I needed to have some definition to the frame and text. Are we 1/4 of the way through? Time is going too fast.
  7. This is fascinating. So cool to see the differences. Thanks for sharing Bill.
  8. Pre-Happy Birthday Corrie. How does one top a birthday gift like the universe is giving you. Too bad you wont be able to receive it. It's the thought that counts...that Universe, always thinking about us, eh?
  9. I tried to look at the link...me and billion other people I think, as it errored out.
  10. This is so exciting for you Rene. Your town sounds very on top of matters. Wish I lived there. My province probably calls it "fake news" and my city is probably finding some way to tax me on it. hahaha. kidding. You town sounds wonderful, very proactive. I can feel the excitement in your words, I'll be there in spirit. Beautiful layout.
  11. I'm not near the totality either and I will be working so I'll watching through all your posts when I get home. I remember living in this same city when I was in junior high and going outside to see the eclipse(with some contraptions, we made out of milk cartons, in school) . Here's what I googled. I actually start work at Noon on Mondays so I'll be walking into the building right about then. What time is the eclipse in Edmonton? In Edmonton, the partial eclipse is expected to begin at 11:54 a.m. on April 8. At 12:46 p.m., the event will be in “mid-eclipse” phase while the partial eclipse is expected to end at 1:39 p.m.7 days ago
  12. I've been color coding lately too, makes it easier to find stuff, especially if I have a lot of layers or copies of a layer and I want to know which one is the original. I link for moving and use grouping for resizing, even if I have to temporarily move a layer into the group and resize and then ungroup and move it back to where it goes. a question for you. when you rename layers, do you leave the word "raster" or "vector" then add the name you want or just add the name and get rid of the word raster or vector because you can can tell what the layer is by the icon.
  13. that gave me goose bumps. Hubby and I used to go sit in the one of the fields at lunch (on a T.B. breeding farm, LOTS of mares and 6 T.B and 1 Standardbred stallion). They always came up to us and then they'd stay close and munch away on the grasses. Good memories for me.
  14. me too, this is the one I decided to use other words than I should have.
  15. The Who is in the clue. You are the "One" to get it done! You got this Anne! Remember Carole's clue: The clues are meant to be easy. Use the search feature on the blog. Most clues refer to article titles. If you are really stuck, you can always ask questions in this thread in the forum.
  16. That was fun and I downloaded some blogs with techniques I keep forgetting and that I dont want to forget. This time I'll print them and start a binder so it's easier to find.
  17. Woo hoo, this is the one time you want all your eggs in one basket!
  18. I agree, this coppery color is amazing.
  19. Don't you just want to go and wrap your arms around her neck. I did that when I worked with horses. they were so tolerant and in the winter so warm to hug. She a beautiful snow-kissed girl.
  20. So sad Julie, for your friend. I love the baby's expressions. As always, a very beautiful layout. Happy Easter to you. and I've been meaning to ask, how's your eyes?
  21. Ageing is so cruel isnt it? When our "headspace" is finally at it's best, the rest of the body is falling apart.
  22. Wow! they look fabulous. I have in the past done cutting sort of like that, for a 3D element inside a Christmas card (in various years). Nothing as elaborate as this though. It must take a steady hand to do such tiny intricate details that the eggs have.
  23. Oh no Corrie. I hope laser is the treatment you get to have. Sending you positive vibes (and a hug for good measure) for your appointment.
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