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What are you working on (in September 2020)?


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hello Sue once again your pages are beautiful ! and I have enjoyed viewing them this morning......  I also make my own cards and that is my main use for PSP  I print them out on special paper  and add them onto my card bases. .. Thank you for sharing your projects here in the forum as i do not do face book .


hope this note finds you well,


best wishes,



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Well here it is. I could still be editing the wings this time next week, but there come a time when I have to say, stop. I did what Sheila Hogg recommended. I selected a portion of the promoted to a new layer wings, mirrored horizontally, matched to the ones on the right side, erased using a soft brush to remove the original wings, and fair play I matched them perfectly, even if I say so myself. I then played with a few tools to reveal a little of the frame underneath, without loosing any detail on the wings. I used the push tool to lift the out of bounds wings, and did the same with their shadows. To give some dimension. All in all I'm almost 100% happy with it. Only a few would know that their wings are transparent, myself included, but her wings, with the light and colours from the tree and sky, give them that stained glass windows effect. The heart is a font, which I used an inner bevel and shadow on. Word art, scalloped mat was created using a flower brush. The lace doily and dragonfly elements are Cassel's. So there she is,

a most beautiful creature if ever I saw one.

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It's a joy to come here and see all this fantastic work. Great job, Everyone!


Sue, your photos and pages are outstanding! ... I agree with you in giving credits to Carole; I have learned so much from her all these years, and I am sure I will learn a lot more in the future.


Karon, thank you so much for your kind comment on my layout <3 ... I admire your work and creativity; you not only create something with the Lab Tutorials but also with each one of the Experiments and Fonts! Your work is a source of inspiration.

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Sue your layouts are beautiful and thank you for taking the time to explain how you do it.   I never thought to adjust the opacity etc thanks for the tip.


Karon thank you.  I love your layouts you did a wonderful job with LAB 10 Module 9.


I was watching the Master Class Video called "Paintship Christmas 4"  and see where to go thru the layers menu to new mask layer and adapt my mask from there with Gaussian Blur and a grunge brush for this new and improved masks.  I think all my projects would look better if I slowed down.  For some reason I am feeling rushed on all that I make.

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Sandra: Great job on the mask. Doesn't look like you rushed on it at all.


Jan: Love how you used Carole's fire script.


I have also completed Lab 5 Module 10 since September has begun:


Amil Schultz

Lab 5 Module 10

Lesson 1: stitched shape (stitching on leaves)

Lesson 2: random tube

experiment 2: element - stitching (on top of ribbons)

Experiment 5: fun font find - Reis

Kit: A Little County ©Kimeric Kreations


Riding Bikes

Lab 5 Module 10

Experiment 3: color/pattern - polka dots

Experiment 4: sketch template - Beth

Good Old Days ©Kimeric Kreations


taking a stroll

Lab 5 Module 10

Lesson 3: crayon edge

Experiment 1: title work - 3 differents fonts/alphas in title (Berlin Sans FB Demo, Better Phoenix, Rictoria, Sketchy)

A Girl's World ©Kimeric Kreations

JBS template

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Two images, same bird. Instead of using a mask to blend the two photos vertically, I matched the 2 pics the best I could and used the clone, and push tools. Used one of my masks on the other bird and placed a tilted frame around it. I also used a font heart, removed part of the frame, merged down, sculpture, drop shadow. At this time of year, as birds are leaving others are arriving, stopping off for a week or so, before continuing on their long journey south to warmer climes. I'm doing a series of these bird and insect  post cards. 5x7 photo  paper. When working on  a page I double the size of the  page. I love seeing them, and make the most of their short but sweet visit. I won't see them again now until next Spring, when they make their way north, to their breeding grounds. I chose this song, as it's fitting for this post card. Do you know who sings this song? I'll add the singer's name tomorrow.
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With this pesky pinched nerve of mine, I haven't been able to do anything except for the daily pics for my gaming group. Just thought I'd share some recent ones I did. If anyone is curious about how I did something, I'm happy to share. Hope you enjoy looking.


Hey, I just discovered that you can drag and drop the pics to the Upload Images icon. That just made it a lot easier to share.

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This is a picture of a Writing Spider that we found in our garden last month.  It was very big.


I took a mask made by Melo at Pixel Scrapper and used it and it landed perfectly on a bg paper from a kit called " Faboolous Halloween" by La Galerie De Jackie and I used the embellishments in a kit called "A Bootiful Night" by Designs by Stina.


The spider web was perfect with the spider picture and mask I used.

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Here is the layout I created to practice the Lab10-M09 tutorials (Diamond2 - Banner Alpha - Interlocking pattern).


I am not a fast scrapper, but I like the long process of creation; even when I am not 100% satisfied with the result, I always learn something. I created a cluster to see if, with time, I get more comfortable with it.


Credits: Cassel> Layered Flowers Script - String White-Orange Tube - Pinned paper technique; Palvinka>"Fun in the Sun" WordArt banner - "We Love Summer" elements - JanClark-PSJuly20-Paper11 Background paper


Fonts: Blue Highway - Berlin Sans FB Demi

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