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Everything posted by Michele

  1. T = Tortoni ~ an Italian ice cream or custard with cherries, almonds, and Ameretti (almond flavored) cookies. I lived in a predominantly Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn when I was little so this dessert is very nostalgic for me.
  2. I have a curious mind and want to keep learning...anything...until the end.
  3. Thanks, ladies! ❤️ I need to pay more attention. I've really been more scatter-brained than usual.
  4. I only got two jpg's and a pdf with her tou.
  5. I've also lost my mental abilities. How did you guys do it with a jpg template?
  6. Orange sherbert with vanilla ice cream! My favorite as a kid, Creamsicle from Good Humor.
  7. Not only a gorgeous page, but very poetic words. ❤️
  8. N = New York Cheesecake
  9. As I've mentioned (ad nauseam, I'm sure) the game I do these pics for has been repeating themes from a long time ago so I've just been tweaking the originals. Today I took the time to create a new one. The upside-down leprechaun stuck in his pot of gold is a freebie from DitzBlitz. I used several papers for the BG at different opacities including a couple from Janet Kemp's the-lucky-one bundle (PS/DS). The posers are my avatar from the game and the font is Celtic Knots, free from Fontspace.
  10. Just saying: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time#:~:text=DST was first implemented in the US with the Standard,again during World War II.
  11. Yeah, one of the dangers of having more than one tab open on the Campus.🙃
  12. We still follow Daylight Saving Time here in NY. I wish the world would just stop or, at least, do it on the same day. Now that I'm retired, it doesn't affect me, but I always hated it. I remember when my daughter was little, she couldn't understand why she had to go to bed when it was still light out. 🙃
  13. One of my very favorite desserts!
  14. When I was a kid, we played Pokeno as a family. It's like Bingo except with cards. Also, my siblings and I played the card game Old Maid with my grandmother. Every time she picked the old maid or someone picked it from her, she would start laughing. We all ended up giggling like crazy.
  15. H = Hamentashen ~ delicious cookies made primarily during the Jewish holiday of Purim. My favorite is apricot!
  16. V = Viennetta ice cream cake ~ yummy
  17. O = Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
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