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Double Take Challenge 2021


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Creating a double page wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.  Using the template that Carole provided in the tutorial sure helped.   The only problem today was for time.  I couldn’t find the right scrap paper to do the squares, so I used plane papers that I made.  The squares seem kind of plain to me.  If I would have had more time, I probably would have made polka dots or stripes or something lol.




The Template I used was from Katie the Scrapbook Lady and the kits I used were called “Easter Time” by Lisa Minor and “All Hopped” by Cutie Pie Scraps.



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My day 1 is still a work in progress. Creating a template is a little harder than I thought it was going to be. My rectangles moved on me! I need to learn how to lock my layers. Corrie I love your colors, Sandra your Easter pics are cute! Sue I love both of your layouts! Someday I am going to see a moose live and in person! I live in the south and when I have gone north we have never seen one! My mother used to send me a stuffed one every year because she knows I like them.
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Corrie, did you say you made both pages to display them, but did you try to upload them separately? You can do it, as long as you upload the page 2 first (the forum inverts them).


Sue, those pages are so elegant, and showcase a majestic animal. Very well suited!


Sandra, since you save a copy in .pspimage, you will have many opportunities to tweak it and change the paper or add elements as you go.


Laurie, to link the layers, select all the layers you want linked together (using the Ctrl key), and then click the Link icon on top of the Layers palette.

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Sandra, you created a fun double page, well done.


Laurie,  thank you for your kind comment on  my pages. I always appreciate them. It's  quite rare to see Moose out in the open, they prefer treed and wet marshy areas,  especially  when the weather warms up.  I hope you get to see one in person,  I always feel privileged, and humbled, when they grace me with their presence.


Carole,  thank you ever so much for your compliment on my pages.   Praise from you  means a great deal to me.  I had to create pages to do these  magnificent animals justice.

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When I was a child, I spent hours looking at my father's West Point yearbooks and one of the sports he participated in, lacrosse, was one that skipped my generation and I only knew what it was because I had seen pictures of him playing it. Many years later, I was walking around my neighborhood and saw kids with equipment that reminded me of pictures of my father and I asked what game they were playing and it turned out to be be lacrosse.  Now my grandson is playing the same game his greatgrandfather played some 80 years ago.
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Looking forward to this challenge.  I have decided to use photos of a trip to the Northern Territory with our grandkids. Here is day 1.  It's so good to revisit making things into masks, you don't realise how much you have forgotten until you view Carole's videos again.
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This is my Day 1. I abandoned the idea of creating my own template and figured out how to download the free one. I didn't realize the Template name was a download link. This was easy once I had a real template to follow. I will try again at a later time to create my own template. All of the photos are mine, and the poetry is original poetry written by my daughter Melissa Shaw.
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Sue mentioned and shared pages she created in 2018. I checked to see what my folders held and I discovered that I had completed the challenge but I don't think I shared them. Nothing has been resized...so...I will share both...2018 and 2021. So far, I have completed only Day 1 for 2021.


These are from 2018. Fewer pictures of Penny because I had not had her long.

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Ok, my turn. I finally did the first assignment. Don't have as much time nowadays with the theater open. Here's my granddaughter Jackie's bridal shower from early April. I have a lot of photos so didn't do much with the second page at all except for a floppy bow. I used a bit of lace this time, unusual for me but that's my Jackie. *love*


If you peek hard at the 2nd page in the middle you'll glimpse the bridegroom who arrived at the end with an enormous bouquet of flowers for his honey. :-)

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Great work, Everyone! It is amazing how different each page can be using the same template.


Laurie, Poppy and Penny are so afraid of everything...they yowl and yowl when in a car. That's how we know if they are really sick...they don't yowl. I would love to take them places but it wouldn't work.  I'll just have to love them at home. Last time I was away it was for 8 days. They were glad when I returned...for about 10 seconds...then it was back to normal.


Thank you for you comments.


Raymond, Key West is on my list...never been there...maybe one day.


Laurie, beautiful photos and one very talented daughter!


Jean and Ann, you have beautiful families...and lots of fun too, I'll bet.

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Barbara, Lacrosse is one game/sport I haven't tried. Wish I had had the opportunity when I was younger. I think it is great that you grandson plays!


Sandra, love your colors...great kids!


Corrie, love your colors too...Both pages pop!


Sue, what can I say...your pages are awesome! I have visited Maine several time and never seen a moose...barely missed one once...but missed him nonetheless.


Ann, your vacation looks like it was tons of fun...great layout!

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Here is Day 1. The pictures in the ovals are my nieces. There are two pictures of each of their kids in chronological order.


We have big birthdays this year. In addition to the new addition, three are reaching milestones - 6, 10, and 13. One of the others turns 12 and has already started counting the days to 13. Noah turns four which means age is irrelevant as long as there are presents.

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I had more difficulties today with trying to switch templates around and thankfully Carole is great with replying fast to questions.  She told me about her script which is called “Switch It All”.   I was very thankful that not only was it free but a definite time saver.


The template is called In Pieces by Connie Prince.   She makes some of the nicest templates. The kit I used was called ‘Genuine Boy’ by JSS.

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Carole, You are referring to an answer I gave Ann about the travel challenge of last year that had those doouble pages too. Here is my work of day 1 of this challenge and no problems I'm just a bit behind but we had such lovely weather overhere and that will only last for a day. So I was outside making photos etc.
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This is my Day 2. It was much easier to make a template for Day 2. I think Day 1 was too complicated, with too many parts! This was easy to create, and after creating the template, I used Filter Forge to give me a rain effect, in the background. These are some of my favorite rainy day pictures and another one of Melissa's poems.
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Day 2.  I kept in keeping with the previous pages. As the Moose is also a  hoofed mammal, and the largest member of the deer family.   Here are a few more of my visitors. This female antelope has her fawns in the horses field, she has done so for   many years.  Plenty of  tall grass for the fawn to hide, and ample  lush green feed.


Bonnie, thank you ever so much for your kind comment on my Moose page.



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Fantastic work everyone, every page is different, and tells a different meaningful story. Someone posted a La Crosse page, now I can't find it. Anyway, I played La Crosse during my grammar school days. When my daughter took an interest in polocrosse in pony club, I joined in, Rachael went on to compete in that sport at an intermediate level. Those were fun years. Polocrosse is a combination of polo and lacrosse.
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