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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. Corrie, here is the other document which accompanies the invoice you so kindly translated. Again, Jack would be most appreciative if you were to translate the front and the back. The initials L P stand for Lars Peter. Many thanks Sue
  2. Oh my goodness!!!! When I read out your translation of the invoice to him, he was absolutely over the moon. The translation means a great deal to him. I copied and pasted it to a word document, to print off for him. On behalf of both of us, thank you ever so much for taking the time to translate it. There is another document which accompanies this invoice, which I will post, when I get it, for your to translate, if you would be so kind. Again, thank you ever so much.
  3. It could almost be a mind teaser. A sinlge image with two owls in it even. lol I love earth toned colours, along with their patterns , shapes, etc which makes interesting works of art. I very much appreciate your words.
  4. I have all of Carole's punches, which I love to use. Which allows me to choose a punch, that has a design that can be nigh on found in my subjects.
  5. I'm pleased you could see why I used the technique I did. Many things I don't notice until I have downloaded the photos, unless they are almost staring me in the face. As I have to capture what I can when I can when it comes to shooting living creatures.
  6. Here is my take on the sketch. "Do I have my back to you?" asks the owl. Although they are 2 photos of the same bird, the tree to the left of the round image, is almost a perfect match to the edge of the tree in the rectangle image, hense using the techinque I often like to use. Again, it isn't what you look at, but what one sees! lol
  7. It's is the shortened version of it is or it has, where its is a possessive word, such as 'beloning to', eg. The bird flew to its nest. It's confirmation that it's on its way. Saying 'the bird flew to it is/has nest simply doesn't sound right. So yes, its is the correct word to use in Daniel's layout.
  8. I'm asking for a friend, who has asked me if I knew of anyone who could translate this document. Some of you ladies immediatley came to mind. Jack is an old dear Saskatchewan friend, and it's his father who was hospitalized in Holland during WW1 in 1916 for 10 days. On behalf of Jack who would be greatly appreciative. Possibly , it says what he was being treated for.
  9. These huge gatherings are a common occurrence at this time of year. When I first came here it was ever so overwhelming to witness. I still get overwhelmed at many of the sights.
  10. I must admit there's so much beauty and wonder all around. Which compensates for it's long brutal winter. Yet, winter here has to be embraced with all it has to offer.
  11. Week forty four. Whilst the smaller migratory birds have left, the Geese are now congregating in their thousands in our area. They are feasting on what the combines left behind in the stubble fields. I hear them as they fly over head throughout the night. The majority of these are the snow geese. Truly a sight and sound to behold. As seen through my eyes!
  12. I use png too. For the same reason.
  13. Yes, the blend mode tool is next to the opacity. It is impossible for me suggest a blend mode. As you will have to try them all, depending on the image and background you use, to achieve the look you want. Try overlay, sheer, or soft light for example.
  14. I haven't got around to filling the date boxes as yet on this year's calendars. This one is from a previous year's calendar. It's a nice way to use more photos of the same subject. Anyway, again it is down to personal choice, but I like the recipient to be able to write, or mark the dates, which in my opinion means keeping the date boxes soft. There are always many ways to achieve an effect with PSP, transparancy is one, but may I suggest you try using the blend mode. I would promote the background layer, add the image, then apply a blend mode. I as like to keep the texture, if any on the background paper only. You can also change the promoted background colour etc, to get the desired effect.
  15. I love the theme of your calendar. I have a passion for lichen and fungi. Unfortunately, there isn't the variety out here, as there is at home.
  16. Gerry, these are brilliant. I also like the consistency of each page. Which is what I aim for with my calendars.
  17. Carole, if I'm not mistaken the French movie industry will write the first letter of a christian name in lower case, and the surname's first letter in upper case of the actors names in the credits. As their surnames are regarded of more importance. As for my photos, no I rarely edit my photos. In order to achieve maximum depth of field, I use an aperture setting, set at f4 with the metering focused on the bird. Mind you in this shot there wasn't anything immediately behind the swallow other than the wide open field.
  18. I'm currently creating two calendars. This one is my bird calendar, the other is a mixture of landscape photos. I will still have some minor editing to do.
  19. I love it, the water and the wings have a shimmer about them.
  20. Absolutely! I always value anyones views and preferences, the beauty of the campus is that anything creative is always open for discussion. I find it dificult to veer away from my style, although I do on many occassions, which is good for me.
  21. Not using a capital letter to start the month is a nice idea, paricularly if a glyph or a swash is added to replace that capital letter like Susan did.
  22. I am of the same thought as you Corrie. I have tried several techiniques using the mask, replicating many of what I have seen being done on here with the masks. In all honesty and it is my own personal opinion and preference not to create frames, or even elaborate to much on the masks. Again , as far as I'm concerned masks are meant to be subtle adornemts to any layout, if that is the right word to use. In this case, the calendar for me, the focus is then taken from the photo and placed upon the decorative/beveled etc masks. Calendars are meant to identify dates and events, adding (my own) photos are a great way to add a peronalized touch. Calendars are also like magazines, they are flat, withouts shadows, bevels etc. Hence it is my view to keep the focus on the photos, and the date boxes, whilst decorative and pleasing to the eye. Please don't anyone interpret what I have said as being critial.
  23. What can I say Cristina, other than, and here is that word again! Ineffable! Everyone is creating such wonderful pages, they are all a credit to your creativity. There are far to many to individually comment on.
  24. It has to be a vector in order to make any adjustments. In order to adjust the kening, you need to highlight the letter/letters you want to move.
  25. I love the simplicity and cleanness of your pages!
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