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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Project 3 done.  yay!  I'm getting the hang of this.  Lots of "undo" sometimes, but learning by way of mistake making. haha.  My sister in law gave me this red bird bath and I thought no way would any bird use it as it was slippery ceramic and bright red.  It was the favorite of the corvid group (crows, magpies, bluejays) but I was surprised at all the LBJ's (little brown jobs; that's what we call them) that would skim across the surface.  So I put a big rock in as I had one sad accident of a LBJ drowning.  I was horrified.  Since then all has been good.  It's warm enough now I can put the baths out (I have 3).  Hubby and I love watching out the window, with the cats (indoor girls).  Mother nature has supplied all we need for therapy - nature style.  I used the bigger shadow settings on the buttons.  My brain want to put the bottom right button the same as the top button, in the corner.  At the same time I wanted it on the paper corners to look like it's holding it there.  a designer I'm not.  I love this bootcamp.
  2. Thank you Cassel.  i will try your fix.  I kept the first version in case i could fix it.  Hoping to post project 3 tomorrow.  Really enjoying this, okay, sometimes pulling out my hair.  But rewards await if I persevere.
  3. Yay! I fixed my project 2.  I started over and then I compared the layers and fumble finger me accidentally deleted the background layer.  Which brings me to a question.  If you add a layer and you dont like it is okay to right click and delete the layer or is it better to click on undo.  Sometimes I add an element and I dont like it and want to get rid of it.  I figured out the text indent thing is normal.  here's the new version with drop shadows.  The cool thing was I did this faster than I've done the other ones and without having to refer to the instructions.  This is a first for me.
  4. thank you.  my 2nd project has had challenges.  But I will forge ahead.  My camera is so much easier to use!  But I've done photography for 40 years.  Maybe after the next 40 I might be able to do this.  hahaha
  5. Hi Everyone!


    Well, project two was problematic for me.  For some reason it wont do the drop shadows at all, I'm using PSP 2019 and even took it into my PSP 2020 version with the same results.  somewhere along the way I've clicked on the wrong key  Where the word SAYA is looks like it did have a shadow but I think it's actually how that element was.  When I was putting text in I got another layer below my Vector layer and it shows "T".  Is this normal?  And when I wanted to use the Free Rotate tool I'd get a weird message. I just rotated it by the lever thing. This is the time to tell you; computers hate me.  This is why this is such a steep learning curve.  I really love all the other pages I see all of you making.  And I will keep at this.

  6. Hi,


    Susan here.  First post for me.  I'm a newbie to scrapbooking of any kind and working with PSP (even though I've had it since 2019!).  What beautiful and inspiring pages I see on this forum.  Thankyou Cassel for your words (Edit, Copy, Close, Edit, Paste as New Layer) they got me through this.  I found myself saying the words as I did the action.  It's the words of you speaking the instructions that I hear when I'm trying to remember what to do.  Great teaching style.  here's my first go; from Day 3.


    I picked this because it went from a sunny 26 celsius (4 days ago) to 2 celsius snowing heavy two days ago!



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