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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. that's great.  Is there a difference when I actually purchase a class (that I get a downloadable video/instructions; looking at the beginner scrips class) as opposed to having a monthly membership.  I have spotty internet so I prefer to  download the copy and watch without the wifi going in and out.  If I get a monthly membership, can I still download the video and instructions as if I was purchasing the class.  Thank you for your quick reply, sorry mine wasn't so quick.
  2. Thank you Cassel.  I'm going to try that tutorial.  I will also look into the Diamond membership.  I'm  not sure I have the budget for it.  Can I do a couple months then stop and pick it up again a few months later.  I wish i could do the yearly one but covid has decimated my hours and my pay cheques.  I really like the idea of making my own papers and elements.  thanks for the info on your PSP book at Amazon, mine is due to arrive this coming week.  I cant wait.
  3. Module 5.  This one was complex.  thank goodness I could rewind the video many (I mean MANY) times.  But so worth it.  I liked that this was a challenge.  More complex shadows.  It's as you said in the video (Cassel) about looking at other  artist pages and seeing how they manage their shadows.  A lot to be learned from other artists.  Thanks again to the Pixel Scrapper and the artists; Shelia Reid, Marisa Dunn and Violet Irisovna.  Photo is my own.  thank you Cassel, this was a really comprehensive course which builds on each Module before it.  I feel really empowered that I have completed this.
  4. Module 4   took me a bit to be able to grab the guidelines.  Why?  who knows, it seems so simple now.  But I liked that I got a bit more information about using them.  One thing I forgot to mention is how much I liked the first shorter video on setting up my PSP.  I found them to be really helpful and useful.  And it taught me to go into other parts of the program I might not ever have gone.


    Pixel Scrapper Artists:  Rachel Martin, Marisa Lerin, Digi Dewi, Janet Kemp, AP, and I'm sorry, I used Fire & Ice Alpha and paper, but didnt get a name who designed it.  Photo is mine.

  5. Module 3.  Holding the shift key to help move objects was an ah'ha moment.  I was forever moving any other layer than the one I wanted.  I am paying more attention to what layer I am on too.  The reverse shadow is subtle but it really makes it more real looking.


    Many thanks to Pixel Scrapper Artists: Janet Kemp, Rachel M Natalia, Janet Scott, AP, Sonya Stover, Jessica Dunn, Laura Reed and Melo Vrijhot.  And of course the amazing glass art of Melanie Rowe and my photo and wood work base

  6. Here is Module 2.  Opacity is COOL!  It's neat you can do each layer.  here I only did the background layer just a wee bit.  It does make a big difference though.  And the the bound scrip..WOW, what a time saver.  And the repeat command and shadows.  so much learn about shadows.  i'm going to look for a tutorial on that.  My first staple!  papers/elements from Pixel Scrapper; Janet Kemp, June Minkus, Jessica Dunn, Janet Scott, Sheila Reid, AP, Marisa Lerin, Sonyer Stover.  The photo is mine, from my cousins garden at her farm in Saskatchewan.
  7. Here's my 1st module.  I started the basic course in the beginning of June (or end of May) and just finished Module 5 today.  This was a great next step for me (newbie) after the Scrapbook Bootcamp in May.  I used the alpha (Heather T) from the free download in Module one, the rest came from Pixel Scrapper from the following artist designers; Digi Dewi, Violet Irisovna, Maris Lerin and Jessica Dunn.  The photo is my own.  I didnt know how to make words follow a curve so I just put a curvy arrow in and followed that then deleted the arrow.  I think I saw I can get a script or a tutorial on letters following a curve...I will investigate that.
  8. hi, first time doing this challenge.  I'm still working on the Basic Scrapbooking Course (just started Module 5) and taking a color course so I hope I'm up for this challenge.  This photo is from Banff, Alberta (Canada) from 2015.  You likely wont hear from me on Mon or Tuesday, it's the busy, long days at work (work really gets in the way of fun!).  Looking forward to seeing the pages from everyone.
  9. Suzanne, this is beautiful.  I'd say you passed with flying colors.  I love the squares, the two color looks so cool.  What is the lines around the edges.  Is that a separate layer?  I noticed that with another one on another forum and I really like that look.  What is an element like that called?
  10. Sue, absolutely beautiful page, and beautiful photo.  There is nothing like the sound of chirping birds.  We (hubby and two indoor cats) do a lot of watching "bird TV" out the dining room window (where the feeders and baths are).  I think I'm probably one of the few who shovels under the feeders in the winter so the birds have a place to land (other than the feeder itself), and for me to get to them to fill them.
  11. Corrie this is very beautiful.  Your visitors will be delighted.  I have always wanted to do a photo book.  How many pages is it.  It looks hardbound, is it?  Did you change the size of your page as it looks more rectangular than the 12x12 scrap page.  Sorry for all the questions, this looks so awesome.
  12. Thank You Anne.  I am really trying to work on design.  It's a tough one.  I try to think (like I do in photography) is this element adding to the theme or detracting or does it make sense to have it it or not.  It's not easy for me.  There is so many papers and elements to choose, maybe it's because I cant choose which ones to use that keeps it simple.  hahaha.
  13. I did it!  I completed all the projects.  I feel empowered.  Sometimes I hit buttons and then don't know how to undo what I did, because I dont know what I did.  Instead of giving up I took a couple deep breathes and got it figured out.  Thank goodness to rewinding the video,  over and over.  I remember my calligraphy teacher's words; Practice, Patience, Perseverance.  I can see the need to be able to make your own papers to get just the right color for your projects.  This has being amazing and in this unsettled year+ it's nice to having a positive accomplishment.  I never thought I could learn this.  I'm a happy bootcamper.
  14. Thank you Cassel I will try the fixes you suggested.  Just watched the Project 5 video and will get to it this week.  Off to work now (even though it's a holiday. sniff sniff).  Just want to stay home and play with PSP.  I dont want to lose what I learned.  I did sign up for the Basic course because I need that accountability.  Thank you so much for the discount code.
  15. Project 4 in the books.  I used the pinking shear edge as cutouts instead.  This went pretty well.  I have a problem moving the words around.  Sometimes it doesn't grab the work, but the background layer underneath.  Or it moves the word and leaves the word behind, having two of the same word offset.  Other times I can move them fine.  I've tried being on both the copy of the vector layer or the raster layer of the word.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it's my computer not catching up.  I have used mostly designs I was greatful to download from pixelscrapper.  And found some that were already loaded from Corel.  Onto project 5, later this week (I have to "adult" now and go to work, do housework etc etc).  All images used are mine.  This has been an eye-opening course for me.  Thank you all for posting your awesome scrap-pages, they have been very inspiring.  Thank you Cassel for your instruction, I love that you go through the steps each time, it becomes the words I say to myself when I'm doing the actions.
  16. I just noticed I put "these feet were made for walking" on my project 2.  It was supposed to say "these feet were made for mischief".  I was humming the song when I was typing.  Must've saw something shiny and lost my train of thought.
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