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July Random Challenge - CLUSTER TEMPLATE


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How about a challenge that is just different?


Once in a while, I will present you with a challenge to do something that might or might not be repeated in other months. Just an idea that popped like that (and you can also send me suggestions for occasional random challenges too).


This time, I am including a layered template for a cluster. Remember that a template is ONLY a guide, and you typically don't replicate the exact shapes. Replace circles by a flower, or replace stars by buttons. Replace rectangles by ribbons or strings, etc. You get the picture!


Now, click HERE to download the layered template. Then, incorporate it into your next project.



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Okay ... I played with it ... but mine didn't end up looking anything like the template.  Two of the most fun things I have learned while with the campus is to use the pick tool a whole lot more ... and use shapes.  It's okay to go your own way.  So the stuff she gave us is in there, it just doesn't look the same.  But I had fun playing!
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Carole Thank you very much for the free cluster template. As I mainly use PSP for making cards I have used the cluster template in this one below. The photo was taken by my in-laws and I have used Cassels Slats Script on it. Flowers and paper in the cluster were made by me and I used Cassels Hammered Metal Script on the map of Australia.


Lynda your cluster looks great.


best wishes to all,



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Dawn, I am so happy to see your amazing work being posted here again. :) This is a beautiful layout, and I love the effect of the photo with the slats script (another one for my wish list), and the cluster is lovely. Best wishes, my friend. <3


Minka, it doesn't look the same as the template, but the layout is very nice! I really like it.


Lynda, I like the cluster with parts of photos, brads... very creative.


Hi Susie, welcome! They are adorable!

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Dawn, I  love this. It is quite beautiful. You've used the cluster as well as the slats scrip to great avail. Photo choice used with the slats is spot on.




Your babies look great...can't beat that smile.




Love your theme. Something worthwhile and it's put together well.



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Hello  Cristina... Thanks so much for your kind message  dear friend ... always appreciated.   I have had this slats script for awhile  and thought this was the opportunity to use it again.


Hello Lynda thank you also for your kind comments ...  appreciated very much.


best wishes to  you both,



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Cluster challenge. I did a great deal to create this page, masks, cloning, adjustment layers, rotate, fancy text, out of bounds. Textures, shadows. Created a bracket frame I used the section tool a great deal.  I love everyone's interpretation of the cluster.   Such wonderful creativity by everyone.
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Hi Dear Bonnie. I am fine my friend, I think I may have caught the depression of Spirit that is a by-product of COVID! Really struggling with my creative mojo but this simple cluster challenge has sparked my interest ... here's hoping! I hope all is well with you and yours. <3
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Jnet  your cluster is  beautiful.


Annie Thank you for your comments..  totally understand about your creative mojo I think there is many folk who have experienced it during this covid pandemic.. hopefully as the days pass creativity will return for you.


best wishes to  you both,



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