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Up-to-date Challenge - 2022


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Ann, we will all travel with you!


Susan, creative cropping can often give a totally new outlook on photos. And with PSP2021 and 2022, you can even enlarge photos that might be otherwise, too small.


Anita, it would be fun if you end up combining a photo with a cute clipart on each page. That would be an interesting style!


Henry, I moved your post to this thread so it will be together with everyone else, and get more views. This is a fairly simple project so hopefully, you will be able to complete it.


Corrie, you will have your work cut out for you with three calendars! Good thing it will be easy to do


Minka, I have never been to Florida, so I'll travel through you.


Daphnee, looking forward to your pages.


Gerry, with PSP2022, you should be able to enlarge your photos enough and then focus on some area of the photos, like you did here.


Linda J., flowers will brighten our colder days.

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Can I participate in this challenge even though I have not purchased the Calendar making course; should I make my own template for layout... my budget is very tight
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Here are my first 4 pages. I decided to make more calenders. This one is about our beautiful country, the Netherlands. Photo's are all taken on/at a museum terrain.


Text from the website: "Explore the 44-hectare museum park. The activities taking place at the museum and the craftspeople practising their crafts bring the historic buildings to life."Museum website



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I just made it... I created large grid... numbers of days... and so on...


was it supposed to use some specific template ...?


i can make this look similar ... or at least try :)



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Pirkko, the challenge was meant to go with the templates, so it makes things simpler. You can register here to get all the same templates. You can do something with different templates, but several tutorials will be hard to apply with something different.
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Hi every one,  I am just sending in my first four pages and I am once again doing pictures of my Pomeranian's which I love and over the years I took many of them , mostly in the show ring.I shall maybe do something else on another calendar if I  can come up with some thing else , but will finish this one first with all my fur kids.



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Here is my pages so far.  The gradient is cool.  I would like to figure out how to get the gradient with darker on top and lighter on the bottom.  yesterday with my starter page I was able to resize after saving as a .jpeg.  Today, it wont do that.  I have "saved as"  a jpeg for the 4 months, but when I go to resize and put in 600 there is a lock (I think that's what it is) and it greys out the "ok" at the bottom so I cant click it.  It's on "by pixel" .  I am using 2021 now.  Not sure what I've done.  I went into MS Office and resized it there.  Hope it's not too large.  Nice to see so many varied and interesting calendars.
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I had much to do today, but trying to keep pace, so I need to get busy.


I really don't know why my calendar grid stayed gray on January, and not February. Maybe I missed a step, or added a step? Or I tripped up somewhere. Maybe I need to try it again when I am not tired.


Pirkko, I want to know how you made the grid....

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Monique, the calendars are so easy to make that you can definitely make more than one.


Ann, are those going to be on the same theme? All about Downtown Abbey? (I don't follow that series).


Marie-Claire, I see that you used a variety of gradient types. That is interesting.


Corrie, beautiful flowers!


Daphne, those dogs must take a lot of work in grooming!


Susan, to change the dark/light, check in the gradient window and there is a checkbox with Invert. That will invert the two colors. For your issue with the Resize command, could you post a screenshot of the Resize window?


Linda, the reason your grid is grey is that you might have had the Fill tool set to something else than None, so it filled based on the area you clicked and stopped at the edge of the grid. Try it again, and set the Mode to None first.

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