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Masks Workshop 2022


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Don't know why you don't care for your spring project (lesson 5). If you hadn't already told us you were a newcomer I wouldn't have known. You are doing a great job and I think you are enjoying yourself. Keep it up. I think you have a flare for this.


Oh and thanks for the Kudos.



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(#73176) Julie, I love your "Spring is in the Air".  Trust yourself, your layouts are beautiful and inspiring. I'm a newbie too.  I'm in Alberta, we had 4" snow yesterday,  ? and hoar frost on the trees today.  It's pretty, but I am so ready for spring.
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industry to learn :) Thank you Carole so very much for fine teaching


I didn't use the plaid for paper but I made it from Lilo's pillow

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Carole, I had been thinking overnight about your comment about making the text stand out as it would if it was laid across the photo. My problem was that the text was part of the background image that I had obtained from DigitalScrapbook (a design by Marisa Lerin) and not a separate text layer as my Lily & the bear’ text is. Thank you for the suggestion. I made some notes and this is what I did for V2:


- On background layer (copy!) Magic Wand set to ‘colour’ made selection of ‘Sweet’ text & Selections>Promote Selection to new layer


- Did the same for coloured hearts to make separate layers so could move and alter them separately


- On background layer used Smart Clone tool to cover areas where the hearts & text were


- Added drop shadows on separate layers for text. ‘Sweet’ had to be a raster layer as it was effectively an image of text rather than vector layer as my ‘Lily & Bear' text is.

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Fiona (#73227) that's beautiful.  thank you for explaining how you made the changes, the tips are much appreciated.


I'm practicing today, keeping it simple.  Mask practice and played with the new Lantern tubes, floating off up in the sky.  I experimented with the Hue Map, thanks Carole for that timely blog tutorial, made several very slightly different Hues. keeping it analogous with, Magenta, Blue, Cyan,  and white to mimic the clouds...and because black didnt look as good.


The lantern behind the mask is supposed to be coming out of the clouds.

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Linda J walker - (#73083) - That's a beautiful page, lovely colours to accompany the Blue Jay.




Sue Thomas - Thank you for all your tips and advice in the forum. I'll be taking a leaf out of your book with repetition - practice, practice and practice again. I'll be going through the videos again and making sure I take notes etc. It's quite overwhelming at times with all the instructions and the many actions to do - repetition is definitely the key, and personally, a bit of patience too ;)




Carole - (#73150) Thank you for that - save to disk :) I feel I should be experimenting more with the tutorials and pages, and also having a bit more confidence in doing them. Thank you for all you do.




Linda DiGregor (#73170) - Beautiful Robins - your Robins are different to our ones we get in the UK (which are equally beautiful :)




I am truly amazed at everyone's creations on here.

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Mask Workshop Lesson 5 -


Sunrise - I took this photo a few weeks ago whilst having a lovely walk along the beach.


Enjoyed making the mask for this, although I must remember to make sure my tool options are reset to default before I do anything - the blend option was on overlay and I couldn't work out why my 'cloud' brush wasn't doing what it was meant to do - all a learning curve :)





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Yes Theresa, repetition is the way to go for many.  Master a  couple of tools at a time.  You will be pleasantly surprised what you can create using a few basic tools over and over.  As your confidence grows,   learn a few more tools, incorporating them into your projects.  Before you know it your knowledge of PSP will become more extensive, and your creativity will expand to new heights.  Keep up the good work everyone.  We are all here to help, support,  inspire and encourage each other, with Carole at the helm.
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Sue Thomas - Thank you, there is a wealth of knowledge to learn here, and I'm glad to have started on this path :) Much appreciation to you, Carole and everyone else who frequents this forum :)




Lesson 5 - Lamb!


I enjoyed the displacement map, and loved the 'unchecked' monochrome effect, but kept it as monochrome for this page. After the hassle of the watercolour brushes not working in PSP2022 the other evening they worked this time!


As yet I haven't seen any lambs in our countryside.. It shouldn't be long before we start seeing them jumping and bleating around. I could watch them all day :)



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Carole: 'There is a tutorial for the staple and the other techniques in the creative scrap.'  where can I find this tutorial?


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I've had quite a struggle with lesson 1 but I think I finally have enough figured out to get photos into the template. I'm used to using clipping masks and sometimes my brain got stuck on that. I don't know if there was another way to add the background, I copied and pasted a Shadowhouse canvas and I have to look up some tutorials on using text in Paintshop. I'll have to practice on some other templates, this was fun once I began to understand how to use it.


This thread is so tempting, so many great ideas, so much to learn!


One  of those things to learn is how to upload a photo. I have tried two browsers(Opera and Chrome) and every time it freezes the browser. I click on Upload Images, go to my files and click on the one I want to upload and then it freezes. I finally go to task manager to close it. I checked and the image is 600x600 165kb jpg.

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