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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I thought the members of my gaming group were going to hate this, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I never know with them; that's one reason I'm always trying different styles. Usually, it just takes on a life of its own every day. I took the original fashion illustration by Sunny Gu and there were lots of selections, borders, duplicating, and resizing. I was very happy with the flower pattern I managed to extract from the original; I'm not usually that lucky. Used a simple font called Coverface SE as everything else was so busy.


    Any constructive criticism is appreciated.

  2. Thanks so much for all the wonderful feedback. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it; my confidence can always use a boost.


    The "boo-boo" was that I left one of the layers hidden on the second row of text. I have a habit of keeping all my layers until I'm sure I've gotten the effect I'm looking for. With all the hiding and unhiding, I guess I missed it. Lucky for me, you can't tell unless you look carefully at a large version. We are our own worst critics, aren't we?



  3. Some pics I made the last few days for my gaming group. For newer members who don't know me, the game picks a different theme every day.


    Photo Freeze: The girl is a character from the game; the photographer is clipart from PinClipart. I combined two different background papers by Jessica D from Pixel Scrapper. Finally, I used Cassel's Winter Wonderland master class to create snow and the ice text (I made a little boo-boo on the second line, but it was too late to fix it.) The font is Bauhaus 93 as used in the class.


    Sunday Stripes: Fonts used: Tall Stripes and Rasty Lop. The original pic is by one of my favorite illustrators: Malka Favre


    Sky Blue Shades: Found the hairstyles on Google. I used the Antique Mosaic effect on the background. Font is Billy Signature.


    Hope you enjoy them.

  4. This was a page I made for my gaming group recently; the game gives us a different theme every day. Created using KakleiDesigns contribution to January's A Love For Layouts Hope For the Future Blog Train. The font I used is called Ink Free. The pic is something I found on Pinterest. I love templates when I don't have a lot of time or when I have no ideas of my own.
  5. I made this a long time ago using a template from Cassel (it might have been one of the labs). It's wasn't technically a reunion as we got together for my aunt's birthday. However, many of us hadn't seen each other for years so I'm calling it a reunion. :)
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