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What are you working on (in June 2021)?


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Karon thank you for your comments and I'm sorry to hear of your loss!


Lynda thanks for the info and I'm not one bit concerned leaving my pot outside. It is made of very thick stone ware, not of the thin stuff that most Delftware is made of. This one was made for heavy duty and survived over a 100 years by now! I should add however that our winters are mostly reasonably mild.

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I was absent for just a few days, and this thread is already full of wonderful work.


Great job, Anne, Sue, Bonnie, Anita, Lynda, and Corrie! It is always a pleasure to come here and see what you all are doing!


I am working on a layout to practice tutorials from the Lab, but it is only halfway, but I'll get there. : )

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It's been a few day since I was on here, and  what beautiful creative pages have  posted. I'd like to thank those who have  commented on  my pages too, it's always much appreciated my  psp friends


A birthday ecard for a family member. This year's fox cub. The dandelion seeds are a brush. I saw this graphic quote on creative fabrica this morning. Instead of downloading it to use the png file, I created my own using not quite so heavy fonts. The butterflies and hearts are also fonts, taking their colours from the photo. Thin white border. I often lay in wait on the ground for mammals, insects and birds, this time after what seemed like hours, I got my shots, and came back 3 ticks on me. Straight away I got into the shower. lol



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Meet one of my new friends, one of this year's Jack Rabbit youngsters. He/she love the dandelions in the yard, the dandelion disappears in not time. Although they are called rabbits, they are actually hares, like the snowshoe hare they turn white during winter. I have quite a few of them, all ages, and I have called then all Bobtail. Out of the blue this name popped into my head one day. From a watch with mother children's programme, called Rag, Tag and Bottail. Rag was a mouse, Tag was a hedgehog, and Bobtail was the rabbit. Strange the things we store in our minds. I used to watch 'Watch with mother when I was a child, the programme ran from 1953-65. Does anyone else remember these programmes? Giving my age away now!   A simple frame
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Wow, everyone's work is so inspiring. Annie, that beach belongs here; aren't you hitting winter now? ;-) All I've been fiddling with is a North American map showing where I've touched down over the years but it's not finished yet. Meanwhile...


I'm scurrying around with a wedding coming up tomorrow, Fri June 11 at 6pm (thank goodness that will be over!) My daughter, Laurey, is the Mother of the Bride.  She has dubbed it The Wedding of the Century! My oldest, Debbie, just flew in from California with her son Will, daughter-in-law, Lucy and baby Magic who turned ONE last Friday! Baby Logan's parents are in the wedding party.  I'll be traveling via limo with my youngest, Beth, and her crew tomorrow (but baby Sonya stays home), to the wedding venue up in the woods of North/East Pennsylvania at a resort called Silver Birches. We'll have the ceremony outdoors and the reception is indoors. The zookeeper bride's Puggle-dog, Riley, will be the ring-bearer among other assorted hi-jinx!


Pictures to follow. Meanwhile, here's the Amazon shot of my dress..  :-D

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