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What are you working on (in August 2020)?


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We had some pretty rough weather in Crystal Lake on the 10th. Thirty years here and we've never have had the lights out for more than 15 minutes. This time was a bit different. Five hours, lights out! We felt the need for some illumination so we pulled out our dust covered candle collection. Thought I'd share it with you.
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I was away from the Forum for a few days, and coming here, I see so much creativity!


Blending and Texturing; Beautiful Cake; Ice Cream - Pickleball -  Friends; Cute Cats named Poppy and Penny;  Dragonfly Ribbons; Home-canned Vegetables/Split Photos; A lovely Story about a Woodchuck (what I only knew before as groundhog), and last but not least, Candles!


Wow, fabulous work, Nemisis, Sheila, Bonnie, Corrie, Lynda, and Minka!

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While waiting for the Story Time Challenge to start I am experimenting a bit and this is a layout I did with  a slat! Something I never used before. The photo is from a walk in a nearby forest and heather area. For those of you who live in USA, Canada, Australia the dimensions of this forest will be nothing like those in your countries! But it is still a nice place to go for a two or three hours walk. I also used the cluster template from Carole. We are having a heatwave at the moment so I'm not doing very much at all besides waiting for it to pass!
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Michele... so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend Smitty...   you created a lovely remembrance  page of him. friends and loved ones and the memories shared together will always remain in our hearts.


best wishes to you my friend,



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Here is the layout I created to practice the tutorials from the Lab10-Module 7 (Negative Effect - Layered Shape - Clapperboard). It was fun, and every time I practice new tutorials and participate in the challenges, I learn a little bit more.


The negative effect (arrow) is very subtle because I thought the layout was already too busy with all the patterned papers.


I used the template from the Lab5-Module10, tweaking a bit to suit my needs.


Background paper  "Painted Paper2" - Paint paper 05 by Melo Vrijhof (Pixel Scrapper).


Other papers by Kayl Turesson - Pixel Scrapper 2019May Spring Cleaning Blog Train.


Ribbons: FD_BeOfGoodCheer_RicRac_07 / ps_janet-scott_37941_quilted-with-love-geometric-ribbon


From Cassel: Admission Ticket (Creative Scrap>Tags and Journaling>Ticket) and Brad (Creative Scrap>Miscellaneous>Flair Button).


Fonts: Bariol Bold and Hobo Std

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As a quit like making cards I made this one just for fun while waiting for the next challenge to start tomorrow. I used the Vector Spiral Script which I found in the Featured Resources. I placed the text on the spiral and hid the spiral itself. It says congratulations in Dutch. The sunflower photo is mine as always, the frame was a freebie of Carole sometime ago.


It is a double card but you cann't see that very well because the background is white, but I use it to print and send to some one by oldfashioned mail!

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Hello Corrie.. your card is very nice and I am sure it will be well received... glad you like making cards and  printing them out to send by mail... card making is my main hobby  and  you can create really nice cards  using PSP.


best of wishes,



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Very nice card, Corrie. I like how you used the Vector Spiral Script with the sunflower.


Hello, Dawn. :) Thank you so much for your comment. It is always appreciated, my friend. <3 ... Best wishes to you!


Bonnie, you've been busy! The layouts are lovely. I am sure your friends love it when you show them what you do with the pictures.

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