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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I remembered using text wrapping three years ago repeating, "WOMAN'S THE WORD." (Remember, I don't pick the themes lol.) The problem I had was with the word "WOMAN'S." The program kept reading the "S" after the apostrophe as a separate word. I tried all different fonts and sizes, but this was the best I could do, or I finally gave up. I'm sure I'm the only one who noticed, but it is frustrating. Maybe I'm just too OCD.


    The illustrator is Malika Favre, one of my favorites.

  2. Love all your projects, Annie. They are all different styles, but they are all wonderful. I prefer your redo of My Country. The text wrapping in the first version made it difficult to read due to the high peaks in the Australia shape.


    Sue, I've already told you how much I loved yours on the FB page.

  3. Thank you, Annie. Once I watched the plaid tutorials in the Campus Creative Scrap section, I realized that it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.  I usually have to refer back to the tutorials as I have a lousy memory. lol


    Mary, thanks so much for your kind words. I used the magic wand to select the text, then clicked on the plaid layer and hit the delete button. Once I hid the original text vector layer, all you could see was the deleted text on the plaid layer with the blue layer showing through.


    Corrie, you are so sweet. I'm glad this is not a competition. Annie's layout is gorgeous. I love the subtlety of your background. I can see just how much work you did on it. It indeed made your pic stand out.


    Wonderful page, George. The more you do, the more you learn. I can see that in your work.

  4. I fell in love with this picture I found on Google; it's just so happy and colorful. I made the plaid background picking colors from the original pic. I decided to do a large, solid shadow with no blur so it looked like a solid paper; then repeated with negative offsets. Applied a soft drop shadow to the pic and the two solid drop shadows. I sometimes like adding a drop shadow to a drop shadow. By using different colors and/or different opacity and blur, you can get some very interesting effects.


    The font is Gill Sans Ultra Bold. I used the magic wand to select the text, then moved down to the plaid layer & deleted to show the solid paper beneath. (Don't forget to hide the original text layer.) Relying on guides, I used my eraser brush to create the framing. Finally, a drop shadow on the plaid layer.


    If I had had more time, I would have placed the text a little more vertically centered so that it was equidistant from the framing and the blue layers below the main pic. I think I also would have placed the framing further away from the edges. Time gets away from me when working under a deadline. :)

  5. I used a template by Jodi Watson from A Love For Layout Templates blog train from March. As usual, I put my own spin on it. Carole has told us, a template is simply a guide and a starting point.


    The font is Carnival Rimmed and the pics are from google (there was no info so I could give credit).

  6. Nothing amazing, but I had fun making the background. I used a bunch of different distortion effects on the original image and I don't remember which ones or in what order. I usually pay more attention and write down what I'm doing, but not today!  LOL (The illustration is by Bella Pilar. The font is Arial Rounded MT Bold.)
  7. The theme Majestic Women had me stumped. I searched and searched for inspiration until I found this beautiful image. I tried really hard to find the original artist, but had no luck. Anyway, I used Image: Negative Image, duplicated, spaced evenly horizontal, flipped horizontal, and merged. I erased the background using Clipping Magic. (I pay a small monthly fee because I'm not very good at erasing complicated backgrounds with PSP e.g. her hair.) I duplicated the png image and resized by 50%. I duplicated and resized about 20 times to get this result.  I ran out of time so I quickly used the vector stroke script to make a border. The script was Angelta.
  8. I don't know who did the original fashion illustration, but I loved it. I used cass-PaintedBackground script to create the background. I ran it several times using the various options until I was satisfied with the result. I love that script! The font is DESIGNER.


    If anyone ever wants to know where to get a font I use, just ask. I only have free ones since my last pc died.

  9. LOL, Ann, Love the picture! I'm definitely going to be posting it in my group. The group is for a game called City Girl Life. It's a simulation game that a bunch of us switched to after they closed down The Sims Social on Facebook. We have apartments that we decorate and the game gives us a different clothing theme every day, hence my daily pic. I probably would have stopped playing a long time ago, but I have made some great friends through the years. I love making my picture every day which is how I ended up using PSP. (I inherited the group so I didn't name it, but we are Fabulous!)


    Thank you for the hug and good wishes. <3

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