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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Day 7 - Project 3 The papers and flower are from a mini kit by Marjan De With that I obtained in the Nov 2018 Blog Train. I made the scatter using Cassel's Punch Confetti script. For the glitter, I took a maroon glitter paper from Marisa Lerin, added a layer on top with the foreground/background gradient using the maroon and green from the papers, and changed the blend mode to Hue. The title font is Romantic Crafty and the text font is Segoe Print.
  2. I think I initially posted this in the wrong year so here is this year's pic.
  3. Happy Birthday month to you, @Bonnie Ballentine. You have wonderful friends who celebrate you. What more can you ask for?
  4. I already told you on FB that I may be "scraplifting" this idea; I love it so much.
  5. Day 5 - Project 2 Sadly this dogwood tree is no longer there. It was on the lot next to mine and they tore that house down for a parking lot (shades of Joni Mitchell). 😢
  6. It's not a fluke just because it wasn't planned. It's creativity on the fly. 🙂
  7. Very clever how you used the key in your text. It makes it so interesting to look at.
  8. You've got my head spinning with those paper clips. I think both examples work, but the one on the left just looks better aesthetically.
  9. I'm glad to hear that. I won't point them out. 😄 We are always our harshest critics.
  10. Day 3 ~ When my favorite aunt turned 90, the family got together for a wonderful party. This is a picture of my cousin and his grandson. I used a kit by EmeraldJay from the PS September 2024 blog train. The fonts are 11S01 Black Tuesday and January Is Coming. And, yes, @Donna Sillia, I am now seeing my errors. 😄
  11. Here's mine.
  12. The only person's work you should be comparing yours to is your own. It's not a contest, it's about learning and improving your skills. ❤️
  13. D = Donuts Well, you didn't specify healthy snacks.
  14. I always save my workspace after I make any changes. Keep in mind that the workspaces only work in the version of PSP they were created for. When I save mine, I always add the version # and date I saved. I learned the hard way.
  15. Over the years, I've changed up my workspace. This is my latest. I have a bunch of shortcuts on the top toolbar for things I use often, including scripts. I have a few on the layers palette, too. I use Auto Hide on palettes I want access to without having to take up space. I haven't decided which pics I'll use, but here's one I might.
  16. Been looking forward to doing this again, but I'm not feeling well so it's iffy. Good thing there's no rush.
  17. W = Whoopie Pies
  18. S = Sherbet, especially orange sherbet mixed with vanilla ice cream.
  19. Years ago we had a radio station that would play a few seconds of a song. Then people would call in to see if they could identify it. The station had a variety of games they would play. It was a lot of fun. I listened to the podcast, too. You were, as usual, wonderful, Carole.
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