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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Lesson on taking the picture out of the frame.
    12 points
  2. This one is from a bootcamp, probably about 5- 6 years ago. It was a fun day out with rriends
    11 points
  3. https://scrapbookcampus.com/invision/forums/topic/1276-january-diy-challenge-2023/#comment-33954 DIY CHALLENGE - January 2023
    11 points
  4. https://scrapbookcampus.com/invision/forums/topic/1013-april-2022-random-challenge/ RANDOM CHALLENGE - April 2022 I think these are now called the DIY challenge and they are my favorite challenges. this is the first one I did.
    11 points
  5. This page was created for a 2020 Color Challenge, using Sherwin-Williams's color of the month -- Perle Noir = R79 G77 B82 or HTML = #4f4d52. Techniques, freebies, etc., included in the page: Tutorial Flair Button Masterclass Background Overlay Word Stickers Lab09-Module05 Ice-cream Cone Template freebie. The scripts can be found Here - Wafer Script or Here - Ice Cream Treats at Creation Cassel Store.
    10 points
  6. Here is my 2023 Quick Page Workshop-Lesson-8. I looked at the QP Kits at Digital Scrapbooking and selected one called Love Birds from Gina Jones. Added other graphics from Creative Fabrica and my stash. The Font is Fadilla (in my Windows Fonts) and I applied an inner Bevel and drop shadows. This was such a fun-filled workshop and I always learn something new. I titled it Tweet Tweet and gave the birds some extra musical notes and a guitar. I think I have added 10 projects, it was fun to realize how much I have learned. Thank you Carole and all of you, You inspire me! Note: The previous Alpine Flowers layout was also from QP Workshop 2023.
    10 points
  7. Here is my project from Template Workshop-Lesson-7. I learned how to tweak a template to customize it. Background papers and embellishments are from Digital Scrapbooking. I changed the Title to Spring Flower Garden, and added different ribbons also from Digital Scrapbooking. Font is one Carole used "Bowlby One SC".
    10 points
  8. I wished i could do a picture like shirley the one above me I made this and worked on it 2 hrs IDK you can post older ones I have some from past bootcamps... ty hugs all more points
    9 points
  9. Here is my Quickpage Workshop -Lesson-4. I selected an Alpine mountain photo and Alpine flowers. Photos are from Pixabay and Creative Fabrica. The font is Garamond (in my Windows Fonts). Flowers are the Blue Gentian (Enzian) and the other two are Alpine Rose(also called Rhododendron) and the Edelweiss. Instead of color for the font I used a picture of a flower meadow with the Enzian and Alpine Rose, then used the pattern to fill the font.
    9 points
  10. Here is my projects from Template Workshop-Lesson-4. The photos are my own and showcase Lake Constance in Lindau Germany. The link in Lesson 4 does not show the video or tutorial. I used papers from Digital Scrapbooking.I learned how to add an inside Border and using photos with fuzzy edges,(Masks). Font is Bernard MT which I have in my Windows Font Folder.
    9 points
  11. Here is my project from Template Workshop-Lesson-3 titled Backyard Friends. The photograph is mine, we love to have the deer visit our backyard. The mother kept her little fawn on our patio for a while. We were glad to give her a safe place until the fawn got bigger and was able to get around.I learned how to use layered templates, stitching, and to bind and use 2 scripts "Clip To It" and "Open as a Layer". Papers and embellishments are from Digital Scrapbooking. Font is Segoe UI Semibold which is in my Windows fonts. The video, and downloads did not show up on the link for lesson 3.
    9 points
  12. There was a time when I used the vector scripts often but at some point I couldn't get them to work anymore. It made me v-e-r-y happy to come across Carole's blog post Using the Vector Tube Script. I had forgotten that my paths needed to be converted to a path! Such a simple "fix". I am happily using those scripts again. This is the first image I tried the vector tube script on after coming across Carole's help.
    9 points
  13. Here are 2 things I did with a template and a script. I loved looking at all your creations
    8 points
  14. Feb 2022 - QP 7: Enjoy the Moment/Fall in the Hudson Valley and QP7-Extra: Driving along the Delaware River on the famous Hawk's Nest Road. It has starred in many commercials and ads. Driving it is a challenge! Our area is bounded on the East by the mighty Hudson and on the West by the roaring Delaware rivers. We still lose tourists to the whirlpools in the Delaware because they are too proud to wear a life-jacket.
    8 points
  15. This set of Quick Pages really inspired me. I did both for QP6 in Feb 2022.
    8 points
  16. Feb 2022 - Waiting impatiently for the hummingbirds to arrive and I used the Extra to showcase my favorite musical group, Queen, performing You're My Best Friend.
    8 points
  17. Quick Page Feb 2022: My black cat, Adam, and showcasing the area where my California family live, Mendocino, CA.
    8 points
  18. Feb 2022 QP - I did both layouts, one showcasing my region, the Hudson Valley, and the other with a beach theme.
    8 points
  19. Feb 2022 QP - my daughter Deb with great grand Magic celebrating Mardi Gras
    8 points
  20. I forgot about my Quick Pages. Here's a selection...
    8 points
  21. I am working on a scrapbook for my beautiful granddaughter, my gift for her 30th birthday.
    8 points
  22. It surprised me how easy it is to make a Flair Button so of course I had to go try my hand at making one right away. The photos are from when we lived in France many years ago. The little girl in the flair button is me.
    8 points
  23. Here is a project from the Templates Workshop 2022 Lesson-1. For this, I also used the extra template which shows Paris in the Spring. The Eiffel Tower, etc. is from Pinterest, I picked the pink and grey color from the Paris picture. The rest of the papers and embellishments are from Digital Scrapbooking, the font is Fiolex Girls which I have had in my Windows fonts for a long time. It is sometimes hard to pick the layouts for this event, they all mean something special for me.
    8 points
  24. Mix and Match This is comprised of two photos I took. The wooded path is at Sycamore RV and the two deer were in the backyard of the house we just sold.
    7 points
  25. Entry to party (a dozen eggs) along with my bottle of Sauvignon Blanc:-
    7 points
  26. here I used the Lab6 02 tutorial
    7 points
  27. This one was for the Bingo Card Challenge (Line 4) from June 2019 Leather Tag Word Frame Freebie - Multi-Photo Frame2 script Journal Bits Script Stitching with Fonts Pinked Edges
    7 points
  28. and these from textWorkshop
    7 points
  29. these are from maskWorkshop
    7 points
  30. https://scrapbookcampus.com/the-lab/lab-13-module-09/ Template fro Lab 13-09
    7 points
  31. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/qp-workshop/lesson-1/
    7 points
  32. these are from Bootcamp
    6 points
  33. here are some patterns from workShops
    6 points
  34. https://scrapbookcampus.com/workshops/vector/lesson-5/ Text on a path.
    6 points
  35. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/greeting-card-workshop/lesson-2/
    6 points
  36. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/double-page-workshop/lesson-5/
    6 points
  37. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/story-time-workshop/day4/ STORY TIME WORKSHOP - Day 4 This was my hardest workshop as I didnt think I had any interesting memories. You know how it is, you have all these great memories...until someone asks you to recall one, then you cant. That is me. I'm not sure where I am in the number of postings so I might do some more, just to be safe.
    6 points
  38. Well I was a little late for the party (as having Sunday lunch at the time) so didn't have anywhere to upload my images for it. I had kept a look out for the start but I think the zone time differences put pay to me seeing the invite. I also do not have a web camera on my PC. Never mind, it is a great achievement Carol to have taught yourself, set up businesses and taught all of us, especially in the friendly manner that you do. In this day and age it is a pleasant approach. My greetings card to you is based on a card I made for your 60th which I have adapted. The other image is the one for the party.
    5 points
  39. CaliKat, this is such a beautiful page!
    5 points
  40. Thank you Michele for the clue to puzzle number 3. Now I have a completed puzzle and I am happy. ?
    5 points
  41. https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/leather-tag/
    5 points
  42. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/template-workshop/lesson-6/
    5 points
  43. Before I viewed 4 Tips to use with Text on Path, I tried to make text flow on a flag. I ended up just tilting each word separately, and it doesn't look very good. But the card itself, based on the art of Mary Engelbreit, turned out well enough to give my wife a smile.
    5 points
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