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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Neala, thank you.  I'm not sure what float/deloat is but will endeavor to find out.  It's a cool effect


    Marvin, I really like your layout, love the warmth from the glitter frames.  And beautifully white snow, not always the case with snow photo's.


    Nonie, your layout is heartwarming and I love the design of it.


    Ravin, thank you for the compliments.  I totally feel your pain, the same thing happens to me.  In fact on the yellow flower, when I "thought" I was done I looked a little closer and saw 2 letter "k's".  I have no clue how I did that.  But I suspect I am on one tool and then go to "pick" something (thinking I'm on the pick tool) and then I get into trouble that way.  First I do CTRL-D to deselect....just in case (not because I think it's the right thing to do, figure it doesn't hurt to do it), then undo or delete the layers and start again.  I'm interested to see if it can be determined what we are doing.  I probably need to slow down and talk my way through it so I don't forget steps or what where I am (tool-wise).

  2. Here is my day 7 project 3.  I kept the reddish background paper hidden until the end and worked mainly with the green background.  It was neat to do that because then I could see what background I liked best.  Probably the green one still.  I had some problems with the flood fill procedures and was crazily clicking away and it worked...only i have not idea how it worked.  I'm still unsure about those two boxes in the materials pallet and when you use the top one or the bottom one.  More practice needed when there isnt a deadline. the bottom right corner needs something but I couldnt find anything I liked that would fit my theme.  the fonts are Wide Latin and I used an inner bevel (settings from the cheat sheet - thank you Cassel for the  Basic Scrap Course).  Both background papers and the yellow flower is KMRD Steampunk kit, Green flower is Sahin Designs, Wires and glitter paper Marisa Lerin, light brown paper Digi Dewi, dk brown paper APJess.  All from Pixel Scrapper.


    Glass art and wood plinths are a collaboration of Melanie Rowe (all glass) and myself (wood plinths and photography). Goddess quote from Marion Zimmer Bradley.


    Ravin, love the fur paper.  Porthos - friend to all, love it.


    Neala, how did you get those rounded corners on the glitter paper?  I like your color choices


    Janet, this is a beautiful layout, your color sense is inspiring.


    Cassel, I linked/merged the photo's and glitter paper because I need to move it over, can they be un-merge to be separate layers again in case I want to tweak them?


    Beautiful layouts from everyone.

  3. Dennis, what a difference that makes.  It's nice to see the two versions.  I like how the leaves drape over the corner.


    I meant every word Sue.  I have done photography since my black and white developing days of high school (film) and as a mini lab supervisor at Black's Cameras for 7.5 yrs.  I took a break from photography to learn lampworking (making glass beads in the flame), glass fusing and silversmithing.  It took me back to photography to photography pieces and others works.  Now I'm back to having lots of photo's and no way to showcase them.  And being from film processing days I had no clue how to bridge the gap to the digital world until the Scrapbook Bootcamp and the Campus came at the right time.  I feel very lucky this came across my computer.  I think your 3 hour workout is much nicer than my workouts ...that are of the iron variety.  I wasn't a scrapbooker either and wanted a way to present my photography in some way, other than making physical cards.


    I do start with a photo.  Finding the right papers/elements that all go well together is the tough part for me.  Like you say, everyone here, is here to share, help and inspire and they do that brilliantly.  I am happy to be a part of this.  Oh, I haven't forgotten about the moth I was going photograph for your identification, busy couple weeks.  hopefully I'll post to FB when I photograph it this weekend.







  4. Ravin I really like that layout.  It's really ethereal.  It does seem like a the haziness (background) of the dreamland and yet the vividness (forground) of what dreams are like sometimes.
  5. Cassel, your day 6 email was like it was written for me!  I constantly open a paper or element to a page, dont like it, then delete.  I thought it was just me as looking at everyone's pages makes me wonder how they get it so right so quickly. I know experience and making many pages is the key too improving.  I started using "hide layer" so I could compare one element or paper over another so I wouldn't have to go back and look for it again.  Kind of like being at the eye doctor when he says, which is clearer, 1 or 2.  I think I will try the duplicate page too.  that might be easier than filling up the layer palette with hidden layers.
  6. thank you Cassel.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sue Thomas's work.  I haven't really been a FB person until I joined your FB group.  She is brilliant!  her photography and her layouts are outstanding.  Can you tell I'm a fan?  Pretty much everyone here and on the FB group inspires me.  and I  simply love seeing anyone's photography.  I think I'm in the right place.
  7. Here is Day 5 Project 2.  I thought I'd get in on the rodent action too.  This is from Manning Park, BC just outside the Lower Mainland (Vancouver).  it was only an 1.5  hrs to this beautiful provincial park (from my house in Chilliwack, BC) and we went camping there every year on my birthday so I could see the ground squirrels.  Manning park is also home to many black bears and I'd be laying down photographing the ground squirrels a there would be bears walking around the day use area.  I'm not too sure about the shadows on the 2 titles.  When the title color is dark it's hard to tell there is a shadow.  Also the flowers I wondered if it was too much shadow, they look like they might be floating to high.  I used the basic shadows from my cheat sheet (from the Basic Scrap Course).


    The papers and the flowers are from Pixel Scrapper, KMRD Steampunk kit and the textured overlay was Merissa Lerin.  some of the papers and the overlay I reduced the opacity.  I forget what font it was (oops), the photo is mine.


    I really enjoyed logging in to see all the new layouts.  They are really inspiring, thank you all.  thank you Cassel, I will start looking at works I really like and deconstruct what I like about it. I was taught that in Photography too.  Now, I'm off to work...sniff sniff (insert sad face me).

