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Corrie Kinkel

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Posts posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. 7 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    Beautiful, Corrie! Where is the museum located?

    Thank you Ann, like all the layouts for this Bootcamp I used photos from a trip to Berlin in 2008, so the museum is in Berlin too. When we were there it was a fantastic experience and the museum is really big, so we concentrated on a section of it that had these big mosaic structures. We thought we would do another trip to Berlin because we didn't see all we planned. Unfortunately the next year my husband got seriously ill and all though he survived we haven't travelled (together) anymore!

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  2. 32 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I read Corrie's story (and enjoyed it). It reminded me of my own very young childhood. I wasn't a dolly girl (much to my mother's chagrin b/c she loved making outfits for the dolls she bought me). I played with dolls (and later Barbie), but my favourite activity was playing in the open fields in our small village with lots of other kiddies, especially cowboys and Indians (which is not very politically correct anymore.) We all had holsters and fake six-guns and pretended to ride on stalliions and shoot each other! (We all survived and none of us has ever used a gun since.)

    Back in the 1950s, early 1960s, TV westerns were very popular on TV. I would watch them with my dad, night after night, when we weren't watching hockey or boxing or Ed Sullivan. (I was a tomboy, can you tell?) According to a bit of research, TV westerns on the three major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) numbered over a 100 for a period of eleven or twelve years. Because most of our TV channels came from the US, we were a captive audience.

    This layout is my attempt to capture those days of B&W TV when I was a cowgirl, with some of the favourites everyone was watching.

    SBC March layout 2024.jpg

    Well Julie, I grew up in the same period as you and we just got the first tv's and only one channel but we got some of the westerns as well and I watched them with my dad too.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    DAY 7 - My fantasy Viking River Cruise. 😉 (For the new members; I"ve done this before with a fantasy trip to Gabarone, Botswana, Africa.) I mostly used the kit Carole offered, True Heart. The gold leaf is from Nellie Bell. The title font is Belisha and the journaling font is Franklin Gothic Medium. This color scheme is a bit of a departure for me as I usually use bright, primary colors or deep tones. 


    Ann those colors go so well with that photo!

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  4. Project #3

    For this layout I used the kit cpjess-Vintage Blooms (Jessica Dunn) with glitters from my stash which have a color similar to one in my photos. I had to cleanup the photos, after all they are from 2008 and taken indoors. Instead of the glitter outline of a butterfly I used a paint splash from the kit. I have some elements like the butterfly but those didn't looked right on my page. The admission tickets are done with my own script and the font is Berlin. 

    Project #3-600.jpg

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  5. Although I have played with many toys like dolls, (a dolls house that my dad build for me) there is one all time favorite: LEGO! When I was a child Lego was a new brand with those colored plastic blocks and it was considered a toy for boys, but luckily my parents were tolerant and I got it too. At that time it was just the blocks and bottom plates. There were bigger boxes with different colors and dimensions of the blocks, but also small boxes. Those small boxes were affordable for children to buy with their pocket money and I did bought one whenever I had enough money! On all my wish lists for birthdays and Sinterklaas I had Lego on top and in the end I had a huge collection. When I had little kids, they started with the Duplo blocks and later with my old collection and like me loved to play with Lego. Of course there were many new additions like the figures, themed boxes and technics. My son has played with the technical stuff for years and after my husband and I moved to a smaller house has adopted the collection. The big Duplo blocks went to the grandchildren when they were little and I my daughter brought those with here when they moved to the States and the grands have got their own Lego; there are so many themed sets on the market now. But I love the simple blocks were you have to use your imagination to build a world of your own!

    I have no photos to show, but found something on the net. For the layout I used a quickpage from Marissa Lerin and adapted it a bit because I have nothing in my stash that I could use. The font is Hobo, also a favorite of mine.


    AAM-Favorite toy-600.jpg

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  6. 3 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Wow, how lucky to have flowers already.  Looks like nice sunny day.  And I have to say I love 11 in your language because it's also a Christmas character, what better number is there? 

    Luckily we are getting some sunny days now, everybody over here is fed up with all that rain and gloomy weather! Not only in the garden centers but outside the flowers are coming now! So hopefully I can show some in the coming weeks. This afternoon I went for a stroll and I haven't got far, because I have taken a couple of shot of the prunus trees that are springing into life! I know about the character elf, also in the elf from the shelf book! 

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  7. WEEK-11:  This week we had a couple of very fine spring days and we were visiting a nursery in a nearby village where we go quite often. They have a nice place to sit with something to drink/eat as well and outside they have at the moment so many plants in stock that I couldn't help myself and made a couple of photos from the big display of pansies. Of course we took some home with us and they are now on the garden table where we can see them from the livingroom.


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  8. 17 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    well I don't know what happened to my post, text all over the place, and two images.

    Sue I had that happen to me too and I found that if by chance your cursor is somewhere in your text instead of at the end on a new line, maybe because you had a typo to correct and you insert your project it comes somewhere between your text.

  9. Project #2

    I had a bit of a problem to get the right color for the background but in the end I settled for this dark color as a contrast for the others. The photos I have for this church are not great, they were done 16 years ago with a simple camera. So instead of my own I found a nice one on the internet to use. The clock and the flowers come both from digitalscrapbook.com and the background papers are by Marissa Lerin. Fonts are Berlin and Lucinda calligraphy.


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  10. Like Monique said here in the Netherlands as well as most parts of Europe we always change to daylight saving time on the last weekend of March. This year that is March 30 and 31, so the latest we can have and we change back in the last weekend of October, 26 and 27. Personally I don't feel much effect of either way, the trip to my daughter in California has way more effect because we have a time difference of 9 hours! On the outward flight I just have a very long day and on the way back I skip a night! IA couple of years ago there was much discussion in many European countries to stop the change, but it appeared impossible to agree on the topic what the new standard time should be.  Nowadays I don't hear much about this, Europe has more pressing problems!

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  11. 13 hours ago, Cassel said:

    I am so happy to still see new projects! I am still waiting for new faces! Don't be shy, post away.

    @Barbara Caulton That is quite a lunch. I am glad you feel more comfortable with layers and PSP in general. I really hope that more people can find us as a reliable reference for PSP work!

    @MoniqueN. so, you put your sandwich directly on the table? I guess that is how a sandwich can be eaten when you don't really need cutlery! Looking forward to your scrapbook projects now that you are familiar with the bootcamp

    @Jen Brown Now that you know more about PSP, you can definitely make your own supplies if what you find does not suit you. May I suggest that you use a simpler font on a patterned paper? It would just make it easier to read. OR you can move it to a lighter area with less contrast. However, I only rely on the resized version of your page, so maybe on a full-size version, it is easy to read.

    @Sue Booth Some people love a lot of stuff on their page, but I am like you: I want the photo and the story to shine and not have to fight with all the decorations. Did you add a shadow on your photo (or maybe the layer is hidden)? You resized the page to 400 pixels. You can resize to 600 pixels, which would let us see more of the details.

    @Donna Sillia What app do you use to identify flowers?

    @Corrie KinkelIs that a stamp you created with your script? 🙂

    Keep them coming. If you have not finished your sandwich or your first project, don't worry. There will be an email tomorrow, but no tutorial so it will give you time to catch up.

    I want to see you!

    @Corrie Kinkel Yes the stamp is made with my own script!😊

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  12. I like very simplistic layouts with my photo(s) to be the star of the show and that suited this project#1 very well. The papers, scatter and star are by Marissa Lerin (digitalscrapbook.com) and come from different kits. The postage stamp is done with my own script. The font is very aptly named Berlin, which I probably will use for this whole project and the other is Lucinda handwriting.


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  13. 17 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    As you can see I've had a superb day outside, being entertained  by 6 hares.  At home we have a saying Mad March Hares. They aren't mad at all, instead it's the courting behaviour of mating hares.  They spent the day, running up, down, over and around the snowbanks in the yard and out in the stubble, chasing one another. Mating suitors.

    White tailed hares resized 12 March.jpg

    Besides stunning photos I like the idea of having the text in e circle to match the photo circles!

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  14. I like this exercise a lot and it is already 4 years after I did it for the first time as a total newbie. At that point I found it all very difficult and could just manage to make the sandwich and table in its most basic form. Today however I made a luxurious version to show how much I have learned in those years, but a rehearsal is always a good idea. The more you learn, the more basic things you tend to forget! I used my own cutlery, I had to polish it and I went shopping for some fresh lettuce and tomato's, onions I had plenty. No pickles and meat for me and I toasted the bread, made a cup of coffee and used my damast tablecloth, a napkin, a plate with strawberries and a little vase with some flowers. All the extra stuff comes out of my stash which has grown over the years considerably.large.my-table-600.jpg.68443d8259eb7828c96d6c706f6a6c65.jpg

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  15. T = Torta Maria Luisa  - a cake layered with jam and/or dulce de leche; very popular in Columbia and Latin American countries. My daughter's names are Maria Louise, Marloes for short, and I made "her" cake many times.

  16. 4 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Spotted Dick.  Is a tradtional steamed pudding made with suet and dried fruit.   This is the blueberry steamed pudding I made yesterday. Variations can be   jams,  or treacle, always served with piping hot custard.  

    There is a misconception between  pudding and dessert.   A dessert is sweet, whereas a pudding can be sweet and savoury.  I was always taught, that one  uses a  fork and knife with a dessert, and only a spoon for pudding. 

    Corrie posted Xmas pudding.  These are three I made to take home.  Using 1lb pudding basins.  Cooked in the pressure cooker.



    Mmm, they look delicious and I'm glad they survived the long flight home!

  17. Hi, my workspace is light grey and I use the layers palette, materials, tooloptions, top and bottom toolbars. When scripting I have the history and script output palettes open. The top toolbar has my choice of scripts as well.  For this Bootcamp I plan to use photos from a trip to Berlin that we took in 2008, it was the last trip abroad before my husband got seriously ill and since then he isn't able to travel any longer. 


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  18. 3 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    These photos showed up in The Hudson Valley in Pictures yesterday and I couldn't resist as I'm related to Louis Bevier through my father, Harold Terwilliger. His grandfather was married to Sara Bevier, a great-granddaughter of Louis. I've never been to Huguenot Street but a trip is planned! My "template" was just a .jpg so it took some maneuvering to create the "slipped-in" look. Thank goodness for promoted layers! I had to stick with the plain background because of that so I did a colorization and added a texture. The title font is Belisha. I created the brad from a piece of Huguenot art and one in my stash.  

    1698 BEVIER HOUSE_600.jpg

    Ann you did what I did to get the slipped in look! I hope you don't mind me saying so but shouldn't the black shadow line on the left side of the photo be on the right side. The shadow on your title is to the right with the light coming from the left.

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  19. I had a little free time this evening and made something for this challenge, a very nice one too. At the moment a lot of the early bulbs are in flower and the photo I used was taken yesterday on a sunny day. I know I have often lamented about the rain we were getting, but now we have sunny days as well! The cluster with tulips I had made for another layout but it fits here too and the daffodils came from ????? Font is Austin. Enjoy my colorful spring!

    Freebie Challenge-March2024-600.jpg

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