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Double Take Challenge 2021


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?


What do you plan to feature in your double-pages project?


The challenge will start on April 19th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.


And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.


Here is the link again: https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/double-take-challenge/


Let us know if when you are registered, and in order to help and inspire others, tell us what you plan on showcasing. Don't worry, you can always change your mind, but I am sure other participants will love to get ideas.

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Man I love You guys you just dont know.


Hi All,   I cant wait to  been having some troubles with my eyes but on some things now hope it helps.     Older than 65 how do you do it?    Stay together Stay on track,  ect?     What is the key?   thanks  trying to keep my mind good this is Awesome cause I love it.

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Corrie: I did the vacation challenge last year as my introduction to the Campus. It was a true challenge to post my work because I had to split each page in half to meet the 600px posting requirements. I had not planned the pages that way to start so I had to do a lot of maneuvering. Not sure if that was actually required. What did  you do with the 7200 x 3600 pages? Here's an example of one of my pages from last year reduced to 600 x 300.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all :)


I'm joining in too, hope I will manage to keep up with the challenge, stil have to finish the last project of the study group.


I think this challenge will be about the pets we had over the years, nice way to honour and remember them. We now still have a dog and one cat. (At one time we had 7! cats at the same time :)




Nice to "see" familiar faces here, we are almost like family here :)

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Hi this is my second big Challenge. My theme is "Finding Beauty". I love being out in nature, I love trying to capture beautiful moments in photographs. The pictures I have taken over the years. I plan on featuring some of my daughter's poetry with my pictures.


Carole, I really like your template for the first page but I don't think it is available anymore. Off the top of your head, do You know of a similar template out there. If not, no worries, I will put the time into research. Thanks, Laurie

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Laurie, the template is available there. I just checked. It does not direct to her blog anymore so she gave me a direct link to download it.


As for your other question, your layer will need to be a raster. You can create shapes with a vector shape, so the layer will be vector, but you will need to convert it to raster before continueing.

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Laurie, your layers will be raster. When you create masks, the mask layer will open as a raster layer. If you are going to create rectangles or circles using the  rectangle/ellipse tool, they are created as vectors, so you'll have to promote them to a raster  to change them into  a mask.
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Ann, I did my pages so I could split them for posting. It was a bit of a challenge because it was also my first one, but I had done the Basic Scrap Course on my one (I wished we had the studygroup then). This is one of the really double ones. See you, I'm almost finished with day 1, but I'll post it tomorrow; it's after midnight overhere.
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It looks I'm going to be the first to post day 1 of the Double Take Challenge.  Taking into account that I didn't need to  create the masks, as I have done  this challenge before.  I did modify the pages to suit the photos.  The cow and now a yearling Moose visit  the trees out back occasionally, I also see them  around and about, they really do cover a lot of ground with their long legs in search of  food.  They stayed for 3 nights and 3 days, when I took these photos, and hundreds more during that time, on the 30th March -1 April.  I didn't invade their space,  and through their occasional visit, the  mother had grown to tolerate my presence, and appeared to be quite comfortable having me  around.  Always keeping a  large tree between them and myself. It's common sense to avoid females with calves and yearlings, as well as  bulls in the Autumn rut. We have Willow trees, which they are very partial to. Where we live, they don't have any predators.  Only humans,  and over the years their numbers have  decreased, yet the conservation officers continue to issue tickets  to hunters, to enable them to  hunt them.  Along with loss of habitat.
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Some of you will have seen these pages, which I  created for the  first Challenge I did in 2018.  Hard to believe it was that long ago. One year I documented the  life cycle of the ladybird, all four stages.  Egg, Larva, pupa, and adult. They are at their most venerable, while they wait for their spots to change colour and harden, which can take up to 2 hrs.  Macro photography.
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