  8. I like your page Cristina. And I feel your pain (design pain I mean).  I have a hard time adding in elements and knowing when it's either too little or too much while also making it look balanced.  Design is a hard one for me.  Your dogs are adorable.  I really like these classes too.  I'm blown away and inspired by what everyone produces.  It would be neat to have a class on "design" that shows before (usually when I think it's done) and what can be done, the wow factor "after" that I need to learn how to do. I guess it's the 3 P's (that I learned in Calligraphy).  Practice, Patience, Perseverance.
  9. Cindy this is beautiful.  I love the picture and it looks like it's curling up a bit on the sides.  Those hearts are neat with the papers in them and one that is a hole.  I like that technique (whatever it is).


    Ravin, Porthos looks like one happy puppy (I call them all puppies no matter the age).  Isn't it our job as their staff to spoil them?  Looking forward to more Porthos and more of Bruce from Cindy.

  10. here is my project one from Day 3.  when I first logged in today I was greeted with Ann S. beautiful page.  I thought I'd like to take a nap in that garden.  With that in mind this is ME having a nap in Ann's garden.  Those arent yellow bed scatter you see (okay, they are), they are cheerios in case I got hungry.


    All the papers and elements are from Pixel Scrapper (Thank you).  yellow paper (Digi Dewi), brown paper strip (Marisa Lerin), flowers (KMRD steampunk kit), scatter (aka: cheerios; Sahin Designs), text was minya Nouvelle.  Photo is mine from Vancouver (Canada) Game farm in 2012.


    Ann, Nonie, Neala and Janet   Wowzers!  Beautiful.   I'm going to try to work on adding more.  Its hard for me, in photography you take out what doesn't add to the subject.  You wouldnt believe how much I put on and take off.  I'll get there eventually.



  11. Shhhh, Cassel, don't let him know. I liked the sandwich so much and I was soooo hungry, I ate it.  Saved him the calories and since it's a digital dinner I ate the dishes too (getting rid of the evidence).  I should be well versed in UNdo.  Years ago my co-worker and me decided to give ourselves superhero names.  I was Eraser Girl; able to erase peoples mistakes with tone and glare (picture: me standing tall, chest out, hands on hips).  I did use Undo, in fact I should say there is very few times that I haven't used it.
  12. I'm looking at everyone's lunch and I'm so hungry now.  Anne, the actual joke is me making all these obscure rules.  It's become a game; hubby will forget to put something away and I'll come along and clean it up and then I go tell him the new rule.  I think I am on about rule #4387!  it's all in jest, but we were 20+yrs into the relationship before he informed me he like his grilled cheese sandwich cut corner to corner.  I really like this bootcamp, I learn so much and this time through the Table exercise I felt more comfortable.  <b> </b>Ann S. and Corrie, I am blown away by your table setting and your table.  Maybe that will be me in Bootcamp #46!
  13. Lunch is ready!  I made a ham sandwich for the darling hubby.  wouldn't you know it, I forgot he doesn't like onions or pickles (unless it's a hamburger; so many rules how's a woman to remember it all?).  I'm impressed he used the cutlery (fork) to carefully pick them off and set them aside.  My spotty internet get going in and out, at first I thought Cassel stopped talking to me.  Before I realize it was my internet provider wasn't talking (I live 5 min from a big city and this is one of the big internet/tv/phone providers - go figure).


    I made a mistake when I was resizing and didn't check "all Layers"  (I thought it was always checked, so it pays to check and double check) and when I uploaded I noticed one the pickles was moved and really small.  A head scratcher.  I reopened the PSP file and re-saved and saw what I had done.  I'm still making mistakes and learning.  glad I am running through this class again.



  14. Hi Dennis.  I was in your shoes last May.  I was about to give up learning PSP (and I had been buying it since 2018 and never used it) and this class came along at the right time.  the instruction is really good and thorough.  I found I did lots of rewinding and doing the action then playing and rewinding as needed.  I watched the whole lesson first then ended up watching it on my laptop and pausing at the spots where I would then do the actions on my desk top, then play more and do the actions and so on.  I am not good at watching on the same computer as PSP and having to switch back and forth.  The forum is great to get help, I learned a lot from other peoples questions as well.  Looking forward to seeing your pages.  Whether you scrapbook or not, this is really good way to learn layers and lots of other techniques.
  15. Wow Anne, what a beatiful stained glass that is.  Cant wait to see what you do with it.  Agree with you, I want to watch (and re-watch ) the videos and take more notes this time around.


    I just watched the set up video and realized how much I forgot.  I do prefer a dark workspace, I find it's less hard on the eyes, since it's not so bright.  I am using PSP 2020 and it had tabbed windows, I didn't like that and this video (the first time around) helped me make it untabbed.  I like that much better.

  16. Hi, Susan here, from St. Albert Alberta.  I still consider myself a Westcoast girl though, spending most of my life in the Fraser Valley area, or Okanagan area of British Coloumbia.  I took my first Scrapbook Bootcamp in May of 2021.  I have had PSP since 2018 and never knew how to use it.  An email from Corel about a "free" class on how to use layers in PSP had me intrigued, maybe I'd finally learn how to use PSP.  What a great experience the bootcamp was.  I signed up for the Basic class too which was a really good next step in learning.  I am back for more; it takes some time to drill stuff into my thick head.  I would have liked to post a picture but my computer is doing a loooong back up.  Looking forward to seeing the layouts we all make.



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