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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Here's one from the July 2021 bootcamp.  This is how I feel today after being woke up at 1:30am when a city vehicle was out doing some maintenance (at 1:30 am!) which sounded more like a car being stolen.  I'm might need naptime today!  Ann had posted a  really beautiful inviting garden layout and I jokingly pretended that was me (scruffy little pony) napping in Ann's  beautiful garden.
  2. Ann S was asking about Sublimation ( i think this is what she was asking about).  I bought a Dye Sublimation background kit from Creative Fabrica. It is a printing process, here is the Wikipedia definition and a small sample of the one of backgrounds I bought.  I bought it because wanted to see what it was too.


    Dye-sublimation printing (or dye-sub printing) is a computer printing technique which uses heat to transfer dye onto materials such as a plastic, card, paper, or fabric. The sublimation name was first applied because the dye was considered to make the transition between the solid and gas states without going through a liquid stage. This understanding of the process was later shown to be incorrect, as there is some liquefying of the dye. Since then, the proper name for the process has become known as dye-diffusion, though this technically-correct term has not supplanted the original name.[1] Many consumer and professional dye-sublimation printers are designed and used for producing photographic prints, ID cards, clothing, and more.



  3. Another page from the bootcamp.  Using the cutout (pinking shear edges) and learning how to change colors on the fonts.  I also learned about the size of the photo's on the page.  Originally they were very small and it looked odd.  I like that we get the feed back from Cassel and from other members.  Design isnt natural for me so I like the critiques to help me "see" what I'm not paying attention to.  The bootcamp project that Cassel was demonstrating was Bees so I added the word in the layout even though boats and bees are only related by the letter 'B' .  side note: when I was a kid we lived at a lake and we'd swim out to this old wooden boat.  One summer we jumped in and to our surprise there was a bees nest and we all got swarmed and stung.  We jumped in to the water and swam back home crying...for me bees and boats go hand in hand.


    Ann, I love the skunk. You are so lucky to get to see so many critters.



  4. I love snow globes.  Those are fabulous Sue.  I love everything Christmas, I'll have to check this one out.  My list is so long right now, 2 pages,  I might need to borrow some of my two cats lives to get to it all.  haha
  5. Today the project that started it all.  I was amazed at what I made and at the magic of Layers.  This is from the July 2021 Bootcamp.  I cant find my first set table from the May 2021.  too bad, I'd like to compare them.
  6. Ann Seeber, such beautiful layouts.  I love the look of the masks.  I think I will look into a tutorial.  Anita, I hope Leo cat is doing well.  It's such a worry when our fur kids are not feeling well.  Really nice to come home from work and check in here and see so many wonderful and varied layouts and projects.



  7. This is from the July 2021 bootcamp, project 3.  we worked with glitter tiles.  I learned more about using the flood fill tool in this bootcamp.  the first bootcamp I was like a deer in the headlights; bewildered.  In the second bootcamp I was more relaxed and could absorb more of the techniques.  I didn't know the what a glitter tile was and that glitter paper was different.  This is a collaboration of an artist friend, her amazing glass art and my photography and wood stands.
  8. I just watched the Day 5 video on FB, fabulous as always as I learn something and it was nice to see it live.  Here's a layout from the July 2021 Bootcamp.  I can find art anywhere.  This was one of several metal pieces across windows in the bathroom just outside Banff at Lake Minnewanka (sorry no chocolate factory there - with apologies to Willie Wonka).  The town was submerged, making room for a beautiful lake in the Rockies....so what do I do?  I take pictures of the bathroom!


    Have a happy creative day!

  9. I had to start at list! A list of all the master classes, scripts, labs, tutorials of all sorts that I didnt know about (or past over thinking it wasnt for me...I was wrong) that I want to learn.  Seeing them in action in everyones pages really shows the techniques in action.


    here's my layout for today.  From Module 3 of the Basic course  https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/module-03/ This is where I learned about "inner bevel" (under effects, 3D effects, inner bevel...I think).  I like that look and use it often.  Some fonts don't work well with it though I've learned.


