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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Lesson 2 - Sandwich It is a nice day and I'm eating my sandwich outside, so I use simple plastic crockery, a place mat and a paper napkin. I have a cup of coffee and a small bowl with mayonaise to go with my sandwich. I don't like pickles, so no pickles and no meat as well but extra lettuce, unions and tomato's. Even if I'm eating alone I like to have a flower and greenery for decoration.
  2. Daniel it does, but because of my eye problems a second monitor does work for me. Instead I use my iPad where I download the tutorials. That also comes in handy because I change hands for the mouse frequently and it is easy to adjust the iPad to the left or right side of my laptop.
  3. Lesson #1 This is the setup for my workspace and I have the Materials Palette floating. I work on a laptop and although it has a relatively big screen I have to scroll much and by having the Materials floating I can move it out of the way and still have the Layers Palette in full view. Further more I have a couple of shortcuts on my toolbar for the functions I use most, which probably will be different for everybody and the same goes for the Layers palette. This screenshot shows one of the photos that I'm planning to use. I intend to use more flower photos from my last visit to California.
  4. I great idea to make a background for your cards and maybe that could also be used for the cardstock box where the cards are put into.
  5. Julie I agree, I would like to touch it!
  6. I love your cutout background, it gives a nice touch to this card! After 52 weeks you have such a great cardstock to play games with; do you have a possibility to get it printed on real cards? It would make a fantastic gift for the people who can appreciate all your work.
  7. Most of the time the weather we have is similar to that in Belgium, the western parts of Germany and a big part if the UK, all depending on the prevailing winds!
  8. Wow that are a lot of motorcycles and their riders! The scale of such events surprises me every time and having family in the States I should get more used to it and that goes for Canada as well. In Europe we have these events too but the scale is much smaller most of the time.
  9. This photo summarizes the week which was dominated by rain, showers, downpours, hail, thunderstorm, cold and a rainbow! With all the rain I haven't been outside much, I was glad I could do the shopping in a more or less dry spell. Even the plants on my patio didn't look great; instead of watering them we had to empty some of the containers and all the saucers on a daily basis. One morning when we were getting up my husband saw this rainbow and I could just take a couple of photos before it faded away, it lasted only a couple of minutes. But the weather is calming down and the coming week will be much better, dry and warmer!
  10. As I look at your layout with cats I almost want to get one, but I don't think they will fit in with the life I and my husband have at the moment. I'm afraid I have to be content with looking at your cats!
  11. Y = Yummy, I'm getting very hungry now and would like some real snacks!
  12. Thank you Ann and I deliberately used a snake plant because you could/can find them very often in offices. I still want to make some more supplies for my digital office, there are more tuts in the Labs that fit to this theme, like a yard stick, a crayon, tape etc. However I mis a pushpin, the one that you can use on a cork pinboard and a highlighter pen. Maybe I can ask Carole about it.
  13. Sharla if you have the time to watch the class, it was really a fun class and the 4 projects that were shown are relatively easy to make!
  14. Thanks and yes there is a lined paper in a "plastic" folder like the ones we have over here. I made the folder following a tutorial in Lab 9-02 plastic pocket, but I changed the dimensions to accommodate my paper and only sealed 2 sides. Instead of the color in the tut I used a very translucent yellow, just because I have such a folder with some scrapbook notes. We have other colors available too if I remember well. I'm still using the remnants of what once was a big supply. On this sized down page it is slightly difficult to see though, but I enjoyed myself making this.
  15. We had terrible weather this last couple of days and I, amongst other things, rewatched the last masterclass Craft Your Desk. I made the office supplies that were demonstrated in the class and I'm sure they will come in handy on a later moment. Nevertheless I wanted to show them and made a simple layout and added some other suitable items that I already had done some time ago. The only things that I didn't made are the plant and the icons on the letterboard, they came from my stash.
  16. Sue I hope that the period of the migratory birds will take some time before all are gone. You enjoy this immensely and we get the benefits with all those lovely photos too!
  17. T = Toast with spread, or cheese
  18. Yes Julie it is the same plant and it is mostly white but over here some can have a pink touch!
  19. Hi, Ann you beat me to the line-up! I have taken this bootcamp a couple of times before and always try to do so once a year. It is a great rehearsal of the basic techniques! I started my scrapbooking journey in 2020 with a bootcamp and I have no regrets whatsoever doing so. A warm welcome to the newcomers and don't be intimidated by us regulars because we vividly remember our first steps into scrapbooking. Who knows maybe you inspire us with your input and it is always nice to welcome new scrapbook enthousiasts! See you soon.
  20. I listened to that podcast as well and like Marie-Claire enjoyed it very much. When you explained and told your story it was as if I was listening at a masterclass without seeing you.😉 I have never heard of a Radio Bingo over here. There are bingo's held in community centers, pubs, retirement homes etc. Many years ago, before the mobile phone, there was a radio show that called a randomly selected phone number and when answered asked if you were listening to the show or if you could turn the radio on. Then the presenter asked a question on the show and if you knew the answer you could win a prize. It was my lucky day because out of all the phone numbers I was called! To this day I don't remember what that specific question was but the prize was 2 tickets for the show of Cirque du Soleil that was playing in Amsterdam and we had very good seats too to see all the acrobatic acts.
  21. Kasany I agree this font won't look good on a layout with a busy background but on an almost one color background it is easy to read. For instance I'm thinking of journaling on a label etc.
  22. Thank you and somehow the photos just "asked" for that color. When I had them on a lighter background it didn't work. This way the photos blend in with the background and I had to reduce the opacity on Carole's frame because it was bright orange. I spend most of the time playing with the settings for the background; the photos with the masks were easy. The wild carrot actually produces a white carrot, but to us it isn't very tastefully. The seeds are mostly used in a meadow mix or sown on their own in a garden for ornamental purposes because the plant is very decorative and it is a sturdy plant, circa 60-70 cm high.
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