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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. You did ask me how I did that!
  2. I'm going to suggest that everyone watches the tutorial Folded Corners in the creative scrap. Achieving a realistic effect or not, anything goes in digital pages. I'll let Carole weigh in on this one.
  3. Ah right, now I understand where you are coming from. You are right. Probably should have folded another paper instead of the photo. To look realistic. Wouldn't the same apply to papers too.
  4. That is probably due to the way you are switching the cut corner, once you have made your cut using the point to point. You can either mirror horizontal or flip horizontal. Then rotate to align the corners. I believe there is a tutorial in the creative scrap. I think its titled Folded paper. Unless it's in the blog. I'll take a look for you shortly.
  5. I used paper templates. The heart tag I saw on the telly, which caught my eye, so I created my own. Paper clip, ( I had previously made, all I had to do was colourize it.) Wood tokens and folded corners. I used one of Carole's punches on the arrow note. Every day, the hares are getting darker, casting their white winter coats for summer ones.
  6. I agree, and thank you ever so much. It's one of those photos where the eye is drawn to everything, and not to one specific spot.
  7. Thank you ever so much Michele. It's also the view I have from my kitchen window. Mother Nature repaints the landscape regularly. Not this morning though. It's foggy. It was +16c yesterday, then dropped to -4c overnight.
  8. The no kit masterclasses are my kind of layouts for showcasing many of my photos. There is a template which Carole made available to us for the weave layout. Perhaps she will send it to you if you were to to ask her for it. It isn't that difficult to create yourself. Take your time, I'm confident you can do it.
  9. This past week we have some stunning sunsets and sunrises. The temps are rising slowly, obviously the ground is still frozen, hense the standing water. Rainbows are created by water droplets in the air. The colours are wave lengths of light. Like in a sunrise, as in the image below. Red is recalled the red shift, as the light is stretched. Stretched light causes the red colour.
  10. Take a look at the masterclasses NO KIT 2 and 3. To create squares using guides. Of the top of my head I can't remember which class it actacually is.
  11. For me it is very colourful! lol I'm pretty certain you will be familiar with these native wild flowers. It's still very drab here, there are signs of grass starting to green. I enjoyed looking back over the recent years for photos I have taken when home, for this layout.
  12. UK WIld Flowers. I have many favourites. The Campion which flourishes in hedgerows all over the country, can flower almost all year round in some areas. Wales and Cornwall, especially so. I used one of Carole's lace picture tubes, edge magic script on the flower elements, which I created myself, adding the flowers names on a curve, as the flowers are vectors. As for the tile, I went wild using many different fonts, and colours from the photos. Due to compression, some of the flowers names in the flowers may not be legible. Forget me nots, Primroses, Cowslips, Shepherds smock. The main photo is a macro shot of the Campion flower.
  13. I mistakenly called the masterclass paper templates. I have just checked, the masterclass is titled 'using element templates'.
  14. I got a feeling you will like using paper templates.
  15. I too use grouping. It is as easy to group and ungroup, multiple times when needed. keeping many layer together.
  16. Mary, I'm deeply touched by your words. Yes, the phrase strips tutorial can be found in the creative scrap/lab (the one or the other). I'm delighted my pages serve multiple purposes in the campus. I have to say cutting out circles using PSP is by far easier and quicker than actual paper cutting. I will hopefully improve on that though. Pease don't hesitate to ask for any instruction, or direct you to any relevant tutorials. I like the small details.
  17. It certainly looks as if it has weathered the arrow of time. Also time is change, not only on our planet but in the universe, everything goes through decay and eventaully dies. You have done a superb job in achieveing that in PSP.
  18. I sit with then in the stable and outside, when they are sitting down, there isn't a day that goes by when I bury my face in their coats and wrap my arms around them. They are probably the most handled horses in Canada.
  19. I always stand in awe at sunsets and sunrises You can never take to many photos of them. A stunning sky with a stunning silhouette foreground to compliment the setting sun.
  20. Before I read your comment, I recognized the layout. The card workshop was before Xmas, and I used all snowmen, you have used Easter bunnies. It pays to delve into the workshop folders for inspiration and ideas. Something I do often. Lovely page!!
  21. Talking about aging, and all that it entails, I created this page last night, bar for the phrase strips I wanted to do. For the life of me I couldn't remember the word I was looking for. I knew it's meaning and in what context I was going to use it. This morning out of the blue It came to me, dextrous. I immediately wrote it down. Now the page is complete. I consider myself very lucky in the fact that I'm fit and healthy. I do have to wear cheap magnifying glasses, which I have dotted all around the place, inside and out, purly for reading. If my arms were a little longer I wouldn't need them. I have noticed that I am getting forgetful. As Corrie says aging is what it is. We have to accept getting older and don't let it stand in our way. The ground squirrels tolerate me laying amongst them, they still have an imaginary boundery, which I don't cross. I have bought them a bag of rabbit pellets, which they are enjoying. I haven't seen them today, eveywhere is white, although it has stopped snowing now. Now then, my page. I creared phrase strips, used Carole's page punches again. Created a date stamp. For the scalloped edges and the cut out dots around the background paper I used several techniques, all of which you will find the many turorials in the creative scrap/lab. Multi scallops, double scallops, scalloped mat. I also used a paper template, which I colourized to my liking and sized it down. Carole did a masterclass on paper templates, one of the best classes she has done. Paper templates suits me as I am not a fan of using patterned papers. I used the same technique which I have given tips on for the round photo, with it's cut out frame.
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