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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Here is my project 2 (Merry Christmas) and project 3 (winter daze) from the bootcamp.  This is my third time through and I get more relaxed and comfortable with PSP.  Still takes forever to find the right papers elements etc.  I'm beginning to see that making my own papers is the next on the long list of what I want to learn with PSP.
  2. Here is my Day 7 project 3. I was obviously in a monochromatic mood today. Photos are mine, elements and papers from Pixel scrapper.  Title font (and quote, I think) is Little Pigeon from Creative Fabrica.  I used two papers on the bigger blue one that I couldn't decide on.  None was the color I wanted, either too blue or too green.  When I played with opacity I still had the other one behind it and the color showed through. It was the color I wanted.   A happy accident for sure.  I had a better time with using the glitter tile and flood fill tool (took 3 bootcamps and one basic course to get it!).  I put the lighter glitter behind the dark blue one to separate it from the background better.  As such, I didn't put a drop shadow on the blue one, it looked weird when I did.  My flowers were flatter looking so I kept the drop shadow as if it was thick paper,  and the wire looked thin (24 or 28 gauge) and did the same as the flowers.
  3. Day 5 Project 2, a wee early for Christmas (well...not for me, it's NEVER too early for Christmas).  Photo is mine, the elements and papers are from Pixel Scrapper.  The dark green paper I lowered the opacity.  The border was Marisa Lerin from PS and I lowered the opacity to 42 (I think) because the orginal was a black border.  I knew I needed something around the border, especially at the bottom but I couldnt find an element(s) that made sense to the design. The font is called Sea Garden from Creative Fabrica.  I tried all kinds of sizes for the cut papers and had them all in my layers pallet so I could hide one and see what the other looked like.  The red papers are two different ones that I layered together and then merged them so I could move them as one.  I do understand once merged I can not undo it.  In this case I wasn't going to be needing to separate them.  Still, might have been wiser to just link them to move them together.  What do all of you think about Merging or Linking as the solution?  Which is the better way to always do it?
  4. Wow Connie, that made a big difference.  It pushed the photo to being the main subject. My eye goes right to it first.  I love old photo's.  And the crochet snowflakes, they are special.  I have my mom's on my tree every year.



  5. Thank you Michele, for your kind words.  there is so much awesome work in the bootcamp right now.  Here is my Day 3 project 1 of the Bootcamp as promised and I did a snap of the actual card made in 2012.  the frames(mattes) around the card are cut by hand, inside is a rubber stamp from my friends company (She is a calligrapher, now retired from rubber stamp business).  Looking forward to using PSP to cut out the frame cutting process. I still like the  Strathmore Creative cards/envelopes to put the image on as I like the deckle edge, so I wont to the whole thing in PSP, just the cover photo.  I hope it was okay to post a non PSP item (the card).  I'll be using other past Christmas cards in the bootcamp but wont show the cards, just layouts.  Excuse the off color on the cards, forgot I left an overhead light on and it threw off the custom color balance I had already done.
  6. What beautiful pages to see today.  Here is my page, the photo is mine, the rest come from pixel scrapper.  I used "stardust" (that's what it was called) instead of scatter as none of the scatter I had made sense with the idea I was going with.  Shadows are hard to see on the darker background and wonder if the shadows are too big on the flowers.  I think the bottom paper flowers are okay as I've made these origami flowers before and they are quite thick.  The white frame was from "Selection-Modify-Selection Borders" where I chose a white frame on the outside of the photo.  This makes rounded corners which I dont really like, but going on the inside of the photo would cut off some of the picture I didnt want to cut off, but I'd have gotten those crisp 90 degree corners I like.  Is there a way to get get the 90 degree corner and stay on the outside of the photo.


    Sue T,  you have such a cool life!


    Ann, I LOVE cats, keep 'em coming (I have two myself).  Actually any animal picts, I love all critters.


    Pirkko, that opacity is really effective and beautiful


    Colin, that is so sweet, love the color of the background


    Donna, Stunning photo!  Is that HDR?

  7. Hi Brenda, I started in May this year.  You will enjoy this bootcamp and this forum.  I've learned a lot and I am someone who's had limited time with PSP (due to work and other life stuff).  I'm finally getting to put in more time and have learned the more time I put in, the easier and more natural it feels.  I'm still taking baby steps, soon I'll be walking!


    I love the variety of sandwiches/table set up I've seen today.  Can't wait to see where you all go with your layouts.  For now, off to work (boo).



  8. I am working on the bootcamp which started Monday and thought I'd post it here too.  I made a new table set up this time around (3rd time), improving a little each time.  yay me!  I'm going to try and use this photo, from one of my Christmas cards, in the first layout we will be doing.  I will post when I get it done and we can see if I do it justice.  hahaha.


    PS yes, there is a pickle in my tomato soup...my husband did that, how rude eh?

  9. I'm a little late to the table (pun intended).  Here's is my lunch.  I had this fabulous company called "The Big-10" come in and install my new linoleum flooring.  Carole, the installer, even taught me how to install my own linoleum...for next time.  Installer and teacher, a one of a kind service for sure!  So why not have a picnic on the new floor.  I'm having tomato soup with tea while darling hubby has a clubhouse sandwich, this time with onions.  When I went to get some napkins he cheekily (new word?) put one of his pickles into my soup.  He is having some hot chocolate.  I reduced the opacity on the soup and hot chocolate so you could see part of the spoon.  the bowl and sandwhich plates are sitting on charger plates (after all, we are civilized..well, sort of).  The charger plates are made of blue transparent glass(ie. reduced opacity). you can sort of see the lino through them.  I reduced opacity on the pickle so it looks like it sunk into the soup.  Lunch was yummy, although the cats kept thinking it was their meal (we dont feed them people food, but they try).
  10. hello,


    I like a dark workspace and background.  I closed the learning centre and organizer and kept the rest of the toolbars/palettes.  I'm hoping to use photo's that have been my Christmas card photos from the past years.

  11. Anne L, that's so cute.


    Here is one from the tutorial that was just on.  As per my usual modus operandi, the undo button was the most used button on the keyboard!  I will know I'm improving when the undo button doesn't have to be replaced as often (kidding...I got a titanium one made, that sucker will outlast the earth itself!).  This was a cool tutorial.  I will need much practice and I went way too huge.  I really like the look when other people do this so I wanted to try it this weekend.

  12. Here's upload try number two.  I got the weirdest error from my computer (how rude!).  This is my try at the cut out word. An abstract on complementary colors Cyan and Red.


    Bonnie! Fabulous Red Shouldered Hawk page.  How lucky for you to get visitors like that!  Great shots.



  13. Corrie, I agree, this feel like a special event doesnt it.  I know...it IS a special event.  But it's like a big seminar to you go to with hundreds of like-minding people. I love your layout, so beautifully done.    I'm inspired at where this can go for me (being at the beginning).


    I just did the letter tutorial, here it is.  It's very funky looking.  I dont know what number 'S' is in scrabble so I picked my birthday. My 'S' is too high and it doesnt look as cleanly indented as Cassel's.  More practice required.


    Sue, wow! how exciting your life with horses.  I loved watching 3 day eventing.  Point to point sounds really exciting.  May I ask the breed of your horse?  Thick neck, beautiful shaped head, I'm leaning toward Friesen (my fav. breed) or a Aussie thoroughbred, they are so big and beautiful, or perhaps a warmblood of a sort.



  14. Libera, that is so cool.  I love the horse Sue.  My husband and I worked/lived at several horse breeding farms (race horses, quarter horses and international hunter/jumpers) in the past, as my husband was a stallion handler/horse exerciser and was part of the breeding team. I was a general horse handler, worked with the mommies and babies. I miss living on a farm.
  15. Sue, that is stunning.  That paper is perfect.  I love the papers at PS, I could become a paper hoarder if I'm not careful. And Carole, WOW!  What a fabulous week.  Thank you for this fun ride and allowing us all to celebrate along with you.





  16. Not sure if I posted this one or not.  It was the first page I made in May 2021.  I was amazed I made this.  I am still at the beginning of the beginner stage with PSP.  Not having as much time as I'd like to put into PSP in the last few months isn't ideal for the practice I'd like to do.  I'm in another online course (color related) that runs much like the bootcamp; lessons/homework every 2-3 days. Except this is 12 modules that are one month each (I am on #4).  I am working on freeing up time to dedicate to PSP as it is also important to me.  The only unimportant thing is my job...how do I get rid of that...and still get paid? hahaha.


    Thank you to everybody who posted their Love Challenge pages.  I had thought I needed to do a love theme (sometimes my brain is like a dull knife) but I see it's more about the techniques that I really want to learn than about the name of the challenge.  Sandra, I love your paper flower and Sue T, of course not just your mind-blowing photography, I love your style and before I saw your flares I didn't really see the value in them.  I do now.  My big take away from the Big 10 is; do not presume I wont ever have a use for learning something I don't think I'll use, because the chance to learn many techniques and become more familiar with PSP is a big reward.

  17. This is a test page from the Photo Gallery script that I won from the FB group and purchasable through Creation Cassel store https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&language=en I have much to test out in this, but it makes a beautiful page.  Once I free up some time I will do some in depth tests with number and orientation of photo's etc.  These photos are mine from various years on the front of my Christmas cards.  I will do several layouts as I have many Christmas card photo's I want showcase.
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