    When I check in to the forum each day it's like WOWZERS! Such eye candy....no calories and totally healthy for me!  Love it all.

  10. After my first bootcamp in May (2021) I bought the Scrapbook basic course.  I highly recommend this course, it covers even more than the bootcamp and you get handouts(which I still refer to).  5 projects at my own pace gave me time to think about them and find supplies.  This is from Module 2 where I learned about opacity and about how tricky shadows can be (staples, banners).  https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/module-02/ I am really enjoying looking at the posts from everyone.  Its very interesting to read what you have all written as well as your fabulous layouts and projects.
  11. Here is a Word Frame I made from Lab8- Module 2 https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/lab-8-module-02/ of the expansive Alberta (CAN) skies and the often very colorful sunrises (shown here) and sunsets.  I love this technique and will use this often.  I will work on centering the top word better next time (depending on the composition of course).  These smaller tutorials in the Creative Scrap or Lab sections are really great for learning how to use the tools in PSP.
  12. Here is one from the May 2021 Bootcamp.  My first bootcamp.  I love the simple white frame around the photo's.  I sure had a heck of a time learning the flood fill tool.  It finally came together in Bootcamp #2 (July 2021) with much appreciated help from Cassel and fellow campers.  Thank you all.
  13. Congratulations Cassel and Scrapbook Campus on this momentous anniversary.  I am very new to any scrapbooking or graphics programs.  I have being a member since May 2021 where I lucked out when I received an email from Corel about the Scrapbook Bootcamp.  That was a game changer for me and PSP, which I'd been buying for 3 years and never used.  I just became a Diamond member (side note: the amount of tutorials is mind blowing!) and  I am working through some tutorials.  This one below is from Lab 10-7 https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/lab-11-module-07/ called Negative Effects.  This was made yesterday and I'm using this one because it's the first one I made without having to follow along with the video or reading the handout.  Sorry for the crazy colors, I just wanted to use colors that would have a lot of contrast for learning purposes.
  14. Cristina, that is so pretty.  I just watched the video on the interlacing technique.  It's really interesting and I'm not sure i would have come across this handy trick without first seeing it in action.  Thanks for posting it.



  15. Thank you Michele.  This lab is particularly good for me in learning the two little boxes of color (foreground/background) in the Materials palette.  Because you have two colors going at once I learned when to use the right click or left click of my mouse and which box that was for, and locking the transparency was also new to me.  Now I know what that little lock is for in the Layers palette.  I have a thick head and it takes awhile to drill stuff into it; these labs are fabulous for focusing on one technique at one time.  Also great if you only a small amount of time to play with PSP, these are short and you get the pay off of learning/creating something in that short time.
  16. Wow!  what beautiful pages.  What am I working on in very late August (better late than never), is techniques to help me get more comfortable navigating PSP.  I chose Negative Effects from lab 10-7.  Colors are pretty bold but I wanted to really see the contrast.  Cassel, if you look on the "Wave" one it looks like a little white line followed the wave (which I did with the freehand selection set to freehand - just to try it, it was hard controlling it).  Also, a few times I had problems with the text, it wouldn't let me resize it with the handles.  Not sure why or even how I managed to resize it eventually.  The fonts all came from Creative Fabrica.
  17. I wasn't able to sign up because I knew I wouldn't be able to do one page per day (work is too busy right now).  I will wait for the next time you run it or when it's purchasable which works great for my schedule.  Everyone did such beautiful work, it's really inspiring.
  18. WOW! These are all amazingly beautiful.  And informative too.  I had very busy weeks and didn't even have time to look until now.  I'm in awe at what you all created.  Cassel, any thoughts about one day turning this into a purchasable course like the basic course that could be done as a persons time permits.
  19. Holy WOW!  I just watched Vectors in Action https://scrapbookcampus.com/master-classes/vectors-in-action .  What an eye-opening tutorial.  Here I thought Vectors was only text.  Was I wrong? I sure was.  I learned many ways that vectors are more versatile than just a "text" tool.  I didn't even realize there was other vector tools.  Vectors are a great way to manipulate text or create shapes that one of a kind.  Wonderful tutorial, thank you Cassel.
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