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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Minka, I love, love, LOVE your tribute to Johnny Cash. Where did you find that curled paper? It's perfect for your layout. If hope you don't mind me pointing out something little (and I could be wrong as my eyes aren't always working great). I think the shadow on the curled paper is coming from the right to left and your elements appear to have shadows from left to right. It's just a tiny thing and I didn't even notice it until I looked at it several times.


    Ann, curling the album covers was a really nice touch. And I also didn't realize how many people had covered this song. Ella and Megadeath??? I never thought I would mention them in the same sentence. LOL

  2. Oh, my goodness, Minka. I am speechless after your comments. Thank you so very much. I don't hit home runs often so I so appreciate what you said. It was pure dumb luck that I ran across those beautiful pictures. Half the time it takes me longer to find the proper subject matter for the daily theme I'm given. Believe it or not I found her on a makeup artist's site. I never know where I'm going to find the inspiration.


    I recently purchased Carole's jigsaw scripts. They are such fun to work with. The picture you used is gorgeous! I see the background as sand; was that your intention? I love it.

  3. I kind of cheated on The Belt Story; I knew what I wanted to do, but I didn't have the time. I used a book mockup from Freepik and filled it with one of Carole's square and angles patterns. I've got to say that I've never searched for that many belts in my life! lol. The fonts are Casanova Serif Display free from MyFonts, and Simian Display free from Dafont. To tell you the truth, I'm really not that thrilled with it. Any suggestions? Given the time I might go back and work on it for practice.


    Solid Satin was inspired by Carole's Reunion Quick Page. I know it doesn't look anything like the QP, but sometimes that's how inspiration goes. The flower and the overlay on the background page are from Bits and Pieces in the A Love For Layouts Blog Train from Jan 2021. The font is Alisa Slant Demo, but I don't know where I got it. Unlike The Belt Story, I was very pleased with the results for this one. Sometimes it just comes together.

  4. Finally found a project for the free colorful cubes collage from Corel last month. I found a collaboration between Marvel and ESPN for my Awesome Athletes pic. Just wish I'd had more time. I would have liked to have increased the size of the masks to show more of the four singular athletes. The font is voyage_fantastique; free from dafont and it has multiple styles.
  5. Thank you, Cristina. I ended up needing an extraction and implant. Today is the first time I've been able to eat anything besides yogurt or apple sauce. My appetite is back and I can eat semi-solid food. Woo-hoo!


    Thanks so much, Annie. And I love the macaws! The colors you used are perfect. Your Victorian elegance is wonderful and I don't consider those things as mistakes. When you use something as inspiration, you put your own take on it which you did. The mask you made for Protea is absolutely stunning.


    Connie, I don't know how many times I've done the same thing. LOL


    I already "loved" your cards on the FB group, Sue. They're wonderful.

  6. Headache or not, I still had to do the daily pic for my gaming group. I fell in love with the girl I found on pngwing; it wasn't a great transparency so I had to clean it up a bit. Using freehand selection I selected a large portion of her dress, carefully avoiding the folds; copied and pasted it to a new layer. Applied seamless tiling, gaussian blur, and repeated. Resized it and copied it back to the original. Since there were transparent gaps, I added a white layer below. Added a bubble effect behind her. For the frames I selected all, contracted, applied the 3D cutout effect, and repeated. The font is Sweet Allita.
  7. Val, you are too sweet and I love your treasure map! (I always put all my comments in one post. I think keeping the blog uncluttered makes it easier to look at. That's just my two cents.)


    Annie, your boababs page is fabulous. The font fascinates me. You know I'm a font-a-holic.



  8. More from my gaming group this month. Remember...I don't pick the themes; the game does. LOL


    Glam Gallery: When I found these gorgeous creations from Dutch fashion designer Iris Van Herpen, I wasn't sure how to display them all. I took inspiration from Carole's new Cork script and her recent fasteners challenge (although I think it was technically a paperclip challenge).


    Promposal Day: I had no inspiration at all for this one. I'd been dying to use Cass's Projection script and had lots of fun playing with it. I must have tried a dozen different versions of the script before I settled on what you see.


    Puzzle Night: I purchased two of Carole's jigsaw puzzle scripts for this one. I ended up using the Puzzle6x6 script so I could move some of the pieces. The characters and backgrounds are from the game. The font is Fontsbomb Jigsaw, free from FontSpace.

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