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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Thank you for comments on the picture Cassel.  I will look for the "What are you working on?" thread for my next postings.  There is so many tutorials to choose from.  I appreciate the emails with suggetions too.  I just downloaded "Selection Everywhere".  I probably would have missed it if it hadnt been for your email.
  2. I made my first Word Frame from the tutorial in the Creative Scrap section (also in a Lab). https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/lab-8-module-02/


    I am blown away by the amount of tutorials available and wonder why I did'nt sign up for the Diamond membership sooner.  I am Learning About Scripts too in my downloaded tutorial (thank you Cassel for having downloadable video tuts, my internet is spotty and often I can't watch online tuts).  I learned there is a whole lot more learning to do!


    Cassel:  what size do I resize an image to?  I just used what PSP suggested (600x900).  Is that too big?

  3. Congratulations Corrie, Cyndi and Euka on your prizes. Thank you Cassel for offering these wonderful prizes. It's not often something you get in online learning classes.  Learning PSP is a prize in itself, the rest is icing on the cake.  See you all next bootcamp.
  4. Thank you Corrie, that gives me more options.  I did the Basic Scrapbook Course too (I highly recommend this to everyone) and I'm reading through the downloaded PDF's and realizing how much I've forgotten from that course too, about the opacity.  It definitely needs a paper behind it.  Using white or black at 1/2 opacity can give me tints and shades and using 50% grey (or 25% white and black) I can get tones.  Well that's the theory anyway, I am looking forward to testing this out (from what I've learned with CMY  used for print output).
  5. Corrie, that is beautiful.  What a great idea to do hexagonal paper pieces.  when you say you changed the colors to your liking, how did you do that.  I didnt think you could change colors other than using the opacity.  this goes back to me needing to just play with the settings and see what happens I think.  I often find the color isnt quite what I want but I just go with it.  One of the reason I want to learn to make my own papers (hoping the Diamond membership will help with that).
  6. Wow! what beautiful pieces since I last checked (Neala, Dennis, Nonie).  I've never being so excited to check into a forum like I am with this bootcamp.  I'm in awe of what everyone has produced.  I forgot to add, one thing I learned (re-learned?) that I will use a lot is "Crop to Selection" . this is way easier to crop photo's this way.  the nice thing about Scrapbook layouts is that I dont have to rely on traditional photo sizes.  It's taken me a while to get to this realization since I come from a photography background where I like to get it as close to right in-camera.  But this has opened up a new way to look at my photo's and use them more than once.


    Bravo Everyone!  We done good!



  7. Anne L, this is so beautiful.  I can't resist stained glass or glass of any kind (I was a glass fuser and lampworker once upon a time).  I agree with you, I have learned so much more this time around.  I recommend doing the bootcamp more than once.  For me, the first time through was "deer in the headlights". This time, even though I still had some issues that Cassel and the participants help me overcome, I felt more calm and at ease.


    If I was to add the biggest thing I learned, don't be afraid to try stuff and explore what the other tools do.  I can get caught up in my head thinking, what if I get stuck and cant fix it.  Well, I can always start again...after I've come to the forum here and FB page to seek guidance.  I'm not in this alone.  Alone didn't work for me in the past.


    Ravin, love the photo backgrounds you use, never get tired of Porthos!


    Wendy, what a beautiful tribute to 4 generations, a forever memory.


    Hank, I like the effect of the elements on the little squares.



  8. Janet, Cindy, Marvin, Ann!  Oh my gosh, beautiful pages.


    Here's my Day 11 project 5 layout.  Thank you Cassel for all the help about the materials palette, I am getting better at using it and not dreading the fight with it anymore.  And Thank you Ann for your advice throughout this bootcamp.  All the tips have been invaluable.  I'm finding I have wee better understanding this time through.


    My question for general PSP workspace use.  If I have papers, photo's etc minimized and I click restore, it comes back normal looking with the rules and frame around it.  But if I accidently click the maximize button then it comes back and fills the screen with that photo,paper only with lots of space around it.  I cant figure out how to close it when it's like that.  I dont have "tabbed" checked in the windows selection.  Nothing is tabbed.  Just a little annoying thing I wonder if I can easily remedy.  My PSP (or computer?) was cranky and it saved the PSP and large JPEG file but when i resized it it lost the journaling.  but my computer was being really slow for some reason.  I ended up doing a reboot and it's fine now.

  9. Here is my redo for Day 9 project 4.  I managed to get the flood fill to work.  At first it was a bit translucent on one.  I understand now that you need to be precise where you put the tool.  In the end I got it.  turns out I didnt like overlapping the pictures.  At least for this project.  I spent a lot of time with shadow settings and didnt find that it was shadowing properly, still looked like it was possessed and floating to high above the paper.  Thank goodness for the downloadable PDF that comes with the Basic Course!  I used shadow on another layer and at first tried to use the warp brush and found that was a hot mess.  So then i just grabbed the shadow and pushed it up closer to the letter.  I'm not sure you can really see the shadow.  But hoping it looks better.  Made the pictures bigger too.
  10. Thank you Cassel, I see the shadows on "Bees"...I think the word is possessed! that's why it's levitating, kidding of course.  Please continue to be picky about shadows, like you and Cristina said, it's about the little details.  I never noticed it, too much time looking at the layout made me stop "seeing" it.  I will do a re-jig tomorrow and try changing the pictures too.
  11. Corrie, thank you, I will look up Creative Fabrica


    Ann, I did buy PSP 2021 for the same reason.  My image file size is large (5100x3400 approx.) to start with and I tend to crop in camera (with a bit around for what you lose in making prints).  Years as a photofinisher showed me all too well about enlarging and loss of resolution.  I'm hoping the new AI in 2021 is as good as I want it to be. thank you for the warning about the install, I will stay calm and carry on.  Okay, probably not.


    Do you still leave the match mode (hope this is the right thing) to opacity?  I had tried doing that but I am sure my clumsy over-excited clicky fingers messed it up.

  12. That looks good Dennis, the plants at the bottom really feel like they are swaying in the tide.  I love Aquariums of any kind.


    Corrie, I keep coming back to look at your succulent page, it's so pretty


    Hank, those photo's are interesting, I'm going to guess you are a musical guy.  Really love the middle photo.

  13. Oh, Ann, you gave me a heart but best of all a CAT!  I love all animals and grew up with dogs, but have cats since I moved out (waaaay back) and am looking forward to my next career as a crazy cat lady.  How do I get paid for that?
  14. Here is my Day 9 project 4.  I'm not happy with it yet.  I think the pictures need to be bigger, and maybe overlapped like Ann did with the bees ( I love that).  I put the butterfly in to show that time flies fast at the golden hour.  I made the "Bees" text another Vector layer so I could shadow it without shadowing the words around it.  I love the fonts everyone else has, where do you get them?  I used what is with PSP 2020. (side note: I had some amazon GC's and used it to buy PSP 2021, hoping it comes with more fonts).  Everything came from Pixel Scrappers. The photo's are mine.  I never think to overlap the photo's unless it's in the lesson.  I hope to do more of that, it looks really good.


    I agree with Ann, I had forgotten about the white borders and I think I will use them a lot.  This is also why going through the bootcamp more than once is really helpful.


    Question about borders:  What are the settings for putting borders outside the photo as I don't like to lose from the photo as I did in these ones.  Can I add another border to the photo that has a border for two colors, like a thin matt and the frame.

  15. Oh my gosh Ann.  Yes, I meant you and I'm so sorry about the faux pas on your name.  No excuse for that.  Not only do I need to pay attention in PSP (what tool is active, what layer is active etc) I need to pay attention PEROID!
  16. Janet, loving memory perserved.  It's beautiful.


    Neala, what a beautiful page and a beautiful way to honor your memories of Twinkie.  It's hard losing them.


    Nonie, your candy page looks so delicious!  I wish it was Christmas.


    Everyones pages are so awesome, it was nice to come home from an unpleasant evening at work  and see these images before I drifted off to bed.  Now i must get to my project!



  17. Wendy, that is an adorable page.  thank you Cassel for clearing up the materials palette for me.  It's nice to know when it matters  when you use the foreground vs. background and when it doesn't.  I'm going to also try the flood fill again with the setting you suggested.



  18. Euka, the story of your PSP getting "stuffed up" sounds like me.  Generally technology doesn't like me.  I am determined to tame my PSP.  I've had to scrap the page I was working on before, hoping I don't ever have to re-install PSP.  I'm finding the second time through the bootcamp I'm noticing more stuff that I had forgotten or didnt realize was as important as it is.


    Hi Wendy, I'm your provincial neighbour to the West (Alberta).  Your sandwich looks yummy.



  19. Thank you Cassel.  I will keep this note about the flood fill on my cheat sheet (thank goodness for cheat sheets).    Another question about that dastardly materials palette.  Does it matter which one you use, foreground or background?  Do you use only "foreground" for certain things and never for other things, same applies to the "background"?  How do I know when to use "foreground" or "background"?  Foreground and background in photography are very different things so that's why I'm confused.  In PSP it has the same names but it doesnt seem to mean the same thing.  Sorry for all the questions. I previously had lots of problems even making the materials palette work, it's coming along smoother now.


    About the linking and merging.  I knew one was not the one I wanted to use and I suspected it was MERGE.  But I couldn't remember how to LINK 4 layers together to make the move I needed to make.  Glad I'm finding this out in the classroom setting.  This is the best place to make these mistakes, while you (and everyone else) is here to guide me.  I'm really glad I am going through this course again.  I was like a deer in the headlights for the first one and now I'm a little more comfortable so the lessons and what I need to pay attention to are sinking in more.



  20. I'm from St. Albert, Alberta, Canada for the past 8 yrs.  Most of my life in British Columbia in various cities in the Fraser Valley just outside Vancouver or in the Thompson/Okanagan areas (Kamloops, Chase, Kelowna, Vernon).
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