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What are you working on (in September 2020)?


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I loved the girl I found for my gaming group's theme today, Bodycon Styled, but I really wanted to glam the page up. I took a small piece of her dress, resized it and used Effects: Reflection Effects: Pattern to get a background I liked. I duplicated the background, rotated the copy by 90%, then reduced the opacity and merged. I followed some of the following tut, but did not have time for the plugins. https://www.artistrypsp.com/Jemima/Tutorials/2016Frames/SunsetFrame/sunsetframe.htm
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Fabulous page Michele,  From a small sample one can get awesome background papers from the effects tool bar,   reflection, kaleidoscope, and many more, no  two layouts are ever the same.  I don't do  tutorials, but I'm going to check  out the site  you used.


Autumn tag page.  Not many techniques used in this one, out of bounds,  extraction ( I replaced the background with a plain one, simple word art, and  the bow I love  best of all, Cassel's floppy bow 15.  The fots are  Warrior Script, and Cheddar Cake factory.

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I keep buying these paint spatters usually the watercolor ones and after watching the Master Class Video called “Brush Work in PSP”, I decided to try making my own.  I used the colors light orange and dark red.  In my brush variance pallet, I changed the hue, increased the size, and I changed my rotation.  For a first attempt it did not turn out to bad.   I played around with the opacity on the layers panel.   I used Cassels newspapers bits for the lettering and blended it in.


If any one has any ideas on how I could have made this better please let me know.   I really appreciate all the tips and ideas that have been given to me over the time I have been here.


Beautiful work every one.  I am really inspired by the variety that every one does.



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Somehow or another I missed a whole page of layouts. :(


Bonnie... Love the quote you used on Really Small Gang. It fits perfectly. Yes, the guys are going to want one of their own "Bonnie" pages. Well done. Ahhh, I see you did one for the boys; great job incorporating "gang" into it. Wonderful stamp layout. And more "gang" incorporation, love it.

Sue... You make the most exquisite postcards. Anyone would be honored to receive one. Wow, Sue, terrific job on creating your own word frames, the Autumn Female is great. Yellow Rumped Warbler is another stunning card. You are taking making frames to a whole other level. Lovely Sunflower card with the extraction.

Michele... Totally awesome daily pics, it is so hard to decide which one I like the best. Guess I will have to pick them all. Nice Body Con theme for your gaming group. Thanks for sharing what you did.

Sandra... Knocked out by your spider layout. Great choice of kits to use. Your spider looks like the ones we have around here and call banana spiders. Nice work on the paint splatter. Wonderful color choice and I really like the inclusion of the newspaper bits.

Cristina... a darling layout. The colors work so well with the photo and your cluster is spot on. (Did you make the banner too?)

Ann... Great layout, with or without the shadows. Love how you extracted part of the background layer to overlay the layer above it.

Nemisis... A wonder layout, beautiful colors and the perfect quote.

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Hi Nemisis, Michele, Sue, and Sandra, all of your projects looks great!


Michele, another tool I've never used  -- Reflection Effect>Pattern --  I tried and I liked the effect it creates. I am noticing that there are so many tools that I never touched. And thanks for the link!


Sue, I also loves this bow... in fact I am a big fan of Cassel's bow scripts...I love to see them at work!



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Karon, thank you very much for your kind comment! And, no, I didn't make the banner. It was a freebie, Fun in the Sun Add-On "WA Banners" from Palvinka, as I credited her on my comment. I tweaked a bit because it said "Fun in the Sun," and as I had the word Fun for the title, I deleted this word from the banner. :)
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Learning to use the Change to Target brush:


Here's a family photo with my granddaughter, Anna on the right and her husband, Tj , on the far left, when his parents and sister visited from South Korea. I color changed Mama's handbag from red to blue and I changed Anna's dress from red to green.


I will post both photos so you can see the color change.

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My company all went back to Vermont and finally I had  a little time to play on the computer.  I tried the September Sketch Challenge  this morning.  I don't think my effort came out all that well ... so I decided to do another and make my own.   Am uploading both because it's always fun to at least try, right?  Have you EVER had it happen that you go off to look for something that you want to use and you just happen upon stuff you just HAVE TO HAVE?  Well, that's what happened to my first one.  LOL  I happened upon a site with all kinds of free scripts.  Naturally, you must download them, right?  So I used a few in the first attempt to see if they worked and I think that's where you go wrong.  Don't deviate from your initial plan.  Anyway, I had fun.  I do think the second one came out better as I stuck to my plan.  Have a good day, everyone!
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Ann, you achieved a nice result with the Change to Target Brush. I never tried it.


Minka, I also think that both layouts are great. I want to try the Sketch Challenge, but I am stuck, uncertain which photos to use. This happens very often. :)


Lynda, very nice layout; I like the way you mixed the photos with the Pic-to-Painting effect... And it allowed me to learn a little bit about tomatillos. :)

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Ann... Don't you just love that change to target brush. I use it all the time when pictures include my old carpet. You did a great job on changing the colors of the shirt and purse.

Minka... Both layouts are stunning. In all honesty I'm more partial to the Love to Sail as we have had a problem with seagulls since the hurricane.

Lynda... Love what you did with the tomatillos in the pic to paint. I keep think I'm going to try it out; but somehow never get around to it.

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WOW WOW WOW absolutely stunning work by all.   Such inspiration.    I did a word overlay Ken and Royanne Autumn 2020 per Cass instructions.  I added a bit of blur to it.   I made the paper by paint brushes using colours from the picture and applied a blur and texture.   I applied a bevel to the photo.   I went to the free site https://www.nextpng.com/ and found the turkey.   Used some other elements from purchased kits.  Applied the drop shadows from Cass.
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Howdy Ya'll!


This cooler weather sure feels good to me. We have now celebrated our 49th anniversary in a lock down mode so not exactly the fun and games with folks we had planned. Looking forward to next year being a lot better for all of us.


I am still on lockdown having the 5 strikes against me but at least I can get my hair cut on the day the salon is closed. I am enjoying the care Sue gives me and John can go with me and get his locks trimmed as well.


What I uploaded has a bit of a tall tale.. The food boat was a virtual reality model I built for Cybertown back in 1999. It was part of an oriental world museum I built with lots of China's and Japan's artifacts which I also built just for fun.


It amazes me the stuff you can find on an old hard drive.



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