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What are you working on (March 2022)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in March, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!


Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save in jpg format before posting it.


Here are a few guidelines for everyone:

when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same.

if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyways).

if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone!

if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better quality image than the resized image anyways.

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Still playing with masks, this is the Extra from #7 turned sideways. Instead of a jagged edge, I used the eraser tool with the shift key down to create the "scalloped" edge on the mask. This is my granddaughter and great-grandson last summer in my youngest daughter's pool. I love the color of the water and wanted to use it somehow in a layout. The background on the left is just a paper I had on hand and so is the lifesaver element. The smaller photos are just selected from the large one and mirrored. Once I was satisfied, I merged the small groups so I could apply subtle shadows. So, here's Ilana & Logan - Summer of '21.


Edit: Decided to revise the "lifesaver" graphic.

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Lab 7 Mod 4.  This Module teaches how to make a target and a bullet hole!  I'm really not thinking in terms of bullets right now as enough are truly flying.  So, what the world needs now is love, sweet love, that's the only thing that there's just too little of!  True love makes us vulnerable to be hurt! But, also to experience joy!  So my target centers on a beating heart at the center exposed by the bullet hole!  Cupid of course many people think of for Valentine's Day and finding one's "True Love".  So ... Font is from Creative Fabrica: Hesthia Austine.  The cupid is from NicePng.  The rest of the papers are mine.  I experimented a lot with brushes for this lab and for the background paper.
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Hi Mary, (#73167) I just checked, I did it as download found in Messenger, on Facebook.  It does have your picture on the page and your middle name.  The file is 15 MB.  I will try and send to your gmail account, but not sure if that's too big to send.  I sure hope I got you, or someone will be very confused.  ?‍♀️?
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Trish I like your notredam- window! Somewhere in my photo collection I have a stained glass window and maybe I'll try to copy you, if you don't mind.


I have been very quite of lately due to a domestic crises. Just after finishing the MasksWorkshop we discovered that we had a major problem with the floor in the entrance hall. It was wet after all the heavy storms and rains we have had and this wetness was spreading underneath the laminate flooring. So a part of that flooring had to be removed. Besides that the the floor on another  spot is wet too and the pressure for the underfloor heating is going back..... Tomorrow morning a company is coming to measure if there is a leak, which means we are without heating for 2 days now because the floor has to cool down before they are able to measure! So fingers crossed! It means that I haven't had time or energy left for scrapping.


See you all in the masterclass of tonight

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Hi Corrie, I got that from Unsplash a while back, if you can't find another your welcome to use that one be great to see what you can make out of it.


I am still working with Masks, missed the tutorial owing to having my 4th covid injection and the reaction was as bad as having covid  Hope your floor  prob[em works out OK, hope your covered with Insurance xx

Yet another mask,

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Hi Corrie, I don't know if its because I had bad Covid Christmas before last, still haven't cleared of all the symptoms,  the first 3 injections didn't have any effects, but the 4th left me with a really bad headache and neck that didn't want to support my head, everywhere ached like a really bad flu, felt sick, had the shivers then the sweats, breathing was very difficult, it's been a week, and still hasn't cleared up, and I can lift my arms now, just an excuse to stay in bed. I am the only one I know that has had a reaction, I had a pneumonia injection at the same time, I wonder if that had anything to do with it.  xx
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Trish, so sorry to hear about your reaction to your booster.  That is awful.  I hope you start to feel better soon.  Your "Beautiful You" is stunning.  I love your color palette and well, everything about it.  Your pages are so diverse it's really exciting to see what you will create next.
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And now on to Lab 7 Mod 5. Papers, mask, are my own. Requirements: paint splatter, paint streaks, doodle frame. I made the mask from various brushes on a rectangle; put a small paper behind the picture and put the doodle frame on it and colored it dark blue; merged the group (mask and picture), then merged the group with the small paper and the doodle frame so that I could maneuver them together. The font is Brush455BT.
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Guest Guest
Trish : your page #73288 is so beautiful - did you use some tutorial; it would be nice to know, what it was :)
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Hi Trish, hope you are feeling at least a bit better by now and yes I think your other injection had someting to do with it. I heard some similar stories over here too, All the best


Oh my floor problem is almost fixed now, tomorrow the last day with the cleaning up after the repairs and hopefully that's the last of it.

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Thank you Pirkko,  its a mixture, the background is a mask over 2 colored background sheets, the 2  flowers and butterfly from my stock from various sources the bottle and watch are from I think 2 different kits, I never buy or use set kits, only element packs, most come from various free png sites and pixel shapers who I have an account with.  If you would like to try the mask message me your email and Ill try to send it to you .


HI Corrie, please to here your floor problems solved x



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Website Leaderboard:


I'm not a scrapbooker but using techniques to brighten a website on family history.  So information is the priority but the graphics are decoration .  This is 1 of a set of 5 that fade from one to the other.  It was created using some Cassel Creations scripts.  The world map was created using Copper It but not in one go... to keep some of the detail I divided up the image into components and ran it on them individually or else whole continents or islands disappear.  The map of Ireland on the left uses Wood Puzzle 3.    I wanted something decorative and thematic; I didn't want something accurate in detail as visitors can find that for themselves, just something to take away from the stuffy research lists a little.

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Website Leaderboard: 2 of 5.


This uses a variety of script and is more  a practice session for entering snippets of text.  The Custom Coin took a little while to get what I wanted.  The image can be enlarged but I have to work on the fact that, on-line, it is initially seen much smaller.

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