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Everything posted by Michele

  1. O = orange ~ that's a gimme!
  2. I love this! Here's a challenge for you ~ Can you take the word art and make it curved like an actual rounded candle? I have full faith in you!
  3. I = Ichigo Okay, I googled and it's really just the Japanese word for strawberry. 🤭
  4. Thanks so much, @Julie Magerka. Sometimes picking a font is the hardest part of a project for me. I am an unabashed Font-a-Holic. I need some meetings. 🤣
  5. Here's Day 7...Finally! I didn't do the envelope because I don't print my cards. That beautiful baby is from Unsplash, a great source for free pics. The lace and flower are both from DS/PS and the font is StylePro (Sorry, but I don't know where I got it).
  6. Day 6 ~ heading towards the finish line! Inside of card reads, "You reached the stars. Now spread your wings and fly!"
  7. @Doska St. A kindred spirit ~ I'm a font-a-holic, too! @Jeni Simpson I use the Image Information to keep track of what I do.
  8. @Dee Morris and @Jeni Simpson I'm determined to complete the workshop this time. The thread remains open so there is no time limit. Don't hesitate to share what you finish.
  9. So much for my theory. 🤪
  10. This happens to me, too. My theory is that if I try to make a new post soon after submitting another one, that's when it happens. Most of the time it's when I haven't lost the original. LOL
  11. Day 5. I'll finish the whole workshop if it kills me! 😁
  12. Here's my Day 4. The cute kitty is from CF and the font is Scoot Charrita which we got free from CF via Cassel's Big 10 Event a few years ago. I used Cass corner punch B-999-17 and erased the outer edge because I thought it resembled cat paws this way.
  13. I like how you have the flowers "spilling over" the oval.
  14. There were a bunch of butterflies in different colors. I picked these because I wanted to go with a more colorful card. I did consider colorizing some grey tone butterflies, but I liked these colors.
  15. I love the bright colors.
  16. Chantalia Designs has a gorgeous vintage collection today. Her site is always free. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fchantahliadesign.com%2F%3Fs%3DVintage%20Magnolias%26post_type%3Dproduct%26fbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1hK0OUNStC2ntLzs2SGEIM34-386gqoG19G0lJgIS5VSUJ-Q2PnJ8Uqzg_aem_AZ3Exa0uT_lwYA94uH59NW0GgYKh4heAZuvZjxDarYG6b9ppfwnHjrXKfiEHKuB0U6366_eh_1WAvCXrAUQNWCQt&h=AT3uUORnnhicTQ8jwBmSay1lAJPTWNXAjCHc0nUn7jTzG4CAU2WUcmJjNISQDoWVyJcu0-cD5IYqaO0MgXzk52vMudX-xFXc8muSZ1sq-_NP_jERNScliCReGkBsW2D8PCBQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT04vSuDxnR1FxSFR6TdV42WfdbpCe88yy_mAPmJsYgH9WfXK3bGVzxZaVTd46Zt897k4wJC-3Jq2rDXrUsBNItwCmHpQp4axOSo40HnWfC4RUzSvz0PZWSX28yE6L7xBWOBqqJnwxLx7ztYi6oY1ppCH31zz6k-ywtlKYs_YnWthBj_5jCmML9yzF_oKs6O
  17. I'm up to Day 3. The butterflies are from the August 2022 ALFLT blog train and the font is Melinda Script.
  18. Nothing wrong with goofy! LOL
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