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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Welcome to the Campus, Raymond. I'm not a scrapbooker, per se, but I've learned so much from Carole. I agree that she's an excellent teacher. You might also want to check out her book on Amazon. Every time I look through it, I pick up something else.
  2. I loved the girl I found for my gaming group's theme today, Bodycon Styled, but I really wanted to glam the page up. I took a small piece of her dress, resized it and used Effects: Reflection Effects: Pattern to get a background I liked. I duplicated the background, rotated the copy by 90%, then reduced the opacity and merged. I followed some of the following tut, but did not have time for the plugins. https://www.artistrypsp.com/Jemima/Tutorials/2016Frames/SunsetFrame/sunsetframe.htm
  3. With this pesky pinched nerve of mine, I haven't been able to do anything except for the daily pics for my gaming group. Just thought I'd share some recent ones I did. If anyone is curious about how I did something, I'm happy to share. Hope you enjoy looking.


    Hey, I just discovered that you can drag and drop the pics to the Upload Images icon. That just made it a lot easier to share.

  4. For my gaming group's daily theme. I made the background paper. Used various drop shadows mixed with selections: select selection borders to frame out the fashion pics. The font is Rounds, free from 1001 Fonts; I use it a lot when I want a nice fat font. I've found that when I'm making something to present on Facebook, if I don't use bold colors, FB really dulls them down in addition to lowering the overall quality. Hope you enjoy it.
  5. Thank you, Karon and Cristina. My mojo has been missing for a long time and I've had a pinched nerve for about six weeks now (just my luck that it affects my dominant arm). Making two pages that I was proud enough of to share is a step in the right direction. Thanks again for your encouragement. It helps more than you know.
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