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  1. I cannot believe it, but I have finished another layout. This has not happened for quite some time. I am enjoying it while it lasts. 🙂 Credits: Template by Lynn Grieveson (The Lilypad) - lgrieveson_messy_noted_4_tp_2 Papers from the "Great Outdoor" kit by KAagard. Cassel's Tutorials and Scripts: Flair Button -- Multifont Sticker (Lab9-06) -- LiftedPhoto script -- Datestamp#4 script Date font: Calgary
    6 points
  2. I'm working on the intropages for a photo album of my recent trip. I have 3 "chapters" for my album and each one has a scrapbook page introducing the topic of that part. Here is the 1st one about the road trip we took. The dimensions of the layout are specific for the kind of printed album I choose. For this page I used the cass-Photo circle template script that I bought recently and I choose squares and how many I needed. This is a great script I will write a review in the store! Then I used the cass-label1 script with different colors to write the places where we went and the photos were taken. I have a US highway sign as a template that I can adapt. I had already made a californian numberplate with the screws , so I just had to write the date on it. The tire tracks are done with cass-Tire Track 1 -brush; I used a color with a texture and later a grungy brush on them as well. The background is made of a google map with some overlays and blendmodes. The blue sky is an overlay I have in my stash and the car and road sign are by DiHiller (blogtrain june 2023) and the little wooden cabin is by Marissa Lerin. I'm happy to get slowly back into scrapping!
    3 points
  3. So sweet. He looks like he has a little helmut or cap on his head.
    3 points
  4. Since Tuesday I have had an influx of birds. A large flock of Goldfinches and Siskins turned up on Tuesday. A Pair of Brown Thrashers turned up a fortnight ago, and another pair arrived on Wednesday. Two female Rose breasted Grosbeaks arrived yesterday, along with the first of the Wrens. I have photos of them all, as I have erected several new feeding stations out in the trees using loose and fallen tree bark. You will no doubt see many of the photos in upcoming layouts. The remaining white-crowned Sparrows with their eloquent song, are here to stay, as the majority them had moved on over a week ago. I chose this image to showcase, as between his posture and expression, he simply melted my heart. The trees are now teaming with birds and bird song. Photo taken yesterday afternoon.
    3 points
  5. P52-Week 20 is coming up this weekend. Here's one of my visitors that Merlin identified as an Eastern Towhee from its song. Pretty colors on a tiny bird.
    2 points
  6. Week 19 marks the end of my stay with my family. I have enjoyed being there and taking part in their daily lives as well as going on some weekendtrips together. I spend some quality time alone with each of my granddaughters, which we both cherished. I even did some volunteer work in the class of my youngest granddaughter where they could use some help with the bookinterviews! The children had to tell about a book that they had read and they had to answer some questions about it. I got a list of questions to ask depending on the kind of book and I was very impressed how eloquent most of them were! Now I'm slowly adjusting back at home where my husband is glad that I came back in one piece😉.
    2 points
  7. My week 18 is about Yosemite National Park where we stayed for the weekend. It is very imposing with the granite rocks and the waterfalls. It was still early in the season, so there were no crowds, but we have had all kinds of weather, including snow! At first it started to rain in the afternoon and when we were having diner the rain became snow. The temperatures dropped below zero and the snow blanketed the roads, which were closed to all traffic. Only one road stayed open and we had to use that one to drive to the camping where we had a cabin. It meant we had to take a detour of over an hour to get there in the dark on winding roads; luckily my daughter had rented a 4-wheel drive because of the weather predictions! The next morning there was a layer of approximate 5 cm of snow but is was sunny and the park rangers had cleared the roads with snow ploughs. When driving along a road we could see some cars that were stuck there and the people in them had been evacuated by the rangers; they had a busy night! It was quite an adventure in conditions that doesn't exists in the Netherlands.
    2 points
  8. A small pot of pansies that we bought just before I traveled to California has erupted in a big bunch of flowers! I have to deadhead them almost every day to keep it flowering! It is a joy to look at and I needed that because this week was all about rearranging a rack in our storeroom. Just before my trip we had to buy a new tumbler and everything was waiting until I was back to start altering things and deciding what we could do without and bring it to the recycle unit where we live.
    1 point
  9. Week 19 A quiet moment on a sunny May day.
    1 point
  10. Welcome back, Corrie! So glad you got to experience Yellowstone, it is one of our Wonders!
    1 point
  11. I love this Ann. I didn't know that about Torties (being mostly females). I had a cat for a short time (Emi) and the vet said she was a Torbie...A tabby tortie. And she had such a zest for life and was the biggest cat I've ever had. Sadly, she past suddenly due to a failing heart valve(we found that out later). I didn't get enough time with her.
    1 point
  12. Almost all Torties are female - it's a genetic thing. "Brandy" is my newest visitor and is now showing up twice a day for meals. When I go out to feed her, I say "hello" and she answers "meiow!" ☺️ Torties are known for being a bit feisty. They even have a special term for it - "Tortitude." The font is Valentina.
    1 point
  13. Male Yellow Warbler. I heard him yesterday, and got to take a photo today.
    1 point
  14. Meg, lovely to be out riding with longer, warmer days.
    1 point
  15. Week 18...caught up enough to get behind again. 😁 Background paper by RachelLm-seth paper15 (Digitalscrapbook.com). Fonts Emil Love (Wk18) and Emely Love (creative fabrica) and reposted here after posting in April by mistake (even after making a note that it should be in May).
    1 point
  16. Week 18 We have bluebells everywhere. Spring has definitely sprung! I didn’t plan on photographing the insect – I was happily snapping away at bluebells but the little fella was so charming I had to choose this photo.
    1 point
  17. What an absolutely delightful little bird! It really is quite lovely that we get to see them when they visit garden feeders.
    1 point
  18. My Week Eighteen - the Chipping Sparrow. They are tiny little birds and I love their rufous caps. They are all over the ground under my feeders. The photo is from Merlin which ID'd it for me.
    1 point
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