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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Annie, I'm watching the current version of All Creatures Great and Small on PBS and I'm loving it. I didn't see the original so I missed Davison. I play some hidden object games and every now and then I run across a scene that has references to Doctor Who. In one game they had a bow tie and a fez. In the latest game I'm playing they had a cyberman. I love when I see these.


    Lynda, your layout is so realistic and your pics are wonderful. Were any of the customers or staff giving you strange looks while you were taking them? lol I remember doing the frame and I enjoyed that lesson very much.

  2. Hey, ladies, I'm a Whovian, too. The Face of Boe; The Face of Cat. Cute, Karon. I'm glad you pointed it out; it went right over my head. LOL. I never saw the originals from back in the 60's. I only started with the Tenth Doctor because that's when I got BBCAmerica. They've rerun the Ninth, but not often so I don't know if I've seen all of his season. Jodie Whitaker is fun as the new Doctor. However, I'm still missing Tennant and Smith.
  3. I couldn't come up with something for my FB gaming group's theme the other day until I found this illustration of  wine being poured into a glass. For the background I resized the original pic to a square and applied a seamless tiling effect. Then I decided to try the Displacement Map which I'd never used before. It has a setting called Under Ice and I liked the way it looked. The font is Frisha. As our friend Annie would say, thanks for taking a peek!
  4. As usual, this was made for my gaming group. The font is Love Struck which I got in a free valentines bundle from Font Bundles. The heart is a preset shape. I duplicated and resized each heart by 110% moving the new layer down each time. Filled each one with a rainbow gradient set on a circle (sunburst) with 6 repeats and increased the angle by five for each one and added a small drop shadow. It took me a long time to find the %ages and angles that were good for this image. The background consists of several layers at different opacities.
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