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Hi Christiane, welcome to the Campus. You will find a very supportive community and some users might be living not too far from you. Browse around. Join any conversation you want, and join all our activities. There is a lot of free stuff for you to get started. Everyone started as a beginner!
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Hello Christiane, welcome to the campus. I am sure you will enjoy being here. Relax and have fun is the main thing. By the way, I am hugger, so don't be surprised if you see virtual hugs from me. Sure do miss giving them out for real, but with the Co-vid it is really hard to be giving out real hugs. Have great day or evening. {{{{HUGS}}}}
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Hi Christiane, welcome! We have a lively crew here from raw beginners to experienced PSPers. I find that Carole is a great, patient teacher and have learned a lot myself in the last two years I've been here. I had used PSP to create a website for our business, but it was rudimentary, so I've benefitted from instruction just for that. Now that I'm retired, I'm concentrating on my pets, family, local wildlife and my favorite, Save the Tigers campaign. Have fun!!
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