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May RANDOM Challenge - WordArt


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My last May Random WordArt challenge page for  this month.  It's only now my apple trees are blossoming, and who should I find picking insects from the  blossoms, but this delightful little  warbler.  To the best of my knowledge I have 2 pairs here.  I used a watercolour splatter brush to create the mask.  Out of bounds technique on the  little bird's tail.  word art.  Again, I used the mesh warp tool on the word Warbler.  I cheated a little, I used the  wordArt quote which I had created for a previous project.
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I had fun playing with the script again. Getting the hang of it now. The fonts are Kleymissky, Century Schoolbook, Foglihten and Prida. The background is a red and gold streaked paper from Pixelscrappers latest freebie and I added all the square punches. I'm feeling a little witty... ;-)
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Wow! Sue, Ann, Annie, and Corrie, your WordArt layouts are outstanding! I really love seeing all of them. <3


Sue, some time ago, I named you "Master of WordArt" because you are an inspiration for us... But I have to tell you: The competition is getting soooo close!... Watch out for Ann, Annie, and Corrie! : D


Of course, I am just kidding... I know that here is not about competition, but sharing knowledge, practicing and inspiring...We really feel happy about each other's achievements.


I haven't been able to keep track of what everyone is doing and posting in the different threads, let alone comment on each one's work, but be sure I love seeing what you all are doing!

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My dear, dearest Cristina!  Thank you so much for your praise on my work.  I remember it well, when you  named  me Master of WordArt.  It was certainly high praise. I was chuffed to bits.  I also remember many years ago, that we agreed, that we have very similar styles. I have always and still do admire your work.  What can  I say, other than, I am going to have to up my game, if I'm to retain the title. LOL   I agree Corrie, Anne and Ann have created wonderful WordArt pages.  A few words of encouragement and advice goes a long way.  I totally agree, and I've said it before we are on this  site to share knowledge, encourage and inspire one and all. While bonding lasting  friendships.
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Cristina thank you so much for your kind words, but it is Sue I have to thank for her encouraging comments and  explanations of her technics to many of us newcomers. I find those complementary to the TUTs and very helpful on the smaller details such as using the warp mesh. Seeing all the different pages here is a great inspiration and help in finding what I like for my own style. Besides that it is wonderful making new friends all over the world and learning about nature in all those parts of our planet. It has made the one and a half year of Covid-19 much more bearable for me!
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Everyone beautiful work.


Ann, Hilarious  :-D  Also, didn't know I was copying you with the tape frame.


Annie, Love without respect...absolutely! love you're winter although I'm glad we are done with it for this year.


Corrie and Sue, Beautiful and inspirational.





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I started working on this a few days ago and just had time to finish it.  I got this quote off of a calendar page years ago and have always liked it.  I have the original page taped to the side of my P C tower where I know I will see it everyday.
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They forecast a hear wave for this week and well into next week.  Unfortunately they weren't wrong!  Temps rose  (pardon the pun) to 38c this afternoon.  To hot for man or beast, so I retreated to an air-conditioned house after lunch.  It's a full time job, keeping the 5 bird baths clean and full, and then I have 3 small bowls dotted a round for the ground squirrels and  the hares, when they come out at night.  The font for the  Roses is Monabelia.  Used one of my sunrise photos to fill the  word mornings. I have a moderately small collection of fonts, which I  really like, and  use them over and over in my projects.  The words up and to font is called Stories.  I've had it  some time, acquired  it when it was a freebie.  I see it's on sale now for $1 in creative fabrica.
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More contributions to the WordArt challenges!  The Campus is buzzing in all threads!


Sue, I don't envy you... already 38°C so early in the season! : ( ...Summer hasn't started yet, at least officially!


Dear Annie, I heart your comment too, my friend! <3

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Sue, I do that often. I love to use a pattern in my title but I usually end up changing it to a plain colour ... as you say, they tend to stand out better. I do love the patterned Roses text though ... maybe you will be able to use it in a future project! :)
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