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Bootcamp - January 2022


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The sandwich is for my mother. It has lots of stuff layered in between two pieces of bread, including extra onions. She likes sweet onions, particularly Vidalia from Georgia when available.


I had forgotten about being able to drag individual layers from one file to another. I usually work with tabbed documents which is a holdover from using a browser.

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Cassel, This one is showing on that page and it is different than what I get. Perhaps it is just different view of the newer pallet.  It is no big deal, I have gotten used to using the one I documented.  P S I did sign up a day late for this bootcamp, Should I have received the sandwich link today?
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Hello, all-  This is my second trip through bootcamp.  I'm not really interested in scrapbooking (though  I appreciate all the community support), but I am interested in learning more of the features of PSP for my photo editing.  I enjoyed my first trip through, but I see I've lost some of the "knack" I got with the first time.


Long story, but we ended up with quite a few amaryllis bulbs this Christmas season, so I have a plan to use them in upcoming layouts.  They're quite photogenic.  With any luck, I'll figure out how to use "background remover" to isolate just the blossoms and stems.


Happy winter, everyone!  See you soon.

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I made my sandwich with 2 slices of meat, 2 of lettuce and 2 of tomatoes. I changed the color of the plate, etc.  I added a new raster layer and changed the color to pale pink to make it look like a table cloth under the plate, etc. I added a heart for upcoming Valentine's Day!


Question: I tried to use the guides to line up the silverware at the bottom but they wouldn't snap to the guide even though I activated. why? How should I do it?

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Hello everyone! I have been reading all the posts and feeling inspired. I have been working with the layers file and I am disappointed with myself. I know I am doing something wrong because my sandwich items are going to the center, but I can not adjust the placement or the sizes of the items. I will add a screenshot of my workspace. Any advice?


I am using PSP 2022. My workspace is dark gray. Sandwich 1

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The first thing I noticed was you still had the pan tool selected. (the little hand at the top of the list) instead of the pick tool that is just under it.  I can't count the times I have forgotten to go to the pic tool and wondered why things were not working and then kicked myself when I realized it.  I know better. LOL
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Omitade, welcome to the Campus. Yes, PSP seems to have shifted focus toward more photo editing, but even though they don't promote them as much, other tools are still there and available to create elements and designs. Looking forward to your ziplining photos.


Liz, if you have more photos of such cows, it will be fun for us to look at. That is a club sandwich you did, with three slices of bread! And yes, that is the story of your sandwich.


Euka, welcome back. We will go on walks with you? :)


Pierluigi, let's hope you can still follow the videos, and the written text on the pages. (speriamo che possiate ancora seguire i video, e il testo scritto sulle pagine)


Sandra, did you have a drink with that sandwich?


Gregory, I am glad you finally made it to the Bootcamp. Did the trick I mentioned earlier help?


Randy, although you used another method, grouping layers is working just as well. I just don't address that in the beginning for the newcomers, but if you are familiar with it, no problem. It is like if you were to use a tray to bring all your elements versus carrying them one at a time. :) When posting in the forum, png will automatically be converted to jpg, to save space, and since there is really nothing to see through (the background of the forum is white), it won't make much of a difference. Glad you managed to set up your workspace the way you wanted.


Pirkko, of course, as a leftie, the cup has to be moved! And good job on the shadows.


Gerry, I find that tabbed documents have many inconveniences, including the inability to drag and drop. Another issue is the inability to clone from one image to another (yes, you can do that). That is why I recommend untabbed documents 99% of the time!


Ann, I had not thought of dessert but with all those fruits, we have choices!


Anne, what you have is the dialog window when you select a color, and not the Materials palette itself. Click on the swatch in the Materials palette to choose a different color and that is what you should see, if you are using the Classic Material palette as set in File > Preferences > General Program Preferences > Palettes. Thanks for helping Diane. For your sandwich, it looks like you are having a glass of milk?


Linda, good idea to add a mat under your lunch!


Marie-Claire, did you have anything to drink?


Peter, welcome back. Yes, without practice, it is easy to forget some habits. To answer your question, the Background Eraser might not be the best tool to use on photos like those of your amaryllis. Instead, check out this blog post. I think you will get better results with that.


Gramie, is that a heart-shaped chocolate box? I want some! For your question about the Guides, did you also check the "Snap to guides"? Also, are you using the Pick tool or the Move tool? It seems that the Guides don't snap when using the Pick tool.


Diane, glad you are feeling inspired. I would not want anyone to feel intimidated or bored. To answer your question, the elements will always end up in the middle of the canvas, by default, so that is the expected behavior. Second, Anne pointed to a good observation: the Pan tool (the little hand) does NOT grab or drag layers but drag the "view" when you are zoomed in.


For those who have not posted yet, don't be shy. We have all been beginners before. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. We all here to help.

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Here is my sandwich project. I was really impressed with all of the creative variations other students used. However, because I'm getting my feet wet for the second time, I decided that it was best to complete the assignment as presented. However, I did decide on a little creative arrangement of onions, pickles, and lettuce leaves. A very enjoyable exercise, and another great learning experience!  I had forgotten that elements cannot be moved from one window to the other, but must be dragged from the "layers" pallette.  A challenging and enjoyable start!
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I'm a little late to the table (pardon the pun).  I put my "rose-colored" glass on today.  there are no pandemics in my rose-colored world so I invited my besties for lunch.  They all agreed, provided I did not cook!  So sandwiches it is.  After all, how many times can a stomach take cajun style (in my house code for: BURNT!).  As evidenced by the photo's below, call "magic pan" and "pasta melt".  Anybody wanna come for dinner?
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This is for Day 2 and Project 2. I changed the Tag below because I couldn't find how to get to day 3 posts!


Questions;  Can you put the drop shadow on an element then duplicate it several times and it will already be on the duplicates and not have to do them 1 at a time?  #2 Once I have chosen the paper can I use the dropper tool and flood fill the paper with a color from my photo?  I couldn't get it to work.  #3  My new image didn't have the blue and white checks it was all black!  Why?  I am using the 2022 version is that why? I was able to flood fill it with white but shouldn't have to. #4 I had my second line of text on a new layer that I changed to Raster but then it wouldn't let me select it with the Text Tool so I could add the shadow.  I had to use the selection tool to select it then I could add the drop shadow.  Is this a glitch in 2022?


My splatters are distorted because I didn't realize the MODE had changed from size.  So I left it!

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