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Corrie Kinkel

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Posts posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. 2 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    I cut into it on the 10th March.  I still have several  slices left,   OK, I'll put the kettle on.  As the Welsh would say   "I'll see you now in a minute"

    Be on my way.........😉

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  2. Like Chris we had a little bit of snow which had already almost melted when I went outside. I was just in time to make a photo with some snow on my little container with bulbs and I used that in the P52 challenge. Instead snow we had rain, rain and much more rain for the best part of December, Januari, February. It was quite depressing all those dark, gray days which at the same time had mild temperatures up to 5 or 6 degrees Celsius above average. Luckily March brought better weather with some sunshine and not so wet anymore but it still is changeable weather and Easter will bring more of the same. Due to the wet but mild weather spring is early with a lot of different trees and bulbs in flower. Over many shrubs and trees you can see a green haze coming and leaves appearing, but  hay fever season is starting as well. 

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

    I made the  Simnel cake a month back, for Mother's Day on the 10th March.  The date differs every year, as do Easter.  Traditionally they are  not as rich as Xmas fruit cakes. It has a layer of  home made almond paste  through the centre of the cake and on top. Not being relgious my mother  and I carried the tradition on by  having the cake  for Mothering Sunday.  As it does have significance  for that day.    The eleven balls is suposed to  represent the 11 apostles. I decorated it  purely for an Easter photo, them removed the  eggs.   Finally downloaded the  psp template, to correctly participate in this challenge.  The colours I took from the photo. Pinned element, scallops,  ring is  my own, the tag is one I made back in 2021.  Carole's corner and page punches. 

    Simnel Cake Template challenge.jpg

    The cake looks delicious and I would love a slice for Easter 😋. I love the colors on this layout, very subtle but unmistakably Easter! 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    P52 Week 12

    I used a gradient background, meant to texture it but forgot.  Cass-lifted photo script used as well.  Font is DaisyRegular.  My font viewer's little circuitry imploded on this font.  I have another one called Daisy, but my font viewer calls "it" Daisy Regular (with a space between the words - but the font is actually only called Daisy) and no amount of manipulation or pleading to the font Gods would allow the viewer to see both of them.  So weird.  so I had to install this one in Windows.  Programs are great....when they do what you "think" they are going to do.  😁

    P52 Wk12 - 10 Hearts-600.jpg

    Don't mention programs that won't cooperate! It is so annoying......... but we learn to live with it and "pray" to the fontboss that they will work the next time we need them. Your layout hasn't suffered and it is lovely to see the daisies on the cup replicated in the font.

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  5. I won the Photo ZigZag script last Sunday and I have been playing with it. The colors that you get depends on the photo that is used. The more colorful photos give a very colorful zigzag and I feel that that is too much to my taste. This photo however had more muted colors and I even reduced the opacity of the zigzag layer. I could have made only a small strip like a ribbon and that is something I certainly will try. For now I just wanted to show my "win" and the font is aptly named Baby Magnolia.


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  6. At the start of this freebie challenge I had the jpeg file and I only noticed much later that I should have downloaded the psp file! So here is a new layout with the psp file and that made it all so much easier, plain sailing like Sue said! I decided to have a bit of fun and made something not from scratch but I used  papers and elements from my stash. I used a kit from the March 2021 Blogtrain called Spring Magnolia, which I found rather fitting because my photo is of a magnolia bud.

    Sliped-in Magnolia-600.jpg

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  7. 1 minute ago, Cassel said:

    I am sure you are not the only one doing that now! Isn't it fun when you can at least "read" the inside of a script and get a feel for it, even if some things are not 100% clear yet?

    Yes you are right about the fun part of it and at the same time it works as an incentive to get to know more! Although I have to take a break with my upcoming trip and all that brings, but after that I'll start reviewing the lessons. I'm forgetting some of the stuff that I didn't use very much with making my own scripts.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I love it too.  Especially since it's all in layers and vectors so we can make changes as we need.  It's a great and very useful script.

    Of course I use and love this script as I supplied Carole with the Dutch and German words. It feels a bit as my script without going through the scripting part of it and again of course I looked inside the script to see how it was done! Something I now do with all the scripts that I have or are going to buy! 😉

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  9. 38 minutes ago, Bonnie Ballentine said:

    We are not allowed to take things from public lands/ parks, etc.

    In the small country I live there are only a couple "woods" privately owned, so that option didn't even cross my mind!

  10. Project #5 

    The end of this Bootcamp and the end of the trip to Berlin. I used the minikit crafty-eve-cpjess from the 2022 blogtrain and a frame from Sharon Dewi Stolp that I have in my stash because this kit had no frame. The font is Bremlin, the font Berlin that I used for the other layouts was to thin for this one and Lucinda calligraphy.  And of course again a postage stamp with my own script. Instead of the little rectangles I used stars, like a rating for the trip to Berlin, just for the fun of it.

    It was good to have a little refresher of the basics after having learned more over the last 4 years. I completely forgot that you can use a paper as a pattern for text, so it will match perfectly with the rest of the papers. Carole thank you for offering the Bootcamp again, I have enjoyed it as well as seeing all the projects from the others, that is always inspiring.


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  11. 38 minutes ago, Bonnie Ballentine said:


    Project 4...more daffs...the top one volunteered in my yard; the other 2 volunteered in the woods. I hope to dig them and transplant them.

    Nice daffs and I am astonished that you can dig them up in the woods. Over here it is forbidden to do that kind of things. Of course there are always people who don't care and do it nevertheless, but the rangers (boswachters) can report you to the police when they catch you.

  12. 19 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Stunning page!  I was taking photos of Primroses in Cornwall in January.  I like that you added a shadow to the frame, something I don't normally  do for  this particular effect, but I do like it.  It gives it  a nice little  bit of depth. 

    Sue thank you, your words mean a lot to me! Your encouragement and critics have helped me to get further in developing my skills. Your layouts are always an inspiration!

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  13. 8 hours ago, Michele said:

    I made several iterations of this silly theme. I liked the idea of the bright rainbow hairstyles and wanted to keep the rest of the l/o simple. I tried adding a rainbow border to each of them and adding shadows, but I wasn't happy with that. I finally decided to do a frame over all of them and used a cutout effect under each "hole." The biggest issue I had (I really annoy myself sometimes) was picking the gradient for the frame. I lost count of how many different gradients and blend modes I tried. I left them overnight and when I opened them today, I was instantly attracted to this one. Sometimes putting the project away and looking at it later helps if you have the time. The font is Will&Grace free from DaFont. 

    Speaking of having a personal style, I think the purpose of the page plays a big part in it. What I did here is very different than say a birthday card I would make.



    I like this very much, so colorful and at the same time not too much!

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  14. A combination of another photo from the Heemtuin with the split frame technique that Carole demonstrated in the Q&A from las Sunday. This is my first try of it and although it isn't perfect yet I wanted to show what I'm doing. I will practice a bit more, it is a bit different from the masks I normally do, at least I had fun making this.

    Split Frame-600.jpg

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  15. I'm a bit early with my week12 but I don't think it will be getting much better then this. We have lovely Spring days at the moment and there is so much coming into flower. Yesterday we went to the "Heemtuin" in a nearby village where a large natural garden is created which only has wild flowers, trees and shrubs that are native for this area. I was able to take a lot of photos, so in other projects I will use many more. This photo is of a Prunus variety.


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  16. 3 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    yes, that is it.  I think I am still experimenting with styles.  I definitely dont have a style as yet.  I often sit  back in my chair so I'm farther away from the screen and just look at it and see where my eye goes or if I feel it's not quite right.  I think I probably overthink.  I never thought it could be because I dont have a style which would be more instinctive and when I stepped back to view the layout I know where something needs to go.  Soon as Build A Kit workshop is over I am looking forward to getting back to the Notebook Labs again which means more layouts!

    Susan, that you overthink was an issue with the scripting course as well and at the same time you instinctively know what to do. So try to find your own "style" and I know that such a thing is easier said then done, I struggle with it myself. But in the end we will get there with all the positive comments and help we are getting here in this lovely community.

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  17. 14 hours ago, Cassel said:

    @Jen Brown I am glad to see that you used different formats of photos and made them all the same height without distortion.

    @Ann Seeber It is interesting to see a photo used for the background.

    @bina greene I hope you will find an occasion to use the pinked edge technique, in some future projects!

    @Donna Sillia Is that a layered font that you used from CF?

    @Corrie Kinkel I am sure we are going to see more stamps of yours now that you made a script for that!

    @Sue Booth You are very consistent with your shadows. Maybe you will want to try to tweak them for the ribbon or make them larger for the flowers. Give it a try!

    You bet and my admission tickets too when I have something that I can use them on. I love to use the few scripts that I made and will have to think what I can do next. But that will have to wait until I'm back from my trip and photoalbum etc.

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  18. 2 hours ago, MoniqueN. said:

    My intention was to have the mills from Far away to close by, but the photo I used wasn't good enough for it. So the mills differ in size, but not as intended.

    Font is Chartz

    Kit I used was an old one from PS-Rachel-Martin , the mill sticker is from an old "Holland" scrapkit, the original was red, I changed it to blue.

    Dag 7-600.jpg

    Monique, Nederlands Openlucht Museum? I think recognize the mill, but it is long ago that we were there.

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  19. Although we have something similar in our neighboring city I have never been there and I don't know if it was a great succes or not. I don't see it mentioned anymore! But there is a new thing here called Yoga with puppies. The authorities are investigating because there is fear that the puppies don't get enough sleep! I definitively won't go there, poor puppies! Grownup cats oké, they do their own thing anyway.

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  20. Project #4

    This time it is all about The Wall and Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin during the Cold War. When we visited there it was a rather gray day, fitting for the feel of the place, it was a bit gloomy!   All the papers are from Marissa Lerin gl-20 kit and I didn't use the brighter colors only the more subdued. The tank is a sticker I found on digitalscrapbook.com; the stop sign comes from Travel by DB Magnolia; the fonts are Berlin and Montana rough; the stamp is again made with my own stampscript and I made some paintsplashes .



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  21. 4 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    The folder I  downloaded didn't  include the psp file either. I couldn't work out how to use the jpeg either.  What a relief, as I  thought I  was having a mental block. Especially after seeing what Ann and Corrie had posted.  

    But I only got the jpeg files too, but I figured out how to use them. Now I will go and download the others!

    • Haha 1
  22. On 3/17/2024 at 3:00 AM, Sue Thomas said:

    I decided to do a follow up page to the one I did for the mating hares. Once again I have used Carole's punches, simillar colours too.  Now that the snow, and snow banks are slowly disappearing as the sun warms up,  it's lovely to see one of my resident hares out feeding during daylight hours.  Rather than use borders I used the selection tool,  select selection borders, delete Instead of round I went with  oval for thw photos. Although I use  square  layouts, I much prefer to use rectangles. 

    We now live in a digital world, a far cry from when I was a child, when we didn't even have calculators. It doesn't matter whether you area a pro, amateur, use  a pro camera or a phone.  For me photography is far more than  pressing a button, but in the ability to weave a narrative through pixels. Immortalizing the fleeting beauty of a moment no matter what it may be.   Using the powerful impact of PSP to tell the photos story, by  showcaseing them. 


    Hare 16 March.jpg

    Sue you put into such lovely words what photography is all about, much better then I ever could or maybe only in my own language. But I totally understand and agree with what you are expressing and you are able to show it in your layouts to us all to enjoy!

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