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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. How did you come up with that name. It's a great name.
  2. that's weird, it told me slippers was wrong, when I scrolled back up into the test....I think. I almost flubbed up choosing that you couldput a shadow on the mask. I was going to say yes because if you turn it into a raster you can shadow it. then I realized if it's a raster it's no longer a mask. So no, you cant shadow a mask....that I know of.
  3. Day 7 here's a diff version I was in the shower, just about to go to work when it hit me to color the blurred raster layer. I used the Ctr A, Ctr F , then flood filled like we learned in the last Q&A. I'm not sure if I did it right as I'm doing it from memory and it merged with the layer below it (the one I selected). I'll have to go re-watch that. I used that because it was blurry so it would use all the pixels. since I wanted a copy of the orig. blurred layer, I undid it, then made a copy and hid it. then did the select all, float, flood fill. then i turned the black layer back on and really cool was the black kinda of stuck out past, and I lowered the reds opacity so more black could come through. Supposed to be like glowing embers about to ignite. What looks better? I did get a color showing through the G but it looks interesting to me so i didnt try to take it out.
  4. thank you Marie-Claire. it was a really rewarding experience for me ...in the end. Of course I had my share of hair-pulling too.
  5. Day 7 I made it! This too me a long time to futz around with. The keyboard keys was a separate photo that I merged in, the zigzag and lightning bolt are brushes (the zigzag might be from Corel?). And guess what I found out....the diagrams from the pencilsketch2 are also brushes I have. that way I could add them where I wanted. I ran the script several times, changing the edit of the photo each time. that gave me lots of hatch to choose from and I used a mask to get the best of the city buildings (computer circuit boards). The "moon" is the disc from inside a hard drive as are the other elements, except the upper left "cloud". the red flare is a brush too. the font is Avalors (CF) and I duplicated it, turned the bottom version to a raster and blurred it. the font itself had a humongous stroke, by accident of clumsy fingers, and left the tiniest space for fill so I went with it. the keys were taken off the keyboard (that my work was recycling) and lined up as it was, I didnt leave enough space between. I took forever (and the cats got banished because they'd undo my work as fast as I was doing it). tonight I'll get started on the Build a Kit. I see everyone has started off with a creative bang! Thank you for the workshop Carole. I pushed myself more in this one.
  6. Oh Ann, I'm so happy you liked that picture. And my heart sings, knowing it's on your wall. This was a super friendly cat on a walk around the neighborhood. Every time I crouched down to get a picture he/she kept coming toward me. My husband played with it for a bit and it would roll around for tummy scratches of all things....to a complete stranger! Isn't it just a beautiful cat. We have another cat from the 'hood called Snoop (he has a collar) who comes and spends the day lounging in my back yard or going into the garage if my hubby is out there. He very much wants in! I've even phoned the owner to see if it's okay that he is at my house visiting (outside, never inside), and he even came into the part of my gym that is in the little garage and acted as my very judgy trainer. The owner was surprised at how far away he was. I'm hoping to build a catio for my cat girls. I couldn't live with them roaming the 'hood, I'd be a basket case of worry.
  7. Me too. And I've done the quiz before. I always want to to call the cat Slippers. If I ever get another cat I want to call it Slippers.
  8. Me too. Like a high comfort level and less "freak out" moments.
  9. Oh man, what was in the pipeline? Might it have been a workshop we'd all die for....like Vectors 2! I must agree, I need big time brush help. That's a few more master classes for me to re-watch. Is there a saying, "Too many workshops to create, not enough time to host them!" I might need a 48 hour day, but you surely need a clone of yourself for all the workshops you want to create and teach.
  10. I agree. It was fun to just play and see what else I could do. I really enjoyed this 3rd time through. I'm a lot braver than in the past and trying things I dont know how to do and figuring out the ways to do it. Some successes and some pretty dismal failures, but I feel really good about it all. I'm going to rewatch the selection master classes and read the blog posts now that I have a better comfort level of understanding. I think it will be more beneficial this time around. But first, I must get to that Day 7 lesson (probably by Wed). Thank you for the support and another wonderful workshop. So many beautiful and interesting layouts from everyone.
  11. Day 6 here is the inside cover if you can read the blurry one above
  12. Day 6 I used the mask technique (selection/modify/feather) from lesson 5. I added a black layer under my lino layer and then reduced the opacity of the lino layer to get it darker. I used the Pencilsketch2 script and used a mask to bring back the items (oddities?) in the containers. I also extracted those containers to be able to put a shadow on them and also the the box so I could shadow it too. The background of the pencilsketch part is from Riley B Graphics (Creative Fabrica). Fonts are Giorna Velusca (for the title) and Gilnger (for the rest) both from Creative Fabrica. the layout title has a bevel added as well. Day 7 will come later in the week. the Office of Oddities is a riff on the Instagram posts from Office of Collecting; fun and eclectic stuff to see there.
  13. Day 5 ...And here is the recessed version.
  14. Day 5 in the bag! I was able to use the Pencilsketch2 script for this (yay). then i made a mask to bring through the colors of the glitter and make up (used for crafts not my face). then I did some more selection and promoting so i could add some shadows to the box the glitter was in and to the little container rims. Then I thought the splotches looked funny on the background paper so I decided to try some different sorts of shadowing. I think more extractions (just with magic wand) was needed to do shadows in the recessed way. One layout will show the little splotches floating and the other recessed. the script background that was created was perfect for this layout and I added gaussian blur several times. The background paper is Riley B Graphics (Creative Fabrica). the Font is Goodnight (italic version) with a blend mode of overlay - I think. Here is the "floating" island version.
  15. OMG! so cute! How do you say no to a face like that?
  16. I LOVE chickens! this is fabulous and the lino paper is perfectly done for this layout.
  17. I use a Font Viewer too. So not technically needing to "load" them. I probably should have said I have lots of ZIP files to unzip. My font viewer updates when I turn it on. I can choose to leave it on or off as I have enough system resources now that it doesn't bog down. As a habit I do turn it off and it stays pinned to the bottom task bar (or whatever that bar at the bottom of Windows is called).
  18. Beautiful Ann, I love seeing your frames, you really got the eye for them.
  19. Fiona, this such a beautiful and peaceful photo. I love that shape design you used and the effect on the paper is really cool.
  20. This is so cool, "Spanner" I watch a photographer on Youtube and he has an English accent. I don't know where he actually lives, but he photographed a wrench like I have and he called it a spanner. I only knew he meant that because it was the only thing he was photographing. I have never heard that term before.
  21. You should see me "drawing in the air" trying to describe the tool to my husband so i can get the name. Pipe wrench. I should know all this stuff; we've done enough reno's in the past and I worked for my brother who made custom Japanese furniture and shoji doors. You know how it is...there is only so much information a brain can hold, sometimes I gotta purge out some information to let knew information in. (side note: I have a small head, therefore a small amount of information space inside it! 🤪)
  22. I love the kaleidoscope (and the picture!), it's really pretty and eye-catching too.
  23. Thank you Fiona, both scripts are fun to play with. I'm learn what kind of photos work best. Corrie originally tested it and said watch for light edges, they disappear and that is spot on. Some disappearing edges are okay but too much and I found you couldn't tell what it was. And when my photo has areas that are too dark then there is no detail. I had to learn to edit the photo for the pencil sketch and that makes the world of difference.
  24. Thank you again. The whole painted part I made grey and then used a mask to bring back the colored parts ( I think I brought too much back). Here's the layers palette shot of it.
  25. Thank you Ann. I totally forgot that name. Isn't there a saying about a monkey wrench? Either way, it's a funny name, I wonder how it came to be named like that.
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