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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Thanks, Lynda. It's just a Facebook simulation game called City Girl Life that was first sponsored by Disney and has changed hands several times. It's similar to the Sims Social which shut down years ago. I actually started using PSP when I was asked to make some pictures for a Sims Social group. When that game closed, most of us moved over to City Girl Life. Long story short, I ended up as admin of a group of players. A feature of the game is the Daily Look contest, usually based on clothing collections they're "selling." They give us a theme and a background and we dress accordingly. Hence, the daily pics. We also have apartments that we can decorate. It gave me something to do when I was taking care of my mother. The reason I keep playing is because of the members of my group; they're wonderful and I've known them for years now. (So much for making a long story short LOL.)


    Here's a screenshot of my current apartment and what I wore for the Live to Ride theme.

  2. Haven't been doing much scrapping lately; just no inspiration during this global crisis. My saving grace is that I have to do a picture for my gaming group every day so I won't get too rusty. This was my daily theme pic from yesterday. Started with a B&W pic from VectorStock. Colorized it with Topaz B&W effects plugin. Then I applied a randomized kaleidoscope effect that I liked and used it as a background/frame. I buttonized the main pic on a separate layer and softened it a lot with the adjust option. I've found that using the Buttonize 3D effect on it's own layer gives me more flexibility. The font is called Ultra. Keep in mind that I don't pick the themes. LOL


    Stay home and stay safe, everyone.

  3. Annie, my dear Annie. Wishing you a quick recovery. It must be so frustrating for you. Missing your wonderful work here. I agree that it's great to come here and see what everyone's up to even when we are not creating ourselves. Lots of love and healing thoughts headed your way. Hugs.
  4. Great stuff, everyone. I really have to make time to watch those Vector classes.


    Did this for my gaming group's daily pic. I never tried creating my own word art before. If you're interested, these are the fonts I used: Gutenberg, Gulya Script, Brixton TC Outline, Sky High, and Dinomiko.

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