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Corrie Kinkel

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Corrie Kinkel last won the day on July 13

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  1. WOW Ann you did this rather late in your live and it shows we are never to old to learn something new! Did you take this for your work with your family's open air movie theater?
  2. V = Vallisneria an aquatic plant used in aquariums, there are a lot of different sub species but all the names start with Vallisneria.
  3. I think that too because before the update I was able to use the warped text! An update that solves problems but created a new one is not what I like😠
  4. Lovely Ann and with all those great-grands you never are short of a topic to use! ☺️
  5. Thank you and I'm quite charmed with this studiolight option on my iPhone, it is the first time I used it. Normally I have my settings for taking a portret picture to the default normal light, but the iPhone I have let me change the lighting options after taking the picture. It is a setting I will explore a bit more on a suitable photo that is.
  6. Beautiful thistle, and I have photos taken of a thistle too this evening when I was on a walk to take some photos, see my story on this week 28. But decided to use another photo for this week.
  7. Ann I have the same problem with wrapped text in PSP 2023 and I do as you or I just type it without it being in a wrapped box. When I see a typo after changing to a raster layer it is not a big deal to change it afterwards; the setback is that you can not type without having to bother about thinking to go to a new line.
  8. Along a street I always pass on my way to do the grocery shopping, our local authority has decided to sow a wildflower mixture instead of the normal grass seeds. This was done so the weekly mowing could be skipped to cut back the costs. This is done on many spots in my village and this year, thanks to the abundant rain the flowers are doing fantastic. It is a wild meadow on a very small scale. This week was no exception qua rain and I had no photos to share at all, so this evening I went on foot and took a lot of photos including this one. It is Birdsfoot trefoil and afterwards I used a setting of studiolight get all the attention on the flowers
  9. Yes it can be fast but sometimes it takes more than that. I often use a different font size for just 1 letter, especially when I use the extra glyphs of a font or I change the kerning of 1 letter (or a for a couple) to get what I want. I'm still experimenting but will show when I have something nice. Good idea to keep a copy of the frame!
  10. I love your photos and I'm always stunned by the colors of the birds in your part of the world!
  11. Donna, lovely and when I have some time left I'll give the the string tutorial a try. There are so many tuts that I probably never will have time enough to do them all😉
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