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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. Oh Julie! There isn't anything sexual about the photo. I'm not even going to ask what ran through your mind when you saw the photo. 🙂 lol
  2. The way I see it, and please, I'm not being critical, only my observation, and the way I work. I feel that all the early tutorials, mastercalsses, creative scrap, and blog has covered the majority of techniques and tools. Of course newer versions introduced new tools, all of which you have addressed. It seems to me that in many of the newer tuts, masterclasses you are going over what you have already covered. Also in my view many of the questions asked in the Q&A, are answered in previous tuts etc. It appears to me it is far easier to ask the question rather than spend some time to search out the answer in the wealth of information provided. Whilst, doing a search you get to see and pick up little things along the way. The campus has grown beyond anyones expectations. In all honesty, I find the it all overwhelming on occassions. Adding some references to past posts and classes is a great idea.
  3. Yes, you have mentioned it. In the masterclass Playing with Vectors. Which is an older masterclass. Thinking back, I set the tracking to a higher number, which is where it has stayed. Unknowingly to me I must have had a gremlin change it to 8. Of course I didn't think to check the tracking. I thought my steady hand was failing me. Many of the earlier masterlasses and other tutorials are worth revisiting.
  4. You really do create wonderful Alphs. A lot of time and thought goes into them. I had to look hard at the title in order to read it correctly. There was a time I would use some fonts, not taking into account of who is going to read it. Will the text be legible for eveyone. As not everyones' eyes are healthly, which makes reading some text/alpha even more difficult. Fortunately my eyes are fine.
  5. I will now be using her site as a new source of inspiration.
  6. Flippin' knot gave me grief. Now I can go outside and star gaze. The milky way, and hopefully another Aurora tonight.
  7. My subjects are rarely cooperative, they are after all wild and free spirited. Which makes photographing wildlife a challenge. Always having to seize the moment, which makes life interesting.
  8. Here is the updated version. The pen tool gave me a lot of grief earlier, until Carole suggested using a high tracking. I didn't know where to put it so I stuck it in the corner.
  9. Thankfully I can now. I rarely draw with the pen tool, my pen work is done using the nodes. 🙂
  10. That will expalin the shakiness then. I checked the tracking and it was set 8. Usually it's set at 40. Don't know why it was as low as 8. I know I have a steady hand for everything else I do. I will redo the knots, using a tracking of 60 plus. Thank you. I didn't notice that the tracking was that low, and that the tracking would effect the shakiness. I thought, blimey I'm deteriorating quickly! lol
  11. Here is the shot of a female Robin sunbathing on the 30 July, with the preening gland exposed, opening dorsally at the base of the tail feathers. For those that are interested, I will post the photo on facebook for better viewing.
  12. My hand is getting to shakey to do a decent job drawing with the pen tool using a mouse these days. Athough I used a cass rope, It looks more like string, and hides the shakiness. I went with a goldy metalic title. Created the curly streamer, placing it under the flowers. I will remove the flowers, streamer and knots to make room for some info at a later date. I have only ever photographed 2 birds with their uropygial gland exposed. Also known as the preen gland. It secretes an oily fluid which the bird uses in preening its feathers.
  13. I'm sure I have seen a tutorial on making knots, where, for the life of me I can't remember where it was. I have one of your knot scripts that I could use.
  14. What a wonderful find, and saving grace that you could find a safe haven for it. I have always adored hedgehogs, and once upon a time, they were in abundance. Now in the UK they are on the endangered list, and protected. I belive I have mentioned on here, that we had a cattle grid at the bottom of our drive. Hedgehogs used to fall into it, and the children would fish them out when they walked home from school. We would feed them raw minced beef, and water, before letting them go in the garden. From there they were safe to roam the garden and fields.
  15. I absoloutley agree with you, her templates are relatively basic, as you say, lines and circles. What you do with the template is where creativity comes into play. Expanding circles, ovals and so on, to delete parts of other layers, is what I have been doing for a very long time. It was a bit of an eye opener for me as I had never been onto her facebook page or website.
  16. I love them, especially the dolphin stencil, which can be used in any beach layout, including this week's font challenge.
  17. Beautiful capture! It is in fact a Hover Fly or known as flower flies. They are dead ringers for bees and wasps. Not only are they harmless, they are valuable pollinators of flowers. The easiest way for the untrained eye to tell apart from those that they mimic, is that their antenae are very short in comparision to bees and wasps. Although there are other distinguising features too.
  18. As do I, with countless works of art posted, they are quite simply ineffable. Many of us have our very own distinctive, unique styles, you are no exception. Yours, I would describe as exquisitely delicate. Our styles develope with time.
  19. How time has flown, developing our own unique styles in that time, whilst having fun and learning lots. I will reiterate again by saying, use the 'from vector shape' tool rather than the magic wand to maintain sharp clear curves. Before converting to masks if you want to use the shapes for adding photos. Cristina, I don't think, I know you can replicate those templates.
  20. This is the very first time I have visited anniecdigitals. She really does have some cool, unique templates. I replicated the letter B, which I will use to showcase some photos.
  21. You and I posted at the same time. We were thinking along the same line, of replicating those pages.
  22. I loved what you did with the letters you used. Looking at Corrie's number 8 layout, it would be easy enough to replicate her templates.
  23. The only font cheat sheets I have are the ones that you create for your special fonts, which I have printed off. Sometimes I use them. Although I tend to use Character map or fontiary to view and choose the dingbats.
  24. This is the original photo. Which in my opinion didn't need any editing.
  25. A birthday ecard for a friend at home. I replaced the birthday greeting with a quote. Duplicated the photo. I used the watercolour mask technique. Changed the duplicated photo to black and white added a texture. Carole's corner punches always come in handy. A photo I took yesterday, specifically for this card. A subject even perched on the branch I had placed amongst the trees. As I didn't want to much depth of field. I wanted some detail. As any bird that perched there would have sufficed, or mammal come to think of it.
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