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May FREEBIE challenge


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Freebies are great resources that you can find in many places to build a library of elements, graphics and tools. Since they are free, they are available to all.


Let's see how you can use some fun free elements in your next graphics projects.


This freebie is less than a whole kit: it includes some papers and elements but you will likely want to add more elements or use these only as accents, so what will you do with it? Click on the preview to reach this designer's blog and get the link to download.




Are you up to the challenge? Post your projects in this thread or, if you want, our PSP Scrapbook Showcase pinboard on Pinterest is always there to showcase what is being shared in the Campus (if you need an invite, let me know). Or you can post it in our Facebook group.

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Happy Mothers Day   best Teacher,  Kind Smart Cassel,


I am happy this has a frame now,  This is my Mom after her stoke to get her legs arms working again.   But she never got her mind back she doesn't know even her own children.


Moms in the red sweatshirt, I am in purple.

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Well I did use the kit almost in it's entirety, two of the flowers missed out.  I did add green leaves and brown leaves.  The layout is a template from Gina Jones of Pixel Scrappers.  The photos are of Australian pelicans sourced from Australian Geographic.  The title alpha is one I created recently.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  :D
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I used a lot of the kit, mainly the  papers.  For the background paper, I used the photo in effects, and  this is what it generated, after using  several effects, and randomized parameters. I created and decorated the label. I used the brad factory for the  square beads. Scalloped  edge. it took longer to create the first line, as I did 2 sizes. Once I did that  to create the square it was plain sailing, by duplicating the  line of scallops I did. I've been quiet, due to spending more time out taking photos etc than  indoors.  Cheeks, and they are all named Cheeks, they are not only cheeky chappies, but they fill their cheeks with  food, to take  back to their burrows to store.  They pinch the  bird seed off the floor, which fall from the feeders when the birds are feeding. Everyone is a winner!
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Very nice work Cindy.


Annie, your page is lovely. The Pelicans are beautiful.  I like the added touch of the leaves.  I actually considered adding leaves to my page, but  in keeping with the time of year, I didn't as  the trees are only now  showing signs of budding. The word fill works well with the layout.

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Normally I start with a photo and choose then my papers, colors, elements. So this challenge presented me with a real "challenge". But here it is; I used all the papers but toned some of the colors down with the blend mode. Made a frame out of the scalloped paper and found a matching border by the same maker of this freebie kit. The photo was taken last week on a walk on a little estate not far from where we live.
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I was doing a tutorial on splatter portrait so I added some of the elements of this freebee to the portrait.I changed all the colors to fit with my photo. The photo is a freebee also. Can't remember where I got it.

The splatter portrait tutorial is here:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Lovely work Sue. Cheeks looks adorable ... gotta love ground squirrels. Lovely brads from the brad factory and your label is sublime. Well done dear friend.

Thanks for your kind comments on my Pelicans page, always appreciated Hon.

And ... your Apple A Day page is also delightful ... I think the 'cheeks' in your territory do very well indeed! ;D

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