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August COLOR challenge - Perle Noir


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Did you know that Sherwin-Williams promote a new color every month? Of course, they are in the paint business, so it makes sense, but at the same time, it can be a great resource for colors and color palettes, so I thought that we can use some of their suggestions to use in our projects.


In August, their featured color is Perle Noir. It is very dark purple, almost black. Because it seems to be very neutral, it can definitely let you showcase other colors brilliantly. Add a pop of color in a cluster, or in your photo for a dramatic effect. Of course, you don't have to create everything with that color, but use it to get started and let's see where it will lead you.


What will you do?

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I had this color in mind.. and PAPER! .. AND STORIES..


See what I came up with..basically my PAPER resume


The font is Britannic Bold, the alpha is from a kit - Somewhere in Time


All the other illustrations I found on the newspaper websites and the little bundle at the bottom right is a free transparent png


I made all the colored papers myself..filling with a brick texture for the one. Background is SW Perle Noir


UPDATE: I added a frame and a nameplate. See what you think..

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Here is the layout I created for this challenge.


To the background color (Perle Noir), I added 2 layers of overlays:  ps_sheila-reid_43504_word-scramble-OVERLAY_cu AND ps_sheila-reid_58974_distressed-set-2-texture-05_cu.


I added the "Ice Cream template" freebie by Cassel (2019Aug - Blog post "Theme-Ice Cream." I also created a "Word Sticker" (Lab9-M05).


Ribbon by dedesmith "dedesmith_dreamvacation_ribbon1"


FONTS: Hobo Std - Ravie - Showcard Gothic



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Here is my layout for the August colour challenge. I used an overlay on the background paper (Perle Noir).  Adjustment layers on the photo, with a  silver frame.  Fonts are Copper alt caps for the  Morning Glory, and soft ornaments for the element.  Sculpture texture used on  both.   The Morning Glory flowers have long gone over, but when they  were in bloom, I  would have my morning cuppa outside gazing at their beauty.
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Thank you Cristina, you are always so complimentary about my pages. Coming from another  psp artist, I appreciate it.  I'm a fan of using  the adjustments layers on photos.  I can always go back a t a later date, and if I choose to do so, I can reverse the  brightness, even  change the photo.


Enjoy your weekend.

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