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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2023 in all areas

  1. I spent the day yesterday actually scrapping. I was catching up on the backlog of photos for my cousin's family from April 2022. I decided to think outside the box on one of the layouts. I don't use frames very often and the kit I was using had a lot of frames. The template I used was very basic since it was more to do a magazine type layout so had no clusters on it. So I kept the photo spot and one paper strip then did what I wanted. Starting with using a frame as a basis for a cluster - some items behind it, others on top of it. The template is Scrapping With Liz Zine Double (set 2) available at The Lily Pad. The kit used is "Center Stage" by Kristin Cronin-Barrow available at Sweet Shoppe Designs.
    3 points
  2. I loved today class That Book you Made and gave to Hundreds of New Moms was so Awesome, those new Moms were very Blessed. I will be watching and rewatching todays Q & A it was so good! Thank you
    1 point
  3. Yeah, mine was in spam as well today. I see the Mailchimp logo on the newsletter so it really surprises me that it gets sent to spam. None of the other newsletters I get through Mailchimp do. Even the one that I keep unsubscribing from that doesn't unsubscribe me (I also never signed up for it) and have it marked to go to spam doesn't go in spam! The joys of technology! LOL
    1 point
  4. I wish I knew how all those email providers work. At least, I am glad those emails reach you. Before the latest changes, some emails were actually REJECTED by some email providers. I guess the spam folder is an improvement!
    1 point
  5. I got ONE notification of the newsletter not being delivered to a recipient today (and it was to a gmail account) saying that something is not matching in the SPF and DMARK so I'll have to look into it. I got the notification for one, but who knows if others were affected too. This is so annoying in the backend too!
    0 points
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