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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. It's Friday once again. Good Friday for those that celebrate Easter. Just when I thought the snow was practically all gone, Mother Nature had other ideas. It lightly snowed throughtout the night, and it is still snowing. My other girl Meg, Nell is in the backgoround. Week thirteen, and the last photo for the month of March.
  2. It's always nice to take part in the workshops, where everyone can interact with each other, over ideas, approaches to different techniques and such, whilst giving support and encouragement when needed. I will scroll through my challenge folders like I would the masterclasses and creative scrap/lab for ideas.
  3. Has anyone done Paper cutting? Several weeks ago I bought a Paper cutting kit from Amazon. It is an ancient chinese art. I started out practicing on the butterfly, then I got a bit adventurous, and did the easter eggs. I have a long way to go before I'm competent at it. Especially when it comes to cutting out circles. At present I'm using cheap photo copying paper. Once I'm happy with what I can do, I'd like to do some cutting out on cards. It's a bit late now, as winter will soon be over. But I'm looking forward to spending more time on it next winter.
  4. Thank you my dear! Where as some creators will use mulitple patterened papers, on occassion I use multiple punches. I absolutley adore all of Carole's punches. Through her tutorials I have also learnt to utilize scallops, pinked edges, and more to subtly jass up my otherewise plain papers.
  5. I had forgotten all about this challenge until I saw Corrie's quote. I came up with this. The colours/ multicolours will depend on the background colours.
  6. I cut into it on the 10th March. I still have several slices left, OK, I'll put the kettle on. As the Welsh would say "I'll see you now in a minute"
  7. I don't know about anyone else, but I will often use techniques, layouts, even get inspiration from previous workshops, when showcasing photos. As a diamond member you can access these workshops at any time for a refresher of any of the techniques etc used. Lovely photo of the brown rabbit, it resembles the little brown rabbits we get, and not a hare. The ears are the main giveaway.
  8. We are like to 2 peas in a pod, I won the Periodical script the other week, and you won the zig zag script. We have both showcased photos using our winnings within a day of each other. Not only that Carole has featured examples of our frames in this weeks blog. Coincidence or what!! 🙂
  9. You chose the perfect main background element, as it would pass for the Spring Magnolia flower in the photo.
  10. I made the Simnel cake a month back, for Mother's Day on the 10th March. The date differs every year, as do Easter. Traditionally they are not as rich as Xmas fruit cakes. It has a layer of home made almond paste through the centre of the cake and on top. Not being relgious my mother and I carried the tradition on by having the cake for Mothering Sunday. As it does have significance for that day. The eleven balls is suposed to represent the 11 apostles. I decorated it purely for an Easter photo, them removed the eggs. Finally downloaded the psp template, to correctly participate in this challenge. The colours I took from the photo. Pinned element, scallops, ring is my own, the tag is one I made back in 2021. Carole's corner and page punches.
  11. Much appreciated! I always start with a photo, from there I have a focal point, whether it's a square, rectangle or circle shape. All to often I then work my way out with layers, text, elements.
  12. They are such delightful arctic finches, with a distinctive beautiful song. I'm surprised as according to my book, they can be sighted from the west coat to east coast, even Newfoundland.
  13. I don't think naming a font is any different from any other artist naming their work. Creating power in the name and an innate ability to draw meaning for it. The font I chose besides having a dramatic name, also has a dramatic style to it, which I considered to be appropriate for the event which was taking place, meaning the eclipse. I also think that many font names are chosen to advertize the font, which have many extras. Displaying them for marketing purposes. Being artists I think the former is more the case, when it comes to naming fonts.
  14. The font is Troemys. I had a little play with the script, it certainly does have potential, along with several options to choose from.
  15. I must admit I was disappointed, as I was hoping for a more defined eclipse. I stayed up until 1.15am As the eclipse started at 10.53pm, maximum was 1.12am, ending at 3.32am this morning. The duration of the eclipse was 4hrs 39 mins. It was an ideal opportuntiy to use the Periodical script which I won. The next ecplise will be a total eclipse on the 8th April, beginning at 11.53am.
  16. Nell is enjoying the heat of the morning sun. She is the younger of my 2 girls.
  17. I honestly do appreciate your words. This community oozes encouragement, help, support and inspiration. Not forgetting constructive criticism, which I find is important, when received in the manner in which it is given.
  18. I didn't have anything specific in mind this evening to create. I randomly chose a photo from my trip home, created a layout/template, wordart, background paper, and used one of Carole's punches. Using vector shapes particularly for the circles not only gives nice clean lines, I'm able to do text on a path. Retaining the vectors, once I have duplicated and converted to rasters to colourize, texture etc.
  19. Stunning page! I was taking photos of Primroses in Cornwall in January. I like that you added a shadow to the frame, something I don't normally do for this particular effect, but I do like it. It gives it a nice little bit of depth.
  20. Beautiful image! Spring is still a long way off here. I'm in a bit of a quandary, unless something else comes along for me to photograph. Ground squirrel or Redpoll photo?
  21. Adding elements can be tricky, as I feel they have to be in keeping with the page, at the same time complimenting the page. As you say some elements are non descript. I totally agree the page has to be balanced. The photos direct me, helping me to create an even flow to the page. The photo will envoke the memory of taking the shot, such as what the weather was like at the time. I get the impression that you tend to overthink, I wonder if it's because you are still evolving your own unique style.
  22. You most certaily do! It goes to show how observant you are. Taking the time to actually look at the page, as subtle as that detail is. It is a snow scene from out in the horses field. I achieved what I set out to do, it made you really look. As I stated in my previous comment ( ground squirrels).
  23. Today a flock of around 30 Redpolls stopped off en route north for a feed. The snow is slowly going. It would appear I sparked some interest in the technique I used the other day and again in this layout. I've given some tips, but should anyone need more instruction, let me know. I created a word frame with a twist, outlined text on the letters R and F, lifted the one comrer. I forgot to mention that I created the letterboard, in the previous layout, matching the colour of the wood frame with the ground squirrels.